The Hawk And The Stoat(Marek Redemption Tp..I guess, even if its short log)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

In Mossflower Woods..somewhere

Marek was busy trying to find signs of Irinevok, he thought he found him once and then lost the trail again as he growls and shakes his head. On his back is the crossbow and bolts at his side, he has a couple daggers and a long sword as well.

Boaz flies and stays close as he follows the stoat, he speaks once he is close “Boaz find nothing of mouse or anything, only found rat and rat tasted good for Boaz lunch.”

Marek shakes his head as he turns to the hawk “You are disgusting, now do not be getting to close Mr. Boaz” He looks around and area and kicks a rock, ”Irinevok killed Reseda, he has injured Zaram..he needs to pay for his crimes”

Boaz flaps over and lands on Marek’s head carefully and then to a tree branch, “It was rat, not any other beast, it tries to stab Boaz so Boaz peck till he died to death”

Marek face palms and looks at the hawk, “ Well I am so glad you ate. “

Boaz tilts his head “Marek want rat too, Boaz go find one.” He starts to fly off.

Marek makes a face “No thank you!...I am fine” Well he is not fine he has not ate in a couple days, he drank a little water due to the fact its hot outside.

Boaz nods as he flaps back and finds a place to sleep in a tree nearby, he is then soon asleep.

Marek sighs and sits down, he may as well make camp here and he won’t need a campfire as its summer now. He lies down on some moss and drifts into a light sleep, then he never was one to sleep deeply, a tap or noise would wake him up easily, he is a warrior after all.

The night goes well, Marek sleeps an hour and is awake an hour and then sleeps till morning, then is back on the hunt for a certain insane mouse.