Thats one ODD snack

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

  • Yeah really really short log*

RW Abbey: Kitchen

This is a long, narrow room with five large fireplaces set into one wall, and two equally large wood burning iron stoves set against the opposite wall. Several small, rectangular tables rest in here, but there are no chairs available. The rest of the wallspace is taken up by an entire array of shelves, cupboards, and counters which hold the day-to-day cooking supplies and utensils. The kitchen is clean and well maintained, and more recent efforts have been made toward organization of the cooking ware.

On the wall just right of the door leading into Great Hall is a neatly penned chart, which lists the names of beasts assigned to cooking duty as well as the dates and times they are scheduled. A small note above the chart urges residents to volunteer for at least a slot or two a week.

The curtains around the windows have been drawn against the night. The room is dark and the ovens are cold.

          [G]reat [H]all     [Wine] Cellar    [Sc]ullery
          [C]avern [H]ole    [Pan]try         [La]rder
          [Ki]tchen [P]ath

Caleb is in kitchen, he has been learning to make pies.

Rayen has wandered into the kitchens; yes she had lunch but has been wanting more snacks lately, but not so simple ones it would seem.

Caleb nods a hello to the vixen, "Hello Rayen, how are you feeling tonight?" He goes to carefully get out a peach pie from the oven as he talks and sits it down to cool.

Rayen smiles "I could be better, being with dibbun makes one a little more hungry sometimes."

Caleb nods "That’s..Interesting, maybe rest would help as rest helps a lot of things"

Rayen shrugs "Maybe, so anyways what was for lunch." Then again she knows “Or any left I guess I should ask"

Caleb says, "It was some soup, hot root and some potato soup with cheese and bread."

Rayen smiles “Could I have some hotroot and maybe some of the chopped veggies...please." She smiles "I..Didn’t eat much lunch and I am sure the friar won’t care too much, just this once"

Caleb frowns and then sighs as he gets her a bowl and hands it to her of the hot root soup, "Here, umm..what veggies?"

Rayen smiles and nods her thanks and then gets some veggies she throws into the soup, "Carrots, potatoes, some cinnamon, some walnuts..ooooooh mellow cream and apple slices and some radish be good. And a little cheese and hotroot and some peaches also, yeah." Ok being odd." And one the side a bit of peach pie, with shrimp on top and covered in mellow cream." She smiles at the mouse. “Sorry guess..hungrier than thought, hee heee"

Caleb makes a face at her food choices and the fact of the combos she has made,"Umm...I guess, Interesting choice of a snack Ms. Rayen" To him this seems like barf, but whatever to the vixen just go with it he guesses." You want something to drink?"

Rayen says, "Some greensap milk be good, with a little hotroot in it." She goes to get a glass and adds the hot root before slipping off into the cavern hole to have her snack.

Caleb watches her and shakes his head, ok that vixen is odd and he decides not to mention this to ANYONE.