The Aclidian Centurion

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Centurions are officers in the Aclidian Legion, their title derived from their command of a centuria (100) of legionnaires. Hardened by battle and boasting an understanding of military tactics, centurions are promoted based on their experience and valor in battle. These officers are responsible for the management, training, and discipline of the soldier they command, and leading from the front, they are typically some of the most highly decorated and respected members of the Legion.

Although equip similarly as the beasts he commands, the armaments of a centurion differ, and help to distinguish him in battle:



Lorica hamata: A chain-mail variant of the standard lorica segmentata, the lorica hamata is favored among the officers of the Legion for its greater comfort and protection. In addition to the base armor two separate mail flaps are fastened from the torso, over the shoulders and onto the mid-back. A harness of leather straps is buckled over the lorica hamata, both to distribute weight and from which centurions will display their various medals and military decorations.


Crested galea: A centurions helmet is almost identical to those worn by their troops, but to distinguish their rank centurions mount red crest that run transversely across their helmets. These crests also serve as a visual reference to legionnaires, making it easier to locate their centurion in the midst of battle.



Gladius (short sword): The gladius is a short, double edged thrusting sword and the primary weapon of the Legion, suited for slashing and chopping movements. Officers of the Legion are permitted to wear their gladius on the left side. A leather baldric is worn to suspend the sheath.


Scutum (shield): Constructed from layers of wood glued together with resin, the Legion trains its soldiers to use the scutum in as much of an offensive manner as a defensive one. It’s large rectangular shape, iron edging, and curved design gives the user excellent protection from blows and missiles, while a pronounced metal boss in the center of the shield can be used to bludgeon opponents. Designs painted upon the shield’s surface can vary, but the most common motif is symmetrical gold wings and lightening bolts emanating from the shield boss.


Pilum (heavy javelin): Thrown into the enemy’s ranks over short distances, the pilum is a heavy throwing javelin designed to either outright kill a foe, or slow the enemy down by embedding in their shield. The pilum’s iron shaft is purposefully soft, intended to bend upon impact so that the enemy cannot throw the javelin back.

Pugio (dagger): Similar in shape and intention as the gladius, the pugio is a small dagger that is commonly sheathed at the legionaries left hip, intended as a back-up weapon.

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