That awkward moment when you think you're greeting someone new... and you're not!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Great Hall of Redwall Abbey

With: Cera, ferret. Casper and Lahki (sp), mice

Casper enters the Hall from the Kitchens, Lahki leaning on his arm. In his free paw he holds his sea-washed staff, and it taps quietly on the stone floor as they walk, chatting quietly. Not knowing Cera, and always looking to meet new people, Lahki tugs casper over to the ferret. "Hello!" The pretty female mouse calls.

Cera looks up and nods "H.....H...Hello" she says quietly ad softly but stays seated simplyly closeing the book she has.

Casper tosses the rest of the biscut he was eating into his mouth, dropping a few crumbs. Lahki wipes them from the collor of his shirt, and he rolls his eyes. When she's done, he crouches down to be more of the ferret's height. "Hello there! I'm Casper, and this is Lahki." Lahki nods and sits cross legged on the ground next to Casper, her bright yellow dress fanning out. "mind if we join you?"

Cera nods "I..C..C..Cera" she frowns as she stutters but still offers a smile.

Lahki scoots a bit closer to Casper, just to be friendly. They seem to be very close companions. Casper smiles and throws an arm about her shoulders as she talks to Cera. "Cera, what a nice name! Are you new to the Abbey? I haven't seen you around before."

Cera shakes her head, " upstairs"

Lahki laughs. It's a light, carefree, beautiful sound, and Casper can't help smiling too. He nods towards the books. "What're ye studyin'?"

" Pardon me, then! I never knew you lived here! I'm only here for a bit with my family. They're quite a large group!" Lahki laughs. It's a light, carefree, beautiful sound, and Casper can't help smiling too. He nods towards the books. "What're ye studyin'?"

Cera says, "l..l..letters and numbers"

Casper ahs. "I learned t' read 'n write from me ol' Dad when I was little. Lahk, can you read?" Lahki shrugs. "Kinda." She looks again at Cera. "You're a part of the abbeyschool, I take it?"

Cera nods.."n...n...not long, it"

"Aw, that's sucks t' be learnin' somethin' you don't like." Lahki says sympatheticly. Casper shrugs. "Yeah, but tis important." Lahki looks at him indignantly and shoves him to the floor. "Well, you just try learnin' somethin' you don't like!" She turns back to Cera as Casper pretends to be dead, lying on the floor groaning. "Don't pay no mind to him, sweetheart." She winks. "I never liked readin' an' writin' either."

Cera says, "ot..others s..s...say funny"

At that, Casper props himself up, looking surprised at Cera. "Are they makin' fun o' ye? The other lil' uns bein' schooled? Shame on them, tell me who they are an I'll see to it!" He doesn't like any creature being picked on, escpecially at the abbey. Lahki puts a paw on his shoulder. "Aye, Cera, do say who it is. And Casper will tell Brother /Benar/ about it." She says pointedly, assuring Casper that she won't et him take caer of it. He huffs.

Cera frowns, "n..not know....n...n...names, a vole o..or mouse, no one likes me"

Lahki holds out her arms. "Well, if'n it makes you feel any better, /I/ like you." She smiles. "Want a hug?"

Cera shakes her head no, she has to know someone really well first before then, she stays seated and looks aroud the room before back to them.

Lahki takes the regection of the hug well- she shrugs, smiling softly, and hauls Casper back up. He grins and dusts some dirt from his arms. A sudden though occurs to him. "Cera, do you have any parents? I mean, around here?" He speaks softly.

Cera answers, "Papa..h...he is,..some...somewhere in a..a..abbey" She seems unsure but sounds hopfull still.

Casper takes on a thoughful look, turning to Lahki. "Didn't Ahndi speak o' some ferret here that looked like..." His voice trails as Lahki's face brightens. "Oh yeah! Mal- Male- Maleficie? Maleficius? Is that yer Da, Cera?"

Cera smiles at the name, its clear she knows him by the smile, she nods,"papa" she states.

"How awesome!" Lahki grins, happy at having pulled up the right name. "I haven't met him." She explains to the young jill. "But one of my friends has. She's a novice here. You don't sound like you see your Papa often. Do you?"

Cera shakes her head "He..e was a...away for while, s..somewhere not here" she talks slowly and it seems to help with the stuttering a little.

Casper hides a smile as the ferret tries to stop her stuttering. He's met so many creatuers of all differnt kinds, things like stutters don't bother him. Do you know how many accents there are? Casper sure knows a ton! He stands and streches, pulling Lahki up with a polite paw. "Ah, well, it was nice to meet you Cera." He says, giving a silly bow to her. "But I promised my sister I would play with her a bit before she has her own classes, so I should be out! And I'm taking Lahki with me." He winks, and Lahki giggles. "'Course, I don't mind. Bye Cera!" She waves as they head up the stairs.
