The DYN Challenge

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated October 21, 2015 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Dylan Locke. Its content is likely to be out of date!

Wed, 10/21/2015 - 11:05

Hello Forum goers! This is a forum game called the DYN Challenge that will accompany a Random Character Generator I am making.

For those who don't know, DYN means Dynamic RP. It basically means that other players can interact with your character with out permission. Generally it means that anything can happen to your character.

This is a game that plays on that. Fair warning it involves dice rolling, stats and generally should not be used with a character you actually want to live a long fruitful life.

The idea of this game is simple. How long can your character survive in the red wall universe, a universe where danger lurks around every corner in the form of deadly bandits, creeping snakes, and terrible eagles?

In this game you either make a character, or choose one you don't mind eventually dying, and you give them two stats. Vitality and HP.

Vitality is your characters over all health. It starts at 100 and is never replenished. HP starts at 15 or 20 and is replenished for each new scene.

When you feel your character's life is in danger or if they sustain an injury, such as dodging blows from battle, falling from a great height, or eating enough cookies to explode, roll a dice of your choosing, usually a six sided dice but you can use larger or smaller dice if you feel you need to. Subtract the amount from your HP. When it hits ZERO this is where the fun begins.

Usually running out of HP means your character is knocked out, or severely wounded, so when you run out of HP roll a D20 and subtract it from your Vitality, your overall health. You may also roll to see exactly how your character farers in the given situation, whether or not they survive, lose a limb, get crippled, or simply die. Given how the situation might be different depending on Role Play, you are allowed to decide these things for yourself.

As mentioned before Vitality never replenishes. It gages your overall health and well fair. As it declines either from battle, injury, disease, poor diet, old age etc etc your characters over all ic health will start to fade as well.

100 -75 is good, excellent health

75 -50 is average or fair

50-20 is poor

20-0 is critical

When you reach 0 vitality, your character simply dies.

So forum goers. If you decide you want to play the DYN Challenge simply post a brief description of your character here, even feel free to link logs to them if you want.

In the end this is a game and games are meant to be fun. Let us know how you play :D
