The Fox, the Wolf, and a Basket of Pastries Part One

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Not all role play sessions are about daring adventures of daring do, nor does every RP have to be about life changing events. Some times you just need to relax with a silly RP story with no other purpose than to be humorous. This is an example of a story with in a story. Wilks tells a story and the players assume the roles of those in the story he is telling. The players here are Flicktail and Wilks, although Bandit does make a cameo appearance as well. Let's hope he never finds out icly ^_^

Flicktail is busy whittling at a 1.5 foot tall rocking beast that looks like a pudgy chocolate fox

Said pudgy chocolate fox comes into the great hall from the cavern hole. He pauses to glance at the pudgy rocking beast before looking down and clutching his own stomach, regretting having that second slice of pie.

Flicktail looks up and smiles

Flicktail says, "I am carving Bandit"

Wilks rubs the back of his neck as he chuckles, "Ah, well in that case I think you took too much wood off around the stomach area, but, I suppose you want the dibbuns to be able to actually ride the thing..." The fox cross his arms behind his back and inspects Flicks work.

Flicktail says, "I had to if I had don it right it woudl have been a ball..not a rocker......" he shows off the fox he's even used white stone for teeth"

Wilks nods in approval, "Not bad, if you want to make it even more realistic I would recommend putting a pastry in its mouth."

Flicktail chuckes and snickers "maybe 2

Flicktail asks, "What have you been up to Wilks?" he pauses cockinghis head and squinting his eyes some"You lose some waight?"

Wilks pats his round stomach with a sigh, "Trying to at least. It's kind of hard to do when the food here is And plentiful. As much as I really hate to say it if I stay here much longer I will end up looking like bandit!" The fox shrugs, "How about you Flick? What have you been up too?

Flicktail says, "oh Just gettingready for th snowbadger... I love im ya know"

Wilks raises an eyebrow, "Snow badger?" the fox then nods in understanding, or at least he thinks he does. It's hard to tell with Flick sometimes.

Flicktail says, "Aye briningtoys to good Gels and boys"

Wilks chuckles a bit, "Is it really already that time of year? Wow, time does fly..."

Flicktail says, "I bout Bandit a pie...."

Wilks shrugs, "Seems...oddly appropriate." The fox pulls up a chair and sits down, "I am trying to decide if I should stay here for the winter or Ferrevall. The food here is a lot better can make some real gold telling stories in a tavern there...""

Flicktail says, "heaves I will push you out th gate fellow, more food fer me"

The fox cackles in laughter, "Hey now, Bandit is the glutton, not me!" The fox shakes his head, "In the mean time do you have a particular fable or story you want me to, retale," he says with a smile, "Better get used to them, if I do stay I might run out of stories before winter is over!"

Flicktail asks, "Maybe you coudl tells us one of Slayar? or Chickenhound"

Wilks rubs his chin, "Unfortunately I don't know enough Redwall history to give those stories the credit due. Maybe something simpler?"

Flicktail asks, "how about a story bout ME?"

Wilks tilts his head to the side then nods, "I can do that. What kind of story do you want to be in Flicky?"

Flicktail says, "A FUN one o course"

Wilks laughs, "What are you talking about flick? All my stories are fun." The fox ponders for a moment, "I think I can come up with something."

The story teller ponders for a moment, a story about Flicktail, a story about Flicktail...unfortunately the fox doens't know of any of Flicktails real exploits, nor does he have the energy tonight to re tale an entire balled. That leaves placing the fox into some kind of fable, that shouldn't be too hard. "Ok...once upon a time there was a young white vixen dibbun named Elena. Her parents gave her a basket of sweets and pastries to take to one of the elderly beasts who lived out in the woods, it was a difficult task as the woods were known to be dangerous, so she went to the village guardian to help escort her through the forest...

Flicktail says, "and Flicktail he told her, I will protek you from ANY wolves or bad beasts w th SOWR o MARTIN the WARRIOR" he stands making aheroic pose"

Wilks chuckles, "In deed he did." The fox then rubs his chin, "Hmmm, wolves...anyway The path to the elder beast's house was long and narrow and led through some of the deepest and darkest part of the forest, which was home to fox eating monsters and critters. Why the beast would ever live out there, well, it's hard to say, maybe the rent in the village was too high or something. Regardless The path was dangerous.

Flicktail says, "oh and Flicktail he fearlessly went out, head up tall and proud, hos magnificenttail striking fear into teh earts of all bad beasts... His young being prancing on Happy footpaws as heprotected the dibbuny dibbun"

Wilks nods, "One such bad beast was a large and brown furred wolf named Bandit. He was a sly character that one who grew fat from stealing the food helpless travelers. He especially liked sweets. He watched them from around a tree, licking his chops, just imagining chomping down the basket of pastries the dibbun carried. This plump wolf came up with a sly idea to get at the meal, "I shall leap down there and steal the basket of sweets from these foolish foxes!" The wolf continued to watch the party from the shadows, waiting for the appropriate time to strike. Meanwhile Elena and Flicktail both arrived in a small clearing of flowers...

Flicktail exclaims, "oh my" Flicktail exclaimed " you are very HEAVY for a wolf! you must not try to sit on us!....." andthen flicktaildrew hsi sword andbegan admisistering a spaking with the flat of his blade to the wolf "bad fat wolf...badbad bad....."

Wilks laughs, "Don't get ahead of yourself, there is time enough for that later. At the moment he is just watching from the shadows, but rest assured he will leap in eventually. Now, as I was saying, this pot bellied, gluttonous tyrant was about to leap onto the foxes when suddenly a trio of lizards leaped out of the trees around them, "Give us your sweets!" they snarled, brandishing their weapons at the foxes."

Flicktail says, "and Flicky drewhis sowrd saying "this is sweet to TASTE it...Stay back from this innocent dibbun...lest you get a SUGAR rush"

Wilks cringes a bit, "Puns..." but continues, "The lizards only laughed at the fox. 'Silly fluff tail!'" Wilk's voice deepens when speaking for the lizards, "The lizards then lashed out at the fox with their clubs and maces! A fight ensued!"

Flicktail says, "But Flicktail knew their weakness they tails and he doged quickly to and fro slicing attheir tails"

"Our tails!" The lizards cried! All three dropped their weapons to clutch at their wounded tails. Elena, by no means a helpless dibbun, was taking a moment to gather rocks for her sling while the fight ensued. She began tossing rocks at the thieving lizards.

Flicktail exclaims, "now run away Theiving lizards and nxttime ask and say please an ya mightget sweets!"

Bandit the wolf feels his eyes twitch as the lizards take to the road, nearly tripping over each other while trying to get away from the fox. The wolf rubs his chin, a coward at heart he doesn't wish to fight a sword beast head on. Snapping his fingers the wolf says to himself, "I will follow these beasts through the woods and set traps for them!" The wolf grins in fiendish delight before dissapearing into the woods. Elena meanwhile praises the warrior for for his bravery and skill with a blade.

Flicktail says, "and Flictail smiles and ishappy with all the priaise...resuming hismarge besideher proudly "One day *I* will be fat on sweets"

The fox dibbun only shakes her head and laughs, "I think that battle deserved some kind of pastry as a reward." Elena hands her protector a sweet roll from her basket, "I am sure, one pastry won't spoil your diet." The fox says witha smile before continueing down the path.

Flicktail eats the pastery and gets a Sugar wrsh running around checking out everything inis excitedness

Up ahead on the trail Bandit the wolf comes to a fork in the woods. A sign post clearly states that one path leads to the elderly beasts house, the other leads to the Bog Of Deadly Doom. With a wicked smile the wolf takes the signs and switches them around before leaping into the bushes. A moment later Elena comes around the bend. She raises an eyebrow to her protectors...excitedness. "You...don't eat sweets much, do you?" she asks as she walks.

RW Abbey: Great Hall Flicktail exclaims, "says quickly "NOPE!" running head first into the signpost without looking"

The sign post cracks in half and falls over ontop of the fox. The vixen dibbun gasps as she shouts, "Flicktail! Are you alright?" Bandit the wolf meanwhile twitches an ear behind a bush not too far away, but dares not peak over it for fear of giving away his location. All he has to do is wait for the Bog of Deadly Doom to finish off the foxes and then take the basket of food from them. The greedy wolf licks his chops, he can already taste the sweets.

Flicktail sits up "oh I am fine...just hit me head, can't hurt me there" hegiggles and gets yup "But wot way ta goes?

The little vixen mearely looks at the fallen sign post. She tilts her head to the side as she ponders, "I'm not sure, but if we choose the wrong path we will head strait for the Bog of Deadly Doom!" The fox flails her arms as she speaks. There are two paths before them, one is bright and sunny, the trees are in fall colors and fallen leaves gently pass over the road way. The send path way is nearly pitch black, filled with twisted trees where the hoot and howls of Forrest creatures, possibly monsters can be heard. It almost seems to say, 'keep out!'.

Flicktail says, "lets take the sunny path, I like sun"

The little vixen nods, "Sure thing!" And the two set off to the path to the left. After the two leave Bandit emerges from his hiding place. The wolf passes a curious glance at the fallen sign. He picks it up and balances it for a bit, "Now...which way was to the Bog of Deadly Doom? Ah yes, that way." The wolf takes the path to the right. He licks his chops in anticipation of the sweets he is about to have. Any moment now he will find the foxes eaten or dispatched by the monsters of the Bog, who should be too full with foxy meals to bother him too much. All he has too do is walk in, take the basket and...The wolf looks down as a plant root shoots up from the ground and wraps around his leg. The wolf screams as he falls over and is dragged farther into the Bog of Deadly Doom. "Yipe!"

(This is where part one ends. The characters continued to chat for a while afterwards but not really about anything that relates to this plot line.)