That'S The Wrong Way To Find An ALe Bottle(LP-LOG)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Salamandastron: Infirmary

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

This is the infirmary for the long patrol. This room is one of the most

well-lit rooms in the whole of Salamandastron, with several candles placed

strategically along the shelves and cupboards. Many wooden beds line the

walls of this room, each outfitted with impeccably clean white linen

sheets. This unfortunately limits the walking space in this room. Where

there are not beds there are shelves and cabinets that hold a variety of

different medical equipment, mostly needles and bandages. A single stone

sink is firmly lodged into one of the counters. The sink is not fancy, in

fact it is quite awkward. It is a necessity, nonetheless. An open closet

is in the corner of the room, storing a surplus of compact cots, in the

unusual case of mass injuries. The room usually has several nurse hares in

it, roaming around tending to various injuries.

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                 Visible Exits:

[Out] to Level One [Herb] Room

Flint knew he shouldn't of ventured out today, he had the feeling but he also needed a job to clear his head, and he finds a broken ale bottle half buried in the sand and it stabbed his foot. He managed to tie a clean sock he had with him around it, yes he carries an extra pair of socks so what. And he limped back. The bleeding mainly stopped and luckily most of the glass went into the boot, but he also got some of the sharp point in his footpaw. It’s not life threatening deep but it may need at least one stitch in it. And yes he has the boot off, he wasn't going to put it back on and he needs new boots anyways..well now he has an excuse to get new boots.

As Kate makes some excuse and scurries out, Darcy turns her eyes ceiling ward and snaps the book shut. "Every damn time," she mutters, with a low and derisive chuckle. Her ears can’t back upward as Jinora and Flint enter, and she makes a gesture to the former. "Hey, /you/. 'nother concussion?" She surveys the other doe while digging into her pocket. "'ve got somethin' you're gonna looove..."

Herbs? What? Jinora has completely missed something interesting, apparently. Not that the naive, young doe would know much of anything about, uh, herbs. Nothing at all. "Yes ma'm." Jinora relents with a small smile to Ava as she approaches her desk, waving a dismissive paw at her face. "Jus' a cut. Harrison wanted me t'get it checked out." Another paw is waved in the general direction of the buck who accompanied her, but he has scurried off to another healer to get himself looked at. "Ah won this time, if that'elps?" She questions, hopefully. But then Darcy is talking to her too! Oh goodness, she's just so popular! A quick wave is sent Flint's way as her ears perk Darcy's way, resting her paws on Ava's desk as her attention flicks that way. "Is it food?" She loves food.

When Flint comes in, Dagda's nose picks up the blood before he ever sees it. "Alrigh' then," he announces, eyes finding the bootless wonder. "Inta th' herb room with y'. Let's get y' foot fixed." The healer leads the way, apparently intent on fixing the other buck himself with just the one good paw.

Salamandastron: Herb Room

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

The herbal preparation room is a small, quite cramped room. One wall is

lined with bundles of dried herbs while the others have shelves lined with

various herbal poultaces, mixes, teas and anything else that could possibly

be concocted by an herb enthusiast with some spare time. The room has a

strong smell to it, changing slightly as you move around it, one corner

smells distinctly of peppermint tea, while the other smells sharply of

sharp-nettle broth. A clean worktop takes pride place next to a small water

basin, around the cleaned space are various tools of the trade, a pestal

and mortar, a small cutting knife, some twine and various jars of oils and

other lubricants. There is also a slight smell of yeast or hops, with a

brown metallic barrel underneath one of the worktops with some pipes

joining around it. There is only one exit from this small room, the way

you came in, to the infimary.

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                 Visible Exits:

[Back] to Infirmary

Throwing the door wide, Dagda enters the cramped space, apparently unperturbed by the small working area. Despite the sling on one arm, he still seems determined and capable, shoving a space on a low countertop clear with one arm, sending various jars scattering. "Take a seat, there," he recommends, moving aside towards one of the many shelves to pull down some tools and implements.

Flint raises an eyebrow but follows the other hare inside the room, "Are ta do this with only one arm ta use?" He limbs slightly and leaves the boot he has off somewhere where no one will get hurt on it and then heads over to Dagda. He frowns as the jars somehow don't break and sits down where he is told to.

"Are /you/ able t' do this with just one foot?" Dagda retorts, moving back to the countertop and setting down the supplies. Not really a sensible argument, but it doesn't seem to bother him. A small crate gets pulled out from under the counter. "Put y' foot on that."

Flint nods and carefully sits the foot paw down on the small crate and tenses up some, "Went der a jolly jog on de beach, and me footpaw finds this old ale bottle in the sand. Not sure where it came from and could of been thar awhile maybe, but it didn't look tooo old, maybe some campsite or something and they forgot the bottle or had a fight, who knows."

"Right," Dagda replies, deciphering through the accent that's a bit thicker even than most. "Well, let's take a look." He sits down easily, dropping his butt to the floor, legs folding underneath him as he descends into a nice crossed position where he can easily survey the foot. He rolls out the tools beside him, most notably tweezers and pliers, as well as a needle. "Yep, that's done it. Right there."

Flint takes a deep breath but holds still, he isn't one to go to a healer unless, well...something like this is a good reason. The homemade bandage, if it's still on, is a bit red now instead of white and there may be a small bit of glass still in his footpaw..but at least the piece still there looks easy to get out and its small. The large piece is still in the boot and seems the boot saved his footpaw from any other injury, "Ya...not de best day."

The weird sock-bandage gets cut quickly away, and Dag takes up a pair of tweezers, easing them into the cut to pull out the glass. It hurts, that's for sure, and he doesn't have a free paw to stop Flint from moving around, so hopefully he's a good sport about it. "Just hold still..."

Flint tenses up and manages to make it through the pain, then he has had worse pain than this in the past. He curls and uncurls his fingers and just nods and keeps his mouth shut out of fear he would scream out in pain, the glass will come out fairly easily and it will bleed a little more but healers are use to blood and so is Flint as he is a fighter, but he still keeps his eyes closed as it helps him better focus on staying quiet.

"There it is," Dag almost coos, clearly pleased with himself. One-handed surgery: check. The shard of glass goes on the roll, and a piece of gauze is pressed against the wound. "Alright. Just give me a paw wrapping' this up, if y' would."

Flint breaths a sigh of releif "Ya...thank ya kindly sah" Now he can hold the bandage in place and nods “ long I gonna be off me footpaw after this?"

"Till y' c'n stand t' walk on it, really," Dagda replies, wrapping up his tools and straightening up off the floor, using that one paw to get to his feet. "If it's too bad t' walk on, don't. When it isn't, y'r fine. Just a minor cut. Aftah you." He nods towards the door.

Flint nods as he helps to wrap the footpaw in a bandage and then he slowly stands, he will still limb a couple days but not nearly as painful now.

Salamandastron: Library

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

Here lies the collective efforts of a few good, intellectual hares of the mountain. Over the seasons, this room, which was once little more than a storage room, has been converted into a quite functional library, filled with books of all sorts. The room is staggered with bookshelves, all crafted within the mountain, which reach very nearly to the ceiling, with only a foot or two of space above them, in most instances. And, surprisingly, the shelves are basically all full. Apparently, over the seasons, hares have donated books, and books that were previously stored elsewhere have been brought here.

Some books are older than any of the hares alive in the mountain, and, even more, some are nearly as old as the mountain, itself. These sort are usually journals and records - histories of the mountain. In fact, there is an entire section of this, in a corner of the room, which one can only get to by making their way through the maze of bookshelves to that corner, which is quite like a room in and of itself, closed in by walls on two sides and bookshelves on the two others. However, in the center of the main room, there are two tables set, and upon these books like, some open and some closed, despite the efforts of the librarian hare to keep them on the shelves.

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                 Visible Exits:

[R]ecords [R]oom [C]orner of Library

[Back] to Second Level Intersection

Flint has decided to spend some time in the library as it will be a couple days till his foot feels better, and he needs to get new boots now thanks to that dumb broken ale bottle. He sighs and flips through a book on how to make salads of all kinds. His left footpaw is bandaged up and propped up on a stool as he sits in one of the soft chairs by the wall. It’s been a couple hours since he left the infirm.

Windrose has heard that someone cut their footpaw fairly bad and as she comes into the library to return a book she gasps and drops it, she bends down to pick it up and lays it on a rack of books to place back on shelfs and rushes over "Flint?!"

Flint looks up from his book and lays it beside him, "I am fine, it was just some annoying bottle on the beach, that footpaw happen ta find"

Windrose frowns as she looks at the bandaged footpaw, "And how long are you stuck not going out?"

Flint answers "Just a couple days or so, tis not a bad wound as the boot took most of the damage and yeah...gonna need new boots now"

Windrose sits beside him and nods “Well guess could of been worse and I can help get you some new boots from town or maybe there is a couple extra pairs around here."

Flint smiles “Sounds like a plan lass" He looks at the bandaged footpaw and sighs, "Yeah could of been a lot worse suppose, I go out for a small job ta relax and then end up not relaxing long but tis only a couple days, then should be right as rain again"

Windrose smiles "Ok then you let me find you some new boots and you just stay off the footpaw next day or two, you understand?"

The door to the library gets nudged, and Lissie peeks her head in. "Julia? Oh, hi Uncle Flint. Windrose. 'Ave either of ya seen Julia? She stole some cookies and now I can't find 'er."

Flint shakes his head "Sorry not seen her or much of anyone since been on de beach lass, and not to go on my footpaw too much right now, not a bad injury but still hurts some"

Windrose says, "I have not seen any dibbuns today, I usually try to stay clear of them most of the time"

Felicity comes further into the room, leaning on her cane to reduce the stress on her bandaged ankle. "What 'appened to ya now? And if either o' ya see 'er, could you please lock 'er in a closet or somethin' until I can come get 'er? But seriously, what 'appened, and....was I told? I don't think I was...."

Flint stands slowly "I need to check on something, talk to you both later..sorry its important" He heads off.