Thanking Someone...(Redemption Of Marek TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

--This happen ICLY maybe an hour or so after... [1]

RW Abbey: Graveyard

This is a small natural clearing in the forest growth. Ancient trees tower over the area, arching over to make an interlaced roof on the clearing, keeping the area dark and shaded through the day and night. The floor is bare except for some small plants and forest mulch. As an entrance to this place, there are two large oaks that have branches that grew together to form a natural arch. At the foot of the largest one, between the roots, a fresh mound has been dug. In the clearing there are small patches of freshly turned earth, and rocks lining a few of them. A burial ground. In the shadows of this place, there is silence for the dead.

Exits: [O]pen [G]round

Leon has been at the infirm, like he usually is, but he has been keeping an eye on his daughter and just now has decided to find out who it was that brought Lilymoore to the infirm. After talking to a couple novices he is directed to the open ground and then the graveyard of all places. He starts to ask why they went there but he doesn't and just walks on over and into the graveyard slowly.

Marek is here and has been here the past half an hour; he was here before this for a short while but was interrupted. He also knows some beast is near him, again, and looks behind him, "Hello Mr. Leon, come to tell me I have to leave?" He stands as he had been sitting and fully faces the mouse. He has yet to take the hood off as he still has it on his head and over his face.

Leon shakes his head, "I don't think anyone knows your here, except maybe Angela and she just said some beast brought my daughter to the infirm after she passed out. A couple novices said the one who found Lilymoore came this direction and the only one here is you." He steps closer, “If you’re the one that found her then thank you, she been missing a few days and no one has seen much of her at all."

Marek nods, a simple nod, "You are welcome Mr. Leon. You are probably the only beast who has ever thanked me, then again it’s not like I have done anything that deserves thanks, if anything beasts have any right to hate me"

Leon says, "Well" The Master Healer starts, "I don't hate you and I am not just saying that cause of abbey code, even when you were here you never did harm me, in fact once you prevented a beast from killing me. When I was tending to the wounded and a..think weasel sneaked up on me from behind, you slayed them. And you could have easily let me die by the river a few weeks ago and you didn't."

Marek folds his arms over his chest, " I never have , nor ever will, harm a healer. Or a dibbun either in case that’s needed to know. I have changed from how I was before, not that many will believe me. I no longer want take overs or war, I no longer wish anyone any ill.." He rethinks this "Except Irinevok, he needs stopped and soon."

Leon nods, "I..heard some of this, he is a mouse right? I think Scioto mentioned him. So..why are you in the abbey Marek?" Hey he is curious.

Marek sighs, he looks at Lorimis grave, " my respects, that is all Mr. Leon. It may surprise you but Abbot Lorimis did have an impact on me as well, he and I talked a lot during my stay here. Some things were repeated and I even took his advice and looked at the charter a couple times while I was here. I read some books in the library as well, maybe deep down trying to understand things and just not fully letting words or knowledge sink in till later on." He goes on" It may sound odd but one cannot think of certain things till later on, days..even weeks after something is listened to or read."

Leon hmms, "I guess so. But it has to be more than that, you slipped past the guards and others somehow and got to here with no one saying a word?"

Marek shrugs, "Not all your guards know me, the two new ones didn’t and I surrendered my blade. My Crossbow and bolts are with Scioto in Ferravale, and I have little else that’s a threat to anyone. I have my cloak and yes no one seemed to question it oddly, then again like I have said I am not a threat. I simply came to show respect..I only..wish" He stops talking now, mainly out of fear of breaking down in front of the healer.

Leon watches him closely, he looks back towards the open ground as right now no other beast seems to be nearby and then he looks back at the stoat," You wish what?"

Marek doesn't answer right away as he lays a paw on Lorimis grave, then a quiet voice is heard, "Forgiveness...for all I have done . I have, or least think..gotten forgiveness from Scioto but as he says , he can’t say what others will say."

Leon is unsure what to say, "Well..I can't say I fully trust you just yet, but I do trust you more than I use to. You have not done anything to..make me upset and finding and helping Lilymoore gained even more trust from me."

Marek nods "Trust is something that takes time and I am glad..for more trust from you, I only hope to gain others trust..even if it’s not right away, I do not expect full or even part trust right away from any beast."

Leon nods "That is true. I know a few hate you and wish you...dead. Our head guard doesn't trust you at all, I am unsure of others as I have not really talked to them."

Marek frowns, "That’s expected. But if guards are called on me I would not fight them off, it wouldn’t be needed to surround me, I would go peacefully. And besides if I meant harm it would of come by now"

Leon nods again, "I know..well least -I- do. I also know if you stay long enough you may have someone you rather not find you here. I could let others know you’re not here to harm anyone and your simply here to visit a grave and that’s it. I am not sure how well it would help you"

Marek stays where he is, turning once more to the grave if Lorimis, "I am unsure either Mr. Leon. Some beasts are more forgiving than others, this I do know. Forgiveness can sometimes be hard for some beasts and easy for others. I am sorry for attacks and fear. I am sorry for not getting on the horde beasts case when they messed up the kitchen. Just cause one is a leader doesn’t mean he can control things well, I even had bad luck with 2nd in commands..."

Leon says, "Maybe you could talk to the abbot, the new abbot is Benar in case you didn’t know. But that’s up to you as..well I honestly don’t know what his reaction to you being here would be, but he most likely be more willing to listen than most beasts"

Marek looks at the mouse, his face still a little hidden so tears are not easily seen, "That is a wise choice, he should do well as abbot and led the abbey well and wisely."

Leon is quiet a little while as he nods, he then speaks "Anyways, just be careful who you let see you here and it may not be wise to stay too long."

Marek nods slowly as he sits by Lorimis grave, right now in deep thought and for a little while not caring who finds him, "If you’re done speaking I wish to be..alone for a little while" He sounds near tears, a couple go down his cheeks in fact, “I...will leave peacefully after a little while."

Leon starts to say something but just sighs, he can tell Marek is feeling sad. He also debates on getting Benar himself or just mentioning someone wanted to speak to him and not mention whom that someone is. He walks off slowly and will check on Lilymoore for now and decide on other things later, he trusts Marek to not cause any troubles.

Marek lets tears go down his face, not caring if any beast walks up to him right now. He knows he can't seek forgiveness from Lorimis, but deep down he wishes he could.

Leon looks back towards the graveyard and sighs, well he will check on the stoat later, for now healer duties call.