The Fox And The Badger-Redwall Log

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Very Short but still a log


Oz=Pap Oz and caretaker of dibbuns at the abeby

Rascal- A fox

-spoofed dibbuns an Sister Ginny

RW Abbey: Pond

The Abbey pond is practically the place to go for relaxation. The orchards that settle onto one side of the water hole provide decent shade for the more heated months to come. Various types of wild flowers grow about the edge of the ground that lightly overhangs into the pond. The pond seemingly invites one into its cool depths, which holds its fish life and multiple species of shrimp and other water dwellers.

The homely pond provides an oasis of relaxation amid the busy bustle of activity that almost always surrounds Redwall Abbey, especially in the warmer summer months when fruit and crops are to be tended to. A cool atmosphere, added to by the pond, wafts out around the pond area and onto the grass. The orchards simply extend that cool, providing shade and solace for those who wish to relax a little further from the sport that is usually taking place around the oh-so-popular pond.

A lush lawn, studiously kept, surrounds the pond, all the way up to the orchard edge, even entering the orchard - though tentatively. Rushes grow in most of the shallower places on the pond's edge, but the clear water prevails, and in most places, only a bit of a muddy bank is visible and no water reeds find hospitality there. Bugs of all types flit about the surface of the water, testing fate of those who lurk below. Sometimes a shadow can be seen skulking about the rocks at the bottom of the clear pond, but it could very well merely be a trick of the potent summer sun.

Exits: [F]ire [P]it, [R]edwall [E]ntry, [P]ath by the [G]reat [H]all, [Dive] in the pond, [O]rchards


South Wallgate

The day is clam and slightly cloudy. The dibbuns are playing it the pond and a couple novice and Sister Ginny watches them. Oz sits by a tree with a couple the smaller dibbuns who didn’t want to swim or maybe are unable to swim.

When along comes a fox. Rascal is looking better since his arrival back at Redwall. He looks sleek under his new garments. One would think he was almost healthy save for the occasional bout of crying while rocking back and forth in a tight ball.

The red fox trots along the pond, occasionally glancing at the sky with a wary look. He yelps when he eyes fall upon Oz. "Oz! Is that you!?" He dashes along, trying to leap onto the badger in a tackle hug of sorts.

Oz knows it pays to stay alert and barely manages to move out of the way and to hold on to the now wailing dibbun mouse, the rabbit dibbun decides to run over to his mother, seems the rabbit is a little afraid of foxes. The badger raises an eyebrow at whom is here, "Rascal? You seem to have been busy or left for a while then came back, what is it you are wanting?"

"I'm just happy to see that you are ok!" The fox is still giving the badger a tearful hug, "I thought for sure you would have perished by the time I got back! Being so...elderly and all." He releases his grip on Oz. "It's a miracle!"

Oz sighs and the hug happens, he shakes his head "I am just fine, had one bit of trouble but otherwise I am fine and Zee is older than I am." A couple dibbuns nearby stare at the two as if this is strange, then they go back to making some sort of mud pie.

"Trouble? It's not your heart is it?" The fox says with concern. "You need to keep yourself in better health Oz. Less vegies and more meat. That's what my uncle taught me about making your heart healthy. You know it's true because he died of liver failure." Paws on his hips Rascal continues, "Is that what people really think? That I just left?"

Oz sighs "I do not know and my heart is fine, there was some vermin problems with a wildcat, me and Brother Phil was getting some Hot root cause of all the otters from Camp Willow, they managed to capture us for a short while, I got away and ended up a bit lost in the woods couple days, seems taking advise from what thought was an odd dream saved my life, the wildcat managed to fire an arrow at my chest, but some thick bark leather vest stopped any...well fatal wounds"

The fox tilts his head to one side, "I got to admit that sounds exciting...I mean all that happened to /me/ was getting pushed off the wall by some mouse, caught by an eagle, and nearly fed to her chicks." The fox laughs the laugh of a man who isn't really laughing but pushed to the extreme so much that he either has to expend his craziness in laughter to keep himself sane. " you got better?"

Oz listens “And how did a mouse push you off a wall, and if an eagle had you how are you alive?" He then answers the question "A scar but I did recover and as far as I know Ferravale is back in the right paws, it’s not like I leave the abbey that often." He rarely leaves the abbey

"Oh I'm never leaving the abbey /again/." The fox cackles in laughter, twitching an eye. "There is nothing but death, murder, and being eaten by eagles out there. I'm never going back out there, AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME!" The fox continues to twitch his eye, his ear, and his tail all at once while nervously rubbing his paws together.

Oz crosses his arms over his chest as the dibbuns are now with Sister Ginny "You will calm yourself Rascal, unless given a reason you would not be told to leave the abbey and the road and woods are not always dangerous, just sometimes"

"NO!" The fox is almost in full panic now, "I've seen it with my own eyes man! The roads are full of shrews...can't you hear them? They are always out there, watching with their beady little eyes...probably working with the eagles. They all want to turn me into stew. STEW! STEEEEEEEEEEEW!" The fox's neatly groomed fur is starting to stand on edge as his head darts back and forth looking for shrews. Or shrews riding on eagles.

"You know, stew doesn't sound too bad right now." And just as quickly the fox returns to his normal state of mind, licking his paw and brushing down his head fur. "Nice chatting with you Oz. Take care! And remember to watch out for them shrews." And he trots off with a weird little smile.

Oz just arches an eyebrow, ok this fox is just a little off and he may need to tell the abbot about this