The Abbey Could Use Some Spices And Chocolate Is Always Nice

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Great Hall

The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here. A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance. The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist. The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.

The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.

Soft light is slowly beginning to filter in through the stained glass windows high above your head.

Exits: Abbey's [Li]brary, [K]itchen, [C]avern [H]ole, [B]reezeway, [En]try, [Stairs]


Its mid afternoon and it is raining outside again, Benar is standing by the fire reading through some notes and talking quietly to a sister standing next to him.

Zeb had started to leave, then the rain happen and he decided to forget it as he disliked rain and earlier it was rather hard rain, but at least his supplies are in a dry place. Coming down stairs grumping he stops as he sees the abbot and walks over. He stops a short ways off and stands quietly as he waits for a chance to speak to him.

Benar looks up from his conversation and smiles at the rat, "Can I help you? I don't think we've met before, how nice to meet you."

Zeb shakes his head "No..I meet the abbot before you though. I am Zeb, a spice merchant and I have a shop in Ferravale but I sell species other places as well to those who need them. I also have chocolate, but that is a rather lot of coin, but I could always make some sort of deal with the abbey as very few have chocolate around. I have many spices also as I said and hopefully have some you need as I know usually most run out or get close to running out right after the winter seasons"

Benar says, "Well Winter was quite a while ago now Zeb, we've just got our first spring crop of new herbs and spices in," He tucks his hands inside the sleeves of his robes and smiles, "But we could do with some of the spices that tend to only grow in Summer and Autumn, I am sure there are some you can provide us."

Zeb nods "I could do that I am sure, which are you low on?"

Benar motions for Zeb to follow him and heads over toward Cavern hole, "I have notes down in Cavern Hole, but I think we are lacking in Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Turmeric, Basil and fennel."

Zeb nods as he listens to what is said "Ok...I believe I have all of that you mentioned and could most likely give a good price seeing as its the abbey" He goes to follow the abbot. "I also have ginger if needed and if interested chocolate, now I know it’s not a spice but it is good for special occasions"

Benar says, "Well chocolate may be useful, my Spring Feast is later this week so it would be nice to have a chocolate cake. But it is usually so terribly expensive."

Zeb nods "True and it's not something to simply...well give, but there is other spices to get yes"

Benar asks, "Well what price are you asking for the chocolate?" He smiles at the rat and settles down in a chair, "And do you have any garlic? Not a spice persay but even dried Garlic would be welcome."

Leon steps into the room from the steps, he nods a hello to those in the room.

Zeb smiles "I do have dried garlic yes, a good supply of that and as for the chocolate, let’s see...hmmms" He tries to think on a fair price and it is the abbey after all. He then looks at a paper he keeps with him on how he prices things and writes a price down he believes fair and it is a little lower than normal and shows it to the abbot.

Benar takes a look at the prices on the list Zeb hands him and nods his head, "Yes that is reasonable, I’ll take all of that and the chocolate," He looks up, "Oh Leon, Zeb is here from Ferravale, any spices or herbs you need for the infirmary?"

Leon answers "I cannot think of any right now. I did get some a couple days ago and was planning on maybe getting some gathered in a couple days’ time. I do sometimes collect herbs by the stream and river and woods, even got something Ferravale needed the other day to help them out, and we have some in the herb garden in the abbey for spring and some planted that will be harvested in the fall time, now abbey doesn’t grow every herb needed but some more common ones we can grow here"

Zeb nods "Alright then. I am glad the abbey and Ferravale are on good terms still as it does help"

Benar says, "Well I am glad as well Zeb, it does us a lot of good to have such a good market nearby"

Leon says, "yes and to know Ferravale is not gong harm the abbey is good to know as well.”

Zeb says, "There is the peace treaty still...I know the roads are not always safe, achally something else to discuss but that’s not for me to speak of"

Benar says, "Well the roads are sadly not really our responsibility, we do what we can but we don’t have a big guard that can mount patrols back and forth."

Zeb says, "Scioto has some beasts patrol the ones when he can that is"

Leon nods “The abbey doesn’t have much in the way of fighting beasts really, we keep an eye on the road from the walls and if something looks out of place the champion can check further on it"

Zeb nods and looks over a list and remembering what he and Benar talked on when came to prices and jolts down a couple things "Alright I win go a little lower on the total price for these and can have them to you by end of the end as have most with me in my cart"

Benar nods as he looks over the list and prices and smiles “Yes this is good and I can have A couple novice help with getting what is needed from your cart." He nods to a couple novice and hands the list back to the merchant “I will be right back"

Zeb nods as he stands off to the side. When the novices come he shows them what is needed to be taken out and whats on the list. All is done in a nice orderly fashion.

Leon stands off to the side and then sits down in a chair nearby. He has his own things to do and go over as well for the infirm and making sure it’s well-stocked.

Benar double checks things on the list, the prices and then nods as he gives the needed coins to the spice merchant and smiles "Thank you Zeb and I am sure Lacota will be happy we got some of the things we needed and the chocolate will be great for a special cake for spring season in a few days." He nods for an abbey Sister and they speak quietly. The new supplies will be put away where needed.