The Abbey Has Lots Of Honey and Bee's Wax Now

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

      • A short log as I had to go OOCLY, but it's still a nice log ***

This room is slightly smaller than Great Hall, but still of a size large enough to accomodate a great number of gathered beasts. A large fireplace is set into one of the walls, and there are a series of small tables and chairs near one end for beasts who are eating late, or simply prefer the smaller tables for their meals. Cushions and blankets have been set in one corner. A short flight of steps leads up to Great Hall, and along the walls of the stairs, going both ways, the word 'Redwall' has been carved into the stone.

                  [G]reat [H]all

Oz is finishing up a lesson on shapes, using the cut out shapes he keeps around, he nods that’s it's ok for the dibbuns to have some play time and Sister Jenny heads out with them"

Krystal steps into the room and seeing Oz walks over after the dibbuns head off with the Abbey Sister, "Hello Oz, how are you today?" She asks softly and waits on a reply.
Oz smiles a little "I am doing fine so far today. Dibbuns are good at keeping one cheerful, even when one doesn’t always want to be cheerful."
Krystal nods "Yes, the dibbuns are always happy it seems. I am glad you are ok. I have been busy gathering honey and bees wax and having a novice or two help me put it in storage. The bees have been very willing to share this season and I am also making sure they have honey for food as well, they don’t like the winter and will sleep and eat the honey I kept in the hives."
Oz says, "There is a good deal that like honey, and I know it has other uses besides to sweeten food or drink, I am glad we have a Bee Keeper now, we needed one."

Krystal smiles, she likes talking about her trade, "Yes honey can be used to heal small cuts, and it’s good for sore throats as well. Bee’s wax has uses as well that are good. All of the honey we need has been gathered and maybe a little more than we need, and the rest is left for the bees..about 1/5 for the bees to have their winter storage and who knows maybe they celebrate the fall season as well, just not the same as us. I am a little sad and my friend Sting, a bee, will need to sleep in a few weeks but its ok as I will see him again in the spring when the bees wake up."

Oz nods "I am glad the bees have a good friend such as you Krystal. I also think Benar should make it official that you’re the Bee Keeper here, maybe at the feast. I could mention it to him."
Krystal says, "That would be nice"
Oz nods "Then I shall put in a good word for you Krystal."
Krystal smiles “Thank you Oz"
Oz nods "Of course, you have been very helpful with the bees and getting honey and even with getting bee's wax."
Krystal smiles still, even if he can't see the smile her voice says she is happy, "I love to help when I can, I can even gather fruit that’s very high up in the trees "
Oz says, "Just be careful, even a squirrel can fall from high places"
Krystal replies "Yes I know, I learned that the hard well and am a lot more careful now that I use to be."
Oz nods and then stands "I need to go check on the dibbuns, have a nice day Krystal" He then heads off towards the entry.