The Coming Storm

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

FV:Nightbreath's Home:Main Room

You enter into the main room of the home of Nightbreath. As you push the door open, you notice that its frame is carved with intricate, twisting symbols. You look around the dimly lit room, and notice that in the center there is a large oaken table carved with similar markings. A fireplace nearby is also carved with those symbols. Over the fireplace a long, jagged, katana-like sword in a leather sheath is hung on pegs. A lantern on a side table keeps the room lit, and on a shelf there are several strange objects: A skull from somebeast, several pouches tied tightly shut with cord, a small clay pot that strange herbs and plants are growing in, and an additional lantern. Although the lanterns serve their purpose well, and flames crackle in the fireplace in the back of the room, the atmosphere in here is still dark and menacing. However, this is a Seer's home, and it is supposed to be that way.

Exits: [S]leeping [Q]uarters, [O]ut


[IC] Chieftain of Ferravale (Scioto)

Nightbreath is sitting at the oaken table in the center of his home, casting his dice upon the tabletop. Incense fills the air and smoke from the burners wreathes the edges of the room.

Scioto walks into the home, as it is a place open to most at some times of the day, he looks over at Nightbreath as he casts the dice and walks a little closer to the table.

Nightbreath doesn't look up, but murmurs, "Greetings."

Scioto nods, "Hello, how are you tonight?"

Nightbreath sighs. "I am good, but the signs are not...The skies ever darken over Mossflower."

Scioto sits, "Some sort of storm maybe? Or something else, I know you mentioned ravens and a storm with..feathers?"

Nightbreath laughs coldly. "Somewhat. The ravens...and the feather of storm. But I have a prenominition...That this is no storm of wind and rain...Twill be a rain of blood."

Scioto frowns at this, "Well..I would hope no deaths happen, and I have been trying to get more guards for Ferravale"

Nightbreath sighs. "Every bit helps, I suppose...But this is an enemy more dangerous than Muenster should it come to all out war...Better armed...Better allies.../MORE/ Allies...and more stealth."

Scioto says, "I know the abbey would help, sure others would come to the aid as well..if Mossflower was effected alot would come to Aid it""

Nightbreath nods. "But who can tell who is friend or foe?"

Scioto says, "Friends should be easy to would think"

Nightbreath sighs. "Not all soldiers wear uniforms...Not all weapons have blades..."

Scioto rasies an eyebrow and looks curious,.."Wear uniform thing get, dont get the blade thing...most use blades"

Nightbreath doesn't answer, he simply begins sketching something in the wood of the table with a claw.

Scioto watches him claw into the wood, he hmmms as he is curious of what it could be, "So..any clue when this possible attack could happen?"

Nightbreath indicates the drawing. It's a strange weapon consisting of three metal spheres attached to a handle. "See? Not all weapons have blades...A bolas, my friend. As for the attack..I know not...Shall I go into a trance to find out?"

Scioto looks at the drawing, he hmms, "Have to admit, I have not seen one before."

Nightbreath shrugs. "Tis used by many cruel beings...Nasty weapon it is. Shall I divine the attack, then?"

Scioto shrugs, he then decides to ask, "You can do that? Look into how a weapon is used somehow?"

Nightbreath shakes his head. "I mean when the attack is. I know how a bolas is used...Throwing weapon..But I have a feeling about the weapon...A /bad/ feeling about how it will play into this."

Scioto nods, "Throwing weapon, hmmms...alright and if you can get a general idea when the attck may be, that would be good as most likely will not know a for dure day and time"

Nightbreath nods. "Very well...Let us begin."

Nightbreath leans back in his seat and closes his eyes, slowly whispering in a fluctuating tone that rises and falls like the sea. The seas of the void, as Nightbreath would say. "Tarak...S'neth...Gronthar...S'rok...Karnak...Hett...Gratua...cuun...Vaelnor Roth Isen..." This goes on and on as his eyes film over.

Scioto watches Nightbreath, he flattens his ears for a short while and then they perk up again slowly listening to what may be said.

Nightbreath suddenly, dramatically calls, "GRAT'UA CUUN! KARTA TOR!" Then he is silent.

Scioto jumps slightly as it was quiet for a while, he calms though and is alert and listening.

Nightbreath slowly intones in a sibilant voice..."Ah! Bolas! Messenger of ill fate! The spheres of doom fly in times of plenty, in seasons of harvest...The steel globe will take one of our number, a dear friend, away forever...The feather of storm...The ravenskull...The bones..The bones. Thou are leader of the last defence...Thou art the last command against the tides of the void...The feather of storm...Ye must be the tree that stands before the stormwind unshaken..The rock in the seas against the mighty typhoon..." Then he is silent.

Scioto blinks, he hmmms softly but its clear he is thinking on its meaning.

Nightbreath sighs. "And the visions end here."
