The Horde goes hunting.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Drakki leads an army to hunt down an group of deserters from the horde. How will the fox's first command turn out?

Drakki is NOT having a good day. The fleshy fox bandit is currently tracking a trail of rats through a snow covered forrest. The rats did not make it easy to follow them, that is for sure. The hunt started when the sun rose, it has slowly made its way across the forrest and is begining to set in the west. Drakki is cold, hungry, and vaugly certain that at least one of his companions is plotting to stab him in the back behind him. Among the many rats that were 'vollenteered' to follow the young fox Leroy is one of them. The brown rat has slowly grown into resembling his late predisessor Bilk in the terms of girth, but lacks the courage to actually stab his vulpine least when he was awake.

A rather small black-furred rat appears quietly from admist the trees. His breath hangs in the icy air as he adjusts his weathered cloak, trudging through the snow as he approaches. The rat's yellow eyes fix upon the fox. "Drakki, dey be camped not far from here, through the trees a ways." The rat announces quietly his paw resting upon the hilt of a cruel dagger as he offers the fox a skeptical grin. "Wot be yer orders, eh?"

Ugh...orders. Drakki has spent his life as the 'follower', the guy who takes orders, not gives them. He doesn't like having the lives of beasts in his paws...mostly because they would be tempted to take his life if their buddies get killed. He rubs his eyes, "Good work um...what did you say your name was?" then quickly adds, "How strong are they? did you see what they were up too?" Then adds crossly, "Did they see /you/."

The small rat fails to reveal his name as he idley pats the hilt of his dagger. "We have 'em out-numbered two to one, 'n dey be settlin' in fer the night. No campfires, dey know we be comin' fer 'em." The rat offers the fox a yellow-toothed grin.

The fox rubs at his chin, deep in thought. The fox is by far not a strategist. The image of what the ferret would do to him if he failed though gives him inspiration. As a foot soldier, as a bandit taking orders from his leader, what would Drakki want his leader to do? Think fox think! "I don't like this...things are never 'this' easy." His last leader Dylan liked to employ distractions, to keep people off guard but mostly to mess with their head. "Leroy, I want you to gather ten or so of our warriors and head off a little ways to the east, once you get a mile out light some torches and spread out, coming back to the enemy camp," he points to the smaller rat, "As for you, I want our beasts surrounding their camp. We will drive them into us and they won't know what hit them."

A large, scarred rat Rou sharpens his sword as a team of black-furred tents erect a canvas tent. The party of deserters have settled in a small clearing, rats armed with spears huddled close for warmth as they gaurd the perimeter with caution. "Hurry up, scum, we be runnin' all bloody day 'n I need a proper meal." The rat snarls as the rats work hastily to secure the tent. "Keep yer eyes sharp boys, no tellin' how many o' dem scum dat fool o' a ferret sent after us." Rou sheathes his blade as his wicked gaze scans the trees enclosing the small clearing.

The fox pokes his head around the tree he is hiding behind. Off in the distance he can see torch's light up. They are following his orders to the letter and spreading through out the forrest, making it appear like there is a large force coming at them from the east. But too bleedin early! Drakki hopes the rest of his forces are in place. It's something he can't worry about now. As he waits he wonders if his men can tell the difference betwen their own and the deserters in the dark. Thank goodness there are no fox's among them to confuse for him...

Small flakes of snow begin to fall as the soft glows of torches blink in the distance between the trees. A pair of spear-wielding rats offer themselves looks of dismay before calling out to Rou. "Oy dere, boss, seems ol' Kanezzer sent the whole bloody horde after us!" Rou's eyes fall with defeat as the sounds and the lights surround the small camp. "Bloody hell." He mutters drawing his sword with renewed determination. "Damn dat ferret, we won't go down wit out a fight! Right, boys?" The response from his comrades is less than enthusiastic. The rats arm continue to arm themselves none the less, positioning themselves defensively between the trees as Rou paces with growing rage.

Drakki narrows his eyes. This was the second possibility he was hoping for. Idealy slaughtering them off in the woods would have been much clearner. With no where to hole up in the woods they would have made easy pickings. This is still good, they are distrated, but it could still get messy. But at least they won't be expecting to be jumped at this soon in the game. Drawing his blade the fox gives the signal to move forward. At least what he believes is the signal to move forward. He didn't get a lot of time to discuss it. If it works though Rou is about to be flanked on three sides by a horde of angry rats...

As the rats charge in between the trees Rou screams for his comrades to attack. Instead they throw down their weapons in the snow and greet the attackers with hugs and cheers. Rou begins to stamp his paws in the snow with rage. "Bloody traitors!" He grabs a nearby rat by the collar and stabs him in the gut with his sword.

Drakki blinks in surprise. He can't say that he isn't relieved to see rats react the way that they did. One rat against an army is much less stressful. Coming out from behind his hiding place the fox walks down almost casually towards the 'battle'. Drakki can't imagine the rat will go down quietly.

Tilting his head to the side the fox asks, "Slave scum?" He tsk tsks the rat, "I'm not a slave Rou...I'm a bandit. And if there is one thing we bandits are good at, it's fighting dirty." He calls out in a loud voice to all assembled, "Ok, listen up you traitorous cowards. Kanezzer doesn't take kindly to deserters but yall are given a single, rare opportunity to redeem yourselves. The first beast who brings me the hide of Rou doens't face a grizzly execution. Any takers?"

The tip of a spear bursts through the large rat's chest, the blade of a dagger slicing across his neck as multiple rats jump Rou at once. The large rat crumples in a bloody heap in the snow. A clamor of cheers raise up among the vermin gathered. A pair rats begin to pile up branches from a nearby downed tree preparing a bon fire. The small, black-furred rat approaches the vulpine. "To the victor, goes the spoils." He places a nugget of gold he had retrieved from Ruo's body and presses into the fox's paw.

The fox looks at the gold and then to the rats. No fatalities from his side, enemy dead at his feet. His army this what they call a flawless victory? The devious fox sees a way for him to earn some respect among his ratty breathern. Placing the gold in his pants pocket Drakki smiles to the rat, "You did well. We all did well. I want you to divide the plunder two ways, i want most of it sent back to Kanezzer, but leave a smaller portion to the side and let our rats take what they want from it. As for the prisoners..." He scratches his head, "That's a tough one. Take their weapons at least. I'll bring the traitors back to kanezzer and let him deal with them."

Drakki and Leroy are played by me. Rou and all the other rats are played by Kanezzer