The Great Mink Adventure Begins!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Taverns. Every adventure always had to start at a tavern. No one knew why, perhaps it was a cosmic law woven into the very fabric of the universe. Reguardless of the reason, beasts usually found themselves at the tavern before the start of a grand epic quest.

Other's just found trouble.

The pine marten had to admit that he was a little disapointed that he found neither. "...Four years. Four bloomin years I worked in the guard. I was up for promotion, but who does the chief go and hire? SssSsSsome fat and flabby fox! He wasn't even part of the guard you know?" Liam rolled his eyes at the weasel sitting next to him. The weasel's guard uniform was messed up and unbuttoned and rank with the smell of ale.

"Remind me again why you are talking to me?" Liam replied with a stern glance. The pine marten leaned forward, his mountainous rolls of flesh spilling out into his lap and against the bar as he reached for his drink. To the point that he had to suck in his gut to make the distance.

The marten was disappointed in the quality of beasts he found here tonight. The few here where mostly commoners with a few unsavory types in the darker corners of the tavern. They had the look of a beast who didn't mind brawling with another, but not enough for Liam to hire them...

There was a wildcat who'd just come into the tavern, full of barely contained contempt for most of the taverns' denizens. The attitude was rather unsuitable, considering her own shabby appearance. For somebody who'd seen very little coin for months and had only a sword and a few tattered articles of clothing for possessions, she could be very judgmental of her fellow vermin. She surveyed the tavern before selecting a seat next to a particularly fat pine marten. If nothing else, he could possibly tell her what kind of employment was available in Ferreval. Shed only been there for a day or so, hoping to gain some information before announcing to the whole world that there was a sword for hire in town. This fellow didn't look much more important than any of the others in the tavern, but it was a start. Russet turned to him, not thinking much of the fact that he was already talking to a weasel on his other side, and asked, You, pine marten, do you know if there is anybody looking for a mercenary in this town?

Liam swiveled his head around to the newcomer even as the weasel continues to ramble on. A large toothy smile splits the marten's face. Unlike the wildcat the marten is well dressed, wearing a red cloth vest and tan silk shirt tailored to cover even his girth. It was nice to be able to use it again after losing a few inches from his waist band, not that it probably mattered at this point.

"Oh Reaaaaally?" The marten's smile continued to grow until the weasel tapped him on the shoulder, "Hey...Hey Liam. Don't you find that unfair? The chief just up and hiring some...some outside over the guard? I mean..."

"He didn't promote you Stew because you whine too much." the weasel was rather shocked at the marten, both at the insult and for not even turning around to say it. "Well someone's got their tail in a knot tonight. See if I care! I'll go sit with friends! Some people, I mean seriously..." The weasel was still yammering on even as he walked away. Liam paid him no mind even as Stew left to strike up a conversation with a badger in the far corner of the room.

Liam then focused his attention back to the feline. "Oh there is always work. It just depends on what kind of work are you looking for."

Russet nodded. These were encouraging words. She watched as the weasel walked away, muttering something about unfairness and how rude this pine marten was. It didn't concern her. For a moment she thought of asking if there were any non-violent jobs available, but then again, her one talent was swinging a sword and making it hit its mark. Best to stick to what she knew. "Do you know of anybody looking for an adventurer? Any kind of fighting job will do."

Leaning his back against the bar the marten crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Really? You don't know? You must be new to town." He said with a laugh. "Well, I suppose you could be one of those blokes who thinks he is going to rescue the chieftain's daughter. See, a few weeks ago the chieftain of our village was kidnapped by some mouse with a named I can't even begin to pronounce. Irwin...Irien...Irinvok, or something like that. So now every sell sword and violent beast this side of Mossflower thinks they will strike it rich if they bring the chief's daughter back."

With a heavy sigh the beast continued, "It has however left the market for jobs around the village open for beasts such as yourself. And as it happens, I am in need of a beast like you. One with some bravery, and a capable fighter."

"Hmm. This is the first time I'm hearing about the chief's daughter." Russet rubbed her chin with a paw. No wonder there were so many vagrants and vaguely threatening-looking beasts here. "I just got into town, you see. But yes, this does sound like a lucrative job." She paused. "So long as somebody's willing to pay for the trouble of getting her. Is that what your task is, or is there something else that you need?"

The marten narrowed his eyes as he smiled, "Capital! You see, with the guard...understandably occupied, beasts of lesser moral character have tried to take advantage of the situation here. A pair of minks have been breaking into homes on the outskirts of the village. Their latest victim was one of my neighbors actually." The marten's smile faded and his tone grew dark. "They left him beaten and bleeding on the floor of his own cellar while they ransacked his home. By the time his workers came it was too late."

Liam paused, but only for a moment. "They have a bounty on them, posted by the guard. But I'm willing to pay you the bounty and a half if you bring them to justice..." The marten leaned forward, "And bring back something they stole. The victim was missing his signet ring when he was found. It has...importance to his family. The guard have their paws full but if you could find them and bring the ring to me...I would be most grateful."

The wildcat considered his story. It sounded like a good deal, but she'd need to locate the minks. They didn't sound like a particularly dangerous force to be reckoned with, but they'd certainly put up an awful fight when found. In an ideal world, they'd be weak bandits, easily taken care of, and most importantly, alone, but Russet knew better than to hope for the best. "You have any idea where they might be hiding out? If they might be part of a larger group?"

"Why are you asking me? You're the one being paid to find them!" The pine marten said before rubbing at his many chins. Finally he shrugged, "I am afraid that I wouldn't have the foggiest idea where they are. Minks are rare in the village so you have that working for you." He snapped his claws, "There is a tavern to the east of the city, the Fang and Claw. The guards go there only when a fight breaks out and even then in large groups." Again, another shrug, "And Ferreval is the only village around these parts for miles. I'm sure they would have to get their supplies from somewhere around here, legitimate means or not. As for the beasts themselves, here."

Pulling a wanted poster from his vest, Liam handed the wildcat the rough sketches of a pair of minks. One had an eye patch across one eye. Perhaps they would have looked different to another mink, but as it were, there was very little else to tell the difference between them and any other mink in mossflower.

The bounty however of 200 Ferrin for either mink was a small fortune. About the equivalent to a month's wages as far the working beast was concerned. Perhaps a bit less in places that didn't take the currency.

The bounty was alive or dead...

Russets mouth curled in amusement at the martens small outburst. What he said was true, but the more she had to go on, the easier this job would go. She examined the paper he gave her. "Ugly looking beasts," arent they? she murmured. The compensation was rather nice, though. Much more money than the wildcat had seen in a long time. Perhaps with this reward she could get back on her feet...possibly settle down somewhere, for once She looked up at Liam. "Well, I can do it. You seem pretty motivated to find these minks, so I wont ask for anything up front." She grinned at him. "But I didnt catch your name, friend. Im going to need to find you again, am I not?"

The marten raised an eyebrow. "I didn't? Oh where are my manners these days." With a good natured smile the marten stepped off from his chair and made a grand bow that would have been gracefull had his stomach not hung to his knees. "Liam will do." Liam had weighed carefully whether or not he wanted his name associated with this...venture. But in all honesty no amount of false names would save him from repricussions if this fell apart. There were not many morbidly obese martens in all of mossflower, let alone the village.

Liam kind of stuck out like a sore thumb in that regard.

"I own the Inn just down the street. You can find me there." the marten added, "You can have a room if you need it...provided you keep this task...discriet." And with that the marten nodded his head, "I await your successful return." Stepping away from the bar the marten began to walk for the door, whistling as he went.

The wildcat watched him walk away, giving him a compliant nod. If he wanted to stay inconspicuous, his size certainly didn't help with that. It would make him easier to find later on. She gazed down at the baldric strapped across her chest. Time to get to work, then.

The wildcat stood up and followed the marten out the tavern doors.

"And then...and then he hired some fox to run the guard..." Stew complained to his new 'friend' over in the corner. Somehow the term just didn't apply in any capacity for the beast that lurked under the wide brimmed otter hide hat. The burly badger sipped from his ale as he watched the marten depart, half listening to the weasel, but focused on the conversation between the wildcat and the inn keeper.

"That just isn't fair? Right? I'm right on this...right? I'm not crazy to think the chief should have promoted from within the-" The badger almost casually placed a paw on weasel's head and shoved him out of the way as he rose to follow the wildcat. He lit a pipe before exiting the tavern and thrust his paws into the pockets of tan over coat before walking out the door as well...



Liam Grey is a pine marten caught in the area of young adult. His body is covered head to toe in well groomed but short brown fur. There is a tuft of yellow on his chest that comes down to the top of his pot gut. The marten's corpulant, obese form is covered by a red tunic made of silk. It is tucked into a pair of loose fitting pants. Over the tunic Liam wears a sleevless otter hide vest. Usually his face is seen with a pleasent smile which shows off his sparkling white teeth. His posture has begun to slouch forward due to the weight of carrying around a belly so well fed.


This wildcat looks a little worse for the wear, in a dusty brown tunic and trousers. She carries a sword strapped to her back with a baldric. Her fur is gray and striped, and her eyes are a cutting green.