The Battle To Free The Slaves And The Death Of Nightfur!!!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This happen at the same time this was going on … may see a small amount of poses in this log as the two groups meet in the hallways of Nightfur’s Evil Base towards the end of this log ….

Mossflower Woods: Bank of the River Moss

Your feet sink in a small ways into the mud and damp soil. You look at the overhanging trees that cast almost frightening shadows over you. The water rushes by like an arrow. You wonder where it leads.

Exits: [P]ath [N]orth, [N]orth[E]ast to [R]iver [M]oss, [S]mall [H]ouse, [U]p [R]iver, [D]own [R]iver

Along the riverbank is a group of beasts, but dressed in Ferravale guard outfits, maybe 20 beasts, the other guards are at Ferravale and only a small amount came here, also some other fighting beasts who seem to dislike Nightfur, Scioto is here also looking annoyed as he paces and thinks of the best way to do this.

Lee arrives out of the forest with a small band of Abbey guards. "Scioto." He nods in greeting. "I hope this all works."
Scioto looks over, "Greetings Lee, I heard the shrews may help as well or some otters, oh by the way your friend ...will not be coming, as much as he wanted to come."
Lee asks, "Zork? Good. 'E be too weak."
Scioto nods "He..he in my house, two guards by the main door, he did try to leave and sadly I had to have him arrested, I am sorry if this will upset any beast but it was that or feel responsible should he get killed, he also knocked out one of my guards, his blade is not with him as it is safety locked up elsewhere, and not my home either, he will be fine as it is a better choice to be in my house than say, my jail cell which he was close to going to."
Lee nods. "Ye did the right thing, mate. I were afraid for 'is safety."
Scioto nods "He will be fine and released once this is all over, if he wishes to go to the abbey before healed enough and Nightfur and his slavers are dead...fine he can go, but not till then, in his state he most likely would of been killed on the road or outside Nightfur's base"
Lee says, "Aye, yer right." He looks around. "So, wot is the plan for Nightfur?"
Scioto hmmms "I am unsure, slowly get there and figure out the best way in, some good points is they have less beasts and some are probably injured, a bad point is they may be looking for something to happen now, what were your ideas?"
Lee frowns and nods. "Well, we *do* 'ave the element o' surprise. We need ta find a way ta approach that won't cause any alarm."
Scioto nods "Well, they may not expect a response as fast, maybe just move slowly and then a sudden attack. The arches need dealed with quickly that is for sure."
Lee asks, "'Ow many do ye think there are?"
Scioto has to think, "I am unsure, I know slowly some of the fighters that come to my tavern have slayed some of the slavers from the woods and yesterday know a fair amount were killed inside the base which is not far from here at all, so..maybe a little over or under half left and course Nightfur, may not be as many archers as other fighting beasts..we also have the chance the slaves them selfs will fight back, they could of got some courage from yesterday and that’s good for our side."
Lee nods. "Aye. We 'ave ta minimize the risk ta the captives. The attack on Nightfur will therefore be diversion. Nightfur is mine, no one else but me are ta fight 'im. While I keep 'im busy, I want ye ta send some o' yer fighters ta free the slaves, an' try ta do it unnoticed."
Scioto nods "I will try my best, do understand there may be deaths on our side, not just Nightfur's side."
Lee nods grimly. "Aye...I know." He sighs. "So, when do we start?"

Scioto nods "We can slowly start now, the sooner the better am I right?"

Lee draws his sword. "Yes, yer right."

--- On Into The Evil Base And It’s Many Rooms---

Lee creeps through the forest, sword drawn. "The map was correct. Be on the alert, there be archers about..."

Scioto nods, his group stays close to the group the otter has with him, he scans the area carefully as he holds his sword, a couple beasts are around and one archer, but they don’t see the approaching beasts just yet.
Lee keeps his voice low, "I need to find Nightfur."
Scioto nods, "My guess he is further inside" His voice is low as one slaver gets close but then walks away again, the cat scans the area, "A fair amount out here, probably more inside"
Lee glances around, holding his sword tighter. "Need to find a way to distract them all."
Scioto nods, "Well probably cannot distract all of them, but some at least."
Lee nods in agreement. "So, straight on, or go around?"
Scioto looks at the entry and the archer or two he sees, "Some..can distract these guards, the others can go inside, probably meet others as they do so. Something may be happening as don’t seem to be as many outside, just means more inside so it’s best to be careful, very careful" He keeps a grip on his sword as he talks, his guards and fighting beasts are staying close by him and the otters group with him.
Lee peers around, frowning. "Nightfur must be plannin' somethin'.” He creeps forward a little, and peers again.
Scioto nods, he sends some beasts along a path, one guard that was curious is grabbed and killed quickly, well one of Nightfur's beasts are down, a lot still to go it would seem.
Lee keeps his sword ready. "On the count of three, I say we rush 'em all."
Scioto nods "Yes, sounds good to me Lee...we can rush them quickly and hope for the best" He makes sure all his beasts are ready as it’s up to the otter to make sure his beasts are ready.
Lee looks over his guards. "Alright men, we're gonna storm the ready." He turns and nods to Scioto. "I'm ready."
Scioto nods , he says a few quiet words to his guards and the fighters and then gets ready to fight himself as his sword is out and angled to fight, "We fight and free the slaves...and rid Mossflower of some slavers"
Lee nods, and raises his sword. "Now!" He rushes forward with his guards, startling a few of the slavers milling about, and the otter cuts two down before they can even react.
Marek has walked up now, and has his swords at the ready. "Sorry, it took me some time to convince the infirmary staff to let me go"
Scioto nods, he has the beats with him start to attack some slavers who get too close and he himself looks at Marek “Good now help us attack!" He then runs at a fox and kills it, now the place is on alert as the fighting has started, archers now fire and an arrow barely misses Scioto.
Lee is making his way to the entrance, his focus entirely on getting Nightfur. Scioto is ignored for now, and Marek isn't even noticed, He doesn't even pay heed to the archers, he just coldly stabs and cuts down slavers as they get in his way.
Marek is doing the same, cutting through slavers, like nothing, almost as if he is trying to leave as much blood behind as possible. "You do not deserve to live"  He looks forward, a bit worried about the archers. "Where are they?"

--Cell Area Of The Evil Base –

Scioto slips inside, sword drawn and takes out a guard at the door fairly quickly as he scans the room, he sends some of his beasts down a hall.

Lee follows the cat in, and looks around. "This room be far too empty...Where are the beasts supposedly 'elpin' Nightfur at?" He points at two of his guards, "You two, watch the door! Make sure no enemies go in or out!"

Marek nods. "Yes, it is too quiet"  He looks out the window suspiciously, with his swords switched for his crossbow. "Take care of the inside until it’s all clear, I'll make sure whoever comes anywhere near here gets a barbed crossbow bolt in their throat"
Scioto nods, "Going further inside would be best"
Lee looks around, nodding. "Aye. Nightfur must be down the stairs." He readies his sword. "Remember, Nightfur is me own, I got a score ta settle with 'im."
Scioto nods, he slices at a slaver and hears fighting nearby "There is fighting elsewhere"
Marek growls. "And I don't? How dare you, river dog. We all have our own reasons to kill Nightfur, first come. First serve" He switches his crossbow with swords. "Don't expect me to let you kill this slaver scum, when I have the opportunity to do so"

Lee frowns angrily. "Then I'll just get ta 'im first!" He rushes down the stairs and straight into chaos.

Marek smiles. "We shall see" He follows down the stairs and is quickly killing guards. "If I can't kill Nightfur myself, I will kill as many of his men as I can"
The guards get a look of surprise as more fighters come and the fight gets even larger, the evil fox Nightfur growls and slices at a couple of the new comers, killing them almost instantly. He grips his twin blades and sees Scioto, and then Lee and narrows his eyes.
DoraRose screams (her first sound in this entire battle) as she sees the otter get stabbed and she rushes to be at his side, slashing and hacking violently on her way. A guard, seeing a good opportunity, whacks her hard on the back of her head with his spear butt, and the warrior mouse falls to the floor, unconscious. Whoever reaches her ta the battles end will need to carry her home....
Scioto scans the room, he takes out one of the slaver guards and spots Nightfur as well as he goes to get closer to him, he stops and goes to stand in front of some of the slaves to protect them as it seems the slaver side seems to lesson some.
Marek is cutting through slavers to reach Nightfur, if Scioto will help him, perhaps he could end his life himself, but unfournately for him he seems to get nowhere closer after taking a few wrong steps. "I will kill you if it's the last thing I do" Marek growls at Nightfur. "And if it is, so be it"

Bandit watches the otter fall...then watches the mouse warrior fall...he finds himself very alone now separated from everyone else amidst a group of various vermin guards. His face contorts into rage and he lashes out at those around them with his claws, sword, and teeth the scene left undescribed.

Lee stabs a rat in the back, his blade going all the way through, then tosses him aside, his gaze locked on Nightfur. "I'm comin' ta get ye, ye better run, coward!"

The fighters with Scioto start to take out more of Nightfur's beasts, Scioto is fighting with a tall fox, no not Nightfur this is a bright red fox he is fighting, some slaves get brave and also join in to fight, as well as shrews and otters Lee brought into the fight.

Derean hits the ground hard, a puddle of blood slowly spreading out from under him while his paws clench over the stab wound tightly. The most he can muster is a strained gurgle, his eyes fluttering in his attempt to keep them open.

Nightfur grins as he makes his way to Lee "Ya will die otter, been a thorn in my side too long!!!" He uses his twin blades to slice and cut, and seems to care less for some of his own men as some decide its best to run and live to fight another day, some stay with him, his more loyal ones.

Lee laughs scornfully. "Me? I think not. Why don't ye come 'ere an' face me, then?"

Marek is battling a fellow stoat in a corner, after stabbing a few heavy hitting ferrets and a weasel, the rest seem to steer away from him, but the stoat continues to be a problem, Marek yells at Nightfur. "If you kill the Otter, then I will strike you down myself, Fox. It matters not who kills you" He finally manages to end the stoat’s life. "But I WILL watch you suffer, and I will be there when do breath your last"

Nightfur grins, others forgotten he goes straight towards Lee “OH do wait your turn Marek like a good boy, your die soon too" He stabs one of the otters with Lee and it dies as he is close to the otter, twin blades in his paws "Hello...time to go to the dark forest!" He swings one blade down and uses one to block.

Scioto watches as some of Nightfur's men flee and snorts, "This place needs to burn when we are done"

Lee raises his blade to block Nightfur's. "Tsk tsk, so predictable. Haven't ye any better moves?"

Nightfur moves his sword to go and slice at Lee's arm as the other blade clanks off his own blade and growls in the otter's face.

Bandit blocks a blade to the side. He steps backwards letting the ferret behind him thrust his spear into the belly of the fox he was fighting. The ex-pirate then turns slashing the ferret twice across the chest. He stands there for a long moment breathing deeply like some feral animal. The guards who were around him...simply are not there anymore. He manages to force himself out of his blind rage long enough to remember that one of his friends has been hit. Dashing over fallen bodies and in-between fighting beasts Bandit is confronted by two rats before he can get to Derean .

Marek ruthlessly murders more slavers, not even twitching at the deaths of either side. "Watch your tongue, Fox. For it will be your downfall" He fires a crossbow bolt, but thanks to an incoming lizard it misses, and bounces off the wall, Marek growls and turns his attention to the lizard.

Lee growls as his arm is sliced, but he otherwise ignores the wound. "Ug, I honestly don't know why I didn’t kill ye when I 'ad the chance the first time." He pushes forward, trying to use his blade to force the fox's sword backward.

Nightfur swings and grins at the blood Lee starts to lose and gets pushed backwards some as he focuses on just Lee, he growls as one sword is forced down and goes to kick at the otter.

Marek is engaged in combat with the lizard, otherwise he would have killed Nightfur within the small of a few seconds, the lizard is quite the skilled combater, and Marek is sliced deeply down his arm

Scioto gets to where a small group of slaves is and nods to them "Go..get out of here!" He has them go with some otters and checks on the mouse maid Dorarose, if needed he can get her to the abbey or Ferravale after this.

Willowheart frowns and quickly heads out with the otters, she wants no part of this place anymore.

One of the weasels makes a pained gasp as the blade runs through his chest. Bandit lets the sword go and leaps at the  second weasel. Unfortunately for the potbellied brown weasel slaver his own blade collides with the fox's shoulder and doesn't press too far into him. As a reward the slaver is tackled against the ground. The fox is about to maul the terrified weasel when he see the lizard engaged in combat with Marek not too far away. slamming the weasels head down the fox then pounces on the lizard from behind!

Lee pins the fox's sword to his side useless, only to get kicked severely in the stomach, causing him to lose his footing and stumble backwards.

Marek sidesteps just in time for Bandit to crush the lizard and fall flat on his face afterwards, Marek however, is not interested in helping Bandit up, and instead advances towards Nightfur. "Time to die, fox"

Nightfur chuckles an insane laugh and goes to ready himself to stab and finish off Lee.

Scioto is sadly not close enough to help Lee and it didn’t help another fox got in his way, he now fights the fox and gets a wound on his lower arm, the fox gets worse, a wound in his chest!

Marek blocks Nightfur's blade. "Not today, Fox. Today he lives and you die"

Bandit does not need the stoats help. Grabbing the lizard’s leg in his free claws he drags the reptile kicking and screaming to the corner of the room like a rabid animal. It is not quite clear what happens to the lizard afterward but the sounds of his terrified shrieks fill the air along with little bits of lizard scales as the fox begins to maul him.

Lee manages to raise his word, blade pointed toward Nightfur, "You have seen your last day, fox." He tries to lung forward to stab him quickly.

Nightfur growls as when he sidestepped Marek’s blade enters his shoulder, he growls loudly and goes to shove Marek out of the way and gets ready to use a blade to behead him, then the otter speaks and he turns, "Wait ya turn ott..."The words are cut short as Lees sword makes contact with his chest, blood pours from his wound and he loses his grip on both his blades and drops to the floor in shock.

Scioto catches sight of all this as he picks up Dorarose and looks at the unconscious otter, well he can't carry both to Ferravale, he has one of his guards do so.. "Carry the otter" the guard nods and does so.

Lee's sword slips out of his paws, still in Nightfur's chest. The otter is in shock, actually. "'s over..." He mumbles.

Marek grins as he leans over the dying fox. "How do you feel, Nightfur?" He asks menacingly. "How does that sword in your chest make you feel?" He holds his ear to Nightfur and waits for a reaction. "Speak, scum. Speak clearly, because I want to remember what your last words were. I want you to know that when this river dog killed you, you're greatest enemy was leaning over you, watching it happen. So go ahead, say what you want to say"

Nightfur uses the last of his strength to pull the otter’s sword out of his chest and gasps weakly, he looks at Marek and then Lee "..What..impossible..." The blade is dropped and death mist starts to take over his vision, pulling the blade out only caused more blood to flow and he falls over, seeming in slow motion, and then hits the floor death completely takes him as he breaths his last and his heart beats one..last...time..the slaver fox Nightfur now lies dead.

Scioto looks around, with their leader dead the 3-4 slavers left flee for their lives, Scioto doesn’t give chase he pants as he is tried and still holds Dorarose.

Lee picks his sword up absently. "He's finally long last."

Scioto nods "It would...appear so, we need to get to Ferravale now, it’s closer than the abbey"

The sounds of the lizard shrieking have long ended. There are claw marks on the ground leading to where Bandit dragged him. The fox staggers forward rubbing at his head. His vision has gone blurry and he has a pounding head ache.

Marek laughs manically, and his laughs echoes throughout the building. "Impossible? Is that all you have to say you pathetic, worthless, PILE OF DUNG!" He kicks the body hard, breaking some ribs..what, it's not like he needs them anymore. "Yes, otter. He is dead" He smiles and starts doing a jig while disposing of crossbow bolts in the fox's hide as well as other dead slavers, killing any that run. "Ding dong, the slavers dead" He sings, and then leans over the slaver's body one more time. "Slaver scum is not welcome in my territory, and I think you are the perfect message to send to any others who come here. Mossflower is mine. So stay...out....of my territory" He kicks him again before getting up and walking away. "Burn in hell" As he walks away he sees Bandit having decimated the lizard who slowed him down earlier. "Well done, fat one. Perhaps I do see something in you after all" He turns to Scioto. "Indeed, go back to Ferravale, but I will not be following you. I will be returning home to make my plans, and I will see you in a season" He picks up his weapons, opens a few cages to let slaves go, and walks off. "Have a nice day".

Lee blinks in shock. He is rather speechless.

Bandit growls to himself, "I really hate that stoat..." He collapses onto one knee, the headache as only gotten worse. Wait...Marek? What is he doing here? Bandit looks around the room and notices that the fight is over and there are Redwallers and Ferreavale beasts here. "Lee? Scioto? Is that really you?"

Scioto watches Marek head off, he would follow but he is holding an unconscious mouse maid. He looks over at Bandit "Greetings..your need to go to my infirm as well Bandit" He looks at Lee" Word needs sent to Benar and Lorimis"

Lee nods, still not paying heed to his bleeding arm. "I know, yes..."

Scioto looks at Lee, "Your bleeding Lee"

Bandit collapses to his paws. "It’'s really..." Tears begin streaming down the fox's eyes. He goes to wipe them away and is confused when he notices that his red paws are redder than usual. In fact the fox is splattered with signs of battle...not all his own either..."Oh light..."

Lee asks, "I am?" He looks. "Oh, I am."

--A good walk to Ferravale and the infirm, wounded are helped to beds and tended to, finally…home.--

FV:Infirm:Main Room

This is the infirm. The far walls are lined with simple cots with clean sheets and pillows. The sheets and pillows are mainly white and blue.The room is keep clean and well sweeped. Cabnets are agaist one wall full of healing supplies and herbs,each marked in its own jar. A examineing table is seen and a wash basin.

Exits: [M]aster [H]ealer's [R]oom, [R]ecovery [R]oom, [H]ealer [D]orm [H]all, [B]ack

Scioto walks in and lays the mouse maid on a cot and sits down himself as others are tended to.

One of the beasts being tended to is bandit. His paw is being bandaged and the cut to his shoulder as well. The fox is staring blankly off into space, letting the healers do their duty. For some reason he can't quite get the terrified look of the lizard out of his mind right before he sank his claws and even teeth into him.

Lee is likewise getting bandaged up, though he protests a little. "Hey, I be fine! I need ta go."

Scioto speaks "Go where Lee?" He asks

Lee says, "Redwall Abbey...they need ta know."

Bandit answers for him, "Home." Bandaged now the fox leans back on his cot and curls himself into a ball. Bandit's thoughts drift towards the friends he has at Redwall, the vixen Elena...and the terrified looks of the beasts he just brutally murdered with his bare claws.

Scioto frowns "Are you able to go bad are you hurt..wounded? And the badger needs to stay, least for now"

Lee looks down at his arm. To be honest, the otter is exhausted, but he refuses to admit that.

Scioto shakes his head "Lay down, go in the morning"

Lee frowns. "Per'aps yer right...could send a messenger, too."

Scioto nods "Probably safer now that that slaver and his group is no more, we also need to burn that place to the ground so it's no longer a threat to Mossflower"

Lee nods tiredly. "Yes, we must."

Scioto nods slowly and lays down himself with a groan, sleep over takes him and he welcomes sleep as it's very much needed.

---ok slaves are now free and some rest at the infirm in Ferravale, some who were able to, head elsewhere and Nightfur is dead as well as most of his slavers, where did the other slavers go..hopefully far away---