The Journey Begins...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Another log with my wildcat. Its very short yes...but its day one of a 7-8 day trip to the Halyard from way of the river and sea coast(so STARTED June 1st and around June 9th ICly trip is Now ICLY no one knows where they are and should stay that way for a while as I don’t want sparrows following the boat, don’t want otters finding it yet, they will manage to stay fairly hidden for a while.

SS Salty Paw:Deck

This is the SS Salty Paw. A fine sailing ship if there ever was one. It’s not large, yet not small, and has a cozy below deck area to sleep in or relax. There is the steering wheel and of course the mast and sails to make the ship go down river or on the sea coast. The ship is a light black color with lines of blue and a picture of a paw on the side, above it reads ==SS SALTY PAW==


Jedrick was watching the passing trees quietly as they traveled down the river. “Least the day is not hot, not always fun for fur ya know.” He turns to the badger.

Xander speaks quietly “I..don’t know sir, I was born in summer season I think on some little island but a storm caused it to floor and lightning messed up the birth father drowned and me and my birth mother made it to shore, but injuries she got when the boat slammed into rocks…she died, and the sea gulls would of killed me if a badger named Sister Zinnia didn’t come help me, she later adopted me but …”He frowns “ I don’t know if she is alive..Zurrgg claimed he killed her and I know he killed others as I saw him kill the Bee Keeper.”

Jedrick keeps his paws behind his back, “Well it’s possible, that brother of mine never did keep captives long and most died either from his paw or from him just abandoning them to die alone somewhere when they were already weak, too weak to do much. You must of interest him if he keep you alive this long..”

Xander just nods slowly, “Over 8 weeks. I was with Uncle Zee and the wildcat Zurrgg grabbed me and keep moving around and hiding, and the monitor he has is scary I think it wanted me for a snack”

Jedrick frowns “I would never have one around as they are hard to control, always thinking about food..meat mainly.” He clears his throat anyways on to other stuff, you can’t do much and your still a servant….sweep the deck, then mop the deck. You may stat now and then you can eat , drink and go to bed”

Xander nods and looks around for the broom and starts right away, afterwards he finds the mop and cleans with it.

Jedrick watches the badger and then goes below deck once he is done, ”Since your done it is dinner time so do eat” There is fish, bread, and water.

Xander heads down below and eats quietly as its best to be quiet unless he is spoken to or so he believes to be so.

Jedrick seems to not mind silence right now. After dinner it will be bed time and the two archers will be placed where they can keep an eye on things as the boat sails silently down river.

The next day


Xander was up early and just stared at the window of the boat quietly. He stayed on his bed and didn’t get up to go anywhere.

Jedrick yawned wide as he woke and sat up to soon stand up and glances at the badger when he notices him awake “So you’re awake before I am and you didn’t try to run away..Impressive, sides you most likely wouldn’t of made it past the two archers anyways and I would have been grumpy at losing a servant when they slayed you.”

Xander slowly turns to see the wildcat and frowns, “I just be recaught…or dead so I stayed..s….sir” He starts to stutter and manages to calm himself.

The wildcat lays down a book and paper, “Practice reading and writing now, then we will have math before breakfast. Then we can go above deck a little while but most of this trip you will be below deck is that understood?”

Xander nods as he clearly understands why and so he obeys the wildcat and starts to read silently.

Jedrick goes above deck for a couple hours, he nods to the two archers and then when time has passed he goes below deck for a late breakfast with his servant. Breakfast being simple oatmeal and some cherry juice. They still have a few days of the trip left before they get to the village and most of the time will be a bit boring.

-SO the journey begins and they are into day 2 already but they still have a ways to go. What will happen? Will Xander ever be found? Will this wildcat keep him alive? happens once they get to Halyard…well your just have to find out!