Tell me a story...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

An oocly tale of dashing heroism! Andinvr and Wilks find them in a situation where their story telling skills are put to the test to save their lives.

Once upon a time, or so the story teller says, it was a fine day to travel through Mossflower woods. A small group of travelers are on their way to Ferreval. A cart is being pulled by a strong and muscular mouse wearing a brown tunic and a wide brimmed hat. A tarp is layed over the cart which is weighed down with a large surplus of redwall food. Walking next to the cart is a young grey furred weasel. The nearly morbidly Obese Fargo is having trouble keeping up with the cart and so has added his weight to the mouse's burdern by throwing him pudgy body on the back of cart. Walking slightly behind there are two foxes...

One of said foxes is a rather happy and excited looking blue furred fox. The black hood of his cloak is up, and a wide smile adorns his face. "So there I was, surrounded by about seven different nasty fellows. My friend was gone, and all I had was a dead pigeon in my paw for a weapon!" His constant talking is sure to wear down even the most resilient souls, and woe be to anybeast who finds themselves trapped on a journey with this loquacious fox.

Wilks groans is certainly feeling /woe/ this morning. The pot bellied black furred fox walks beside the cart as well, he tired distancing himself from his fellow story teller but, the vulpine keeps following him. "Do you EVER stop talking?" He replies. Off in the distance thick grey storm clouds are starting to gather.

Andinvr seems to think about this, stopping his story for only a little bit to ponder this earth shattering question. "Well, no not really, though my mum used to say that I was a rather garrulous fellow, but I always took that as a compliment to be honest."

Wilks face paws. He is starting to get a red mark under his fur from the repeated action. The fox is about to make a reply when the mouse up ahead shouts, "Hey guys! Storms coming, we need to find some shelter and fast!" Fargo sighs, "Really? The storm looks so far away." The driver however shakes his head, "Storms settle in quickly in Mossflower. We need to find shelter." Rolling his eyes the weasel stands up on his cart, with some effort, and gazes out across the land, "I see a cave not too far from here...oh and it looks like there is a cottage or house of some sort in the forrest to our left! Er...its a bit of a ways down the road though."

Andinvr walks up to stand alongside the driver, staring out towards the area Fargo was talking about. Out of the many special traits he has, having great eyesight is one of them. "Well, I can't imagine we have much of a choice in the matter, now do we my dubious friend?" He remarks.

Andinvr walks up to stand alongside the driver, staring out towards the area Fargo was talking about. Out of the many special traits he has, having great eyesight is one of them. "Well, I can't imagine we have much of a choice in the matter, now do we my dubious friend?" He remarks.

"Given the choice, I would say we take the cottage." The fox replies. With a curt nod of his furry head Fargo agrees, "I agree...make is so Jim. With any luck we will be there before the rain kicks in."

About an hour later...

"GAH! To the cottage! To the cottage before we drown!" Fargo yells over the sound of rain fall. The storm is so fierce it is hard to see the large manor ahead of them. Set about a large farm stead the manor sits next to a large barn. "I'll take care of the wagon, you guys get inside!" Jim shouts.

Despite the nature of his species, Andinvr isn't really one for leaving others behind due to his strong sense of friendship, though this didn't mean that he wouldn't do it if it meant that he survived. In this case, however, he figured the mouse would need some help, and so, soaked to the bone, he moves to the front of the cart to try and help Jim. "C'mon old chap! We'll get it there together!" He shouts over the rain.

Wilks is happy to be rid of his fellow story teller. The pudgy vulpine makes a mad dash to the homestead along with the even pudgier weasel. Grateful for the help the mouse manages to pull the wagon to the barn where they find the doors already open and unlocked. The mouse kicks open the doors and drags the cart inside. "I hope they don't mind, but as they say, better to ask for forgiveness than permission right?" He asks the blue fox.

Andinvr laughs, giving the mouse a wry smile. "Oh definitely, but I just hope we don't have to ask a pair of monitor lizards for forgiveness." He says this in a joking matter, but there is an underlying tone of sincerity in it. "In any case, I'm sure we'll be fine," He adds after a moment.

The mouse nods, "Righto. Thanks for the help lad, feel free to head in. I have it taken care of here." Jim decides to wait and see if there really are monitor lizards waiting to eat them inside. Better they dine on Fargo than himself, "I'll, uh, secure the cart. Feel free to head inside."

Andinvr gives the mouse a sly smile, guessing what Jim is doing. "Don't worry, I'll talk the lizards to death if I find any in there." With a laugh, he exits the barn and moves into the rain, heading over to the house.

The front door to the house is left wide open. Obviously a wealthy homestead the fox is greeted by a large lobby like room with stairs on either side of the room leading up to a second floor. Between the stairs is a large dinning room. Food has been set out on the table, a genuine feast made for some vermin master as there is cooked wood pidgeon on the table along with other kinds of meats. Some of the chairs are over turned however and there is no signs of life save for Fargo and Wilks. The weasel waves to the newcomver fox. "Hey Andi...did you happen to see anyone on the way here?" Wilks turns to Andinvr and replies, "Yeah, its odd. It's like someone was getting ready for a meal and...just left it here. We havn't seen anybeast yet."

Andinvr raises an eyebrow at the entire scene, turning to look at the open door, then back at the food. After a few moments, his greedy nature takes over, and he walks over, picking up the entire wood pidgeon. "Well...if the owner was generous enough to leave us this bountiful meal, then we should take advantage of it, right?"

Wilks can't believe his ears, "Hey! You can't just...walk in and eat someone elses meal. They might come back! Tell him Fargo...Fargo?" The fox looks over to find the weasel is already filling up a plate filled with meat and veggies. "Sorry what was that wilks?" Witha defeated sigh Wilks walks over to the table. When in Rome...besides he is hungry and it would be wrong to waste such good and bountifull food, right?

The fox and weasel eat on. While they do there is never a sign of any of the owners or servents, even there own mousy companion has seemed to disapear.

Despite their mouse companion disappearing, Andinvr is far too interested in the wood pidgeon to really notice anything else. He has since taken a seat at the table, tearing at the wood pidgeon with gusto and happiness. "Ah, I haven't had a good dinner in such a long time!" He remarks with a grin.

Both black furred fox and grey furred weasel eat with much gusto as well. "I must admit...who ever put up this spread knew how to eat! Can you imagine feasting like this day in and day out?" Wilks replies. Fargo can only nod, day dreaming about what that would be like. Some time passes and soon the meal is finished for them. Both lean back and sigh in contentment. Wilks lets out a small belch and unbuckles his belt to release the presure upon his swollen belly. He chuckles, "I think I eat another bite, I'll burst!"

Andinvr had also contributed his fair share and more in taking out the dinner, and he finally leans back, an entire section of the table's food gone. The fox had taken in a surprising amount of food for one of his size. He lets out a belch, followed by a content sigh. "I haven't eaten like that in quite a long time..." He says slowly, as though talking were difficult at the moment.

The pot bellied weasel laughs. "Makes you wonder what on earth would convince these people to leave a perfectly good meal." Out side, behind the weasel lightning strikes off in the distance out the window. Highlighting for a brief moment a terrible figure of a snake head peering in at them. The snake's hide is pelted with spears, swords, and arrows...and on its head wears the straw hat of their companion. Wilks barely has time to scream in terror as the snake bursts through the window. Its long thick body coils around the room and easily blocks off each exit, trapping the three in one large circle.

Andinvr is suddenly beside himself with fear, and he lets out a long, loud scream as the snake bursts into the room. All the fox can do is scramble around in his seat, his swollen belly flopping around like a bag of water. "OH STARS NONONONONO I'M SORRY FOR STEALING WILKS'S GOLD, BUT IT WAS ONLY PERIODICALLY!" He ends this with curling up in his seat, whimpering.

Wilks and Fargo share the fox's terror and scream in unison. "Wait...what?" Before Wilks can continue the massive whip tail snake greets them warmly, "Good eveninssss gentle beasstss. I am afraid your hossstsss will not be joining you tonight...or rather, you will be joining THEM very shortly..." Ageless chuckles and gestures with his head to a slight bulge on his midscection. Well, that is one mistery solved. He would look quite comical with the small straw hat ontop of his head if he did not have the power to devour them all whole.

Andinvr cannot help but blurt out, "But why would you eat us?! We're all fur and bones right here!" He protests, sitting up and patting his temporarily large stomach. "Your poor teeth will shatter while you're chewing on the bones, and we can't have that now can we?"

The snake seems to consider this, he appears to be quite blind and yet, has no trouble in locating the fox to poke him in the middle with his tail, "You sssseem rather large for a beassst ssso ssskinny." The snake hunches a bit in a shrug, "But if you insssissst, I found a quite large cart of food in the barn. Prehapsss you would like to have a final meal?" Wilks and Fargo both stare holes into the swollen blue fox. Its bad enough that they are going to be eaten, now they are going to be fattened up and eaten as well.

Ageless tilts his head to one side, "Ah, a chatty one you are. It isss ssso refressing to find a beast who isssn't ssscreaming and trying to run away." The snake smiles at Andinvr. "I'll tell you what. I will give you all one last meal, if you tell me a good ssstory before you finisssh the food in yonder cart, I will let you all live. If not..." The snake smiles again, showing off his fangs. It's been so long since he has had a beast try to bargain their way out of being eaten by him, he will have /so/ much FUN with this. Coiling around each of the beasts in turn the snake slithers back out through the broken window and back towards the barn where they will meet their salvation...or doom.

For several moments, Andinvr sits there in his seat silently, his eyes wide and full of terror. Literally, the lives of him and his companions was resting on him. "Well..." He says slowly, staring straight at Wilks and Fargo. "Time to weave a story!"

The Snake deposits them in the barn, blocking the only exit with his body Ageless nudges them towards the cart ladden with fruits, veggies, and fish. "How about we make thisss interesssting..." Ageless hisses in delight, "Which ever of the two tellsss the besst ssstory shall live..." Fargo raises a timid paw. "Um...but there are, /three/ of us." The snake peers down at the fattened weasel. "Are you a ssstory teller?"

"" The weasel gulps. A second later he makes one final terrified dook sound as the snakes jaws wrap around his upper torso, the snakes fangs digging deep into his fleshy stomach. With horror Wilks watches as Fargo is consumed alive, becoming nothing more than a bulge on the serpents stomach. Witha contented sigh Ageless licks his chops. "I wonder which will taste better..."

There is no longer anything that can surprise Andinvr, and so he musters every bit of willpower that he has to smile widely. "Right, so which of us do you want to start?" He asks cheerfully, the tone hiding the broiling terror underneath his happy face.

The snake smiles, "How about you both tell a ssstory at once." He gives Wilks a push with his tail towards the cart. "Assss you eat of courssse...when the food issss gone, I will decide who will is the better of the two." Ageless peers down at the blue fox. "I will allow you to begin." he says with pleasent smile. The muffled but terrified screams of Fargo can still be heard from inside the snake.

Andinvr is thrown off significantly by not only the prospect of eating while telling a story, but also by Fargo's screams and the unnaturally terrifying smile that the snake gives him. "R-Right...w-well.." He reaches out for the cart, plucking an apple and beginning to munch on it. "In a land far, far away from this place, in a land called Borginia, there lived a rather sizeable snake. That snake's name was...was..uh..Urcaet. Yes, his name was Urcaet. He was hated and feared by all the land for the way that he would eat other beasts to survive, b-but this snake was truly good inside, and he truly cared for all beasts!"

The snake narrows his eyes a bit, turning to Wilks he watches him with unblinking eyes until the black furred fox takes some fruit off the cart and begins to eat as well. " turn? Right. Urcaet really didn't like to kill beasts but, being a snake, he kind of had too to live. Because of his terrible repuation he lived mostly alone large castle! Yeah! A castle!"

Andinvr nods hurriedly in agreement. "When he found out, he wasn't mad, but instead sad that the beasts felt the need to protect themselves from him. The band that was there drove him away when he tried to appeal to them. When he returned to the castle, he hatched a plan in his mind on a way to solve this problem. He would go to the village and he would eat the band of beasts that had pledged to defend the villagers from him, but were also making village life miserable."

"They were causing a ruckus, eating their food, vandalism etc etc." The fox begins to relate all of the woes and injustices that happened under the band of 'heroes' rule. It's hard to tell if Ageless is interested in the tale or not, being a snake, "And the sssnake, he returned to crush into passste?" Then again, he seems interested in the brutality of the snake destroying beasts.

Andinvr nods quickly. "Oh definitely! He returned with great anger and much..uh...hissing..and he laid waste to the so called heroes that would defend against him. He took many wounds from their weapons, but he would not stop, and by the end, he had utterly destroyed the band of beasts that had rolled into town, and suddenly, the beasts of the village praised Urcaet as a great hero!"

"And the snake lived happily ever after!" The snake turns for the food, he may be mostly blind but what little vision he has left tells him that their time is running short, "Issss that really the end? Or did you both have another ssstory...?"

Andinvr hesitates, looking straight at the cart. "A-And he lived happily ever after for several weeks! After that, Urcaet was overcome by an overwhelming bloodlust, and he swept through and wiped out the entire village, eating all the inhabitants before slithering off happily. And /then/ he lived happily ever after!"

The snake smiles at the ending, wiping a tear away from his eyes with his tail. "I like happy endingsss..." Wilks shoots his fellow story teller a hateful glare. He really doesn't want to be eaten, especially knowing that the blue fox lives. "Now...true to my word, I will let you finisssh up your lassst meal. Then we sssshall sssee about /my/ meal."

Andinvr nods again rather quickly, finishing off the woodpidgeon leg in his paw. If he's going to die, he might as well die with a full belly, especially considering that he felt ready to throw up the copious amounts of food that he had just consumed. "Well I don't know about you, but I feel quite stuffed!" He responds quickly.

The snake leans forward, "Well, /ssssomebeasssst/ has to finish off the ressst of thisss food." He looks to Wilks who looks to the cart that still has a modest feast left on it. With a gulp he begins to eat...

Some time later finds the black furred fox stuffed to the point of bursting. The bulge of his once already fat stomach pins him to the ground. It raises and falls with every painfull breath. The snake has been patiently waiting here for them to finish. The screams of Fargo died out a while ago. "Now...any lasssst wordsss before I crown the victor." Ageless is obviously having fun messing with the beasts. Wilks for his part is too stuffed to even speak.

Laying on the ground, Andinvr cannot respond either, and he slowly shakes his head to reply to the snake's question. By this point, he is so stuffed that he almost wishes that the snake would choose to eat him so that he could be spared the feeling of wanting to throw everything up.

The snake smiles at them both sweetly. Which plump little fox does he devour? He coils first around Wilks bloated form. The black furred fox gulps as he opens his maw wide before him then turns for Andinvr. "You sssspun a most enjoyable story fox. Assss a reward I think I ssshall tell you both a ssstory...there once wassss a sssanke who caught two little foxessss. Through cunning and gile he got them both to fatten up for hissss meal." With that Ageless manuvers behind the fox, he opens his maw wide so he see his final destination clearly.

CHOMP! The fox's upper torso dissapears into the snakes gullet and he begins to swollow him whole. Wilks watches in terror as the snake works its way down the fox's gorged stomach, and finely the vulpines legs. It swollows up the tail like sphagetti. " please...please don't." Wilks can hardly move as the snake approaches him. "! GAAAAAAA!"

CHOMP! GULP! Ageless leans back and sighs in contentment. Coiling into a ball he rests his head on the buldge of his stomach, the black furred vulpine's muffled screams sooth him to sleep.



Anvindr is a rather average sized fox. His fur is the most remarkable thing about him, being a rather bright shade of sky blue. His 'sleeves' are a jet black, and his eyes are also an unusual shade of purple. His clothing consists of a red colored vest and green pants all under a black hooded cloak that is held in place by a clasp in the shape of a lute at his neck.


There is no denying that Fargo Willhelm has an addiction to eating. The incredibly well fed ferret that stands before you has actually slimmed down, believe it or not, over the last few months. Even so, this young ferret has a layer of flesh to every space on his body imaginable. His shoulders, back, chest, sides, and tail bulge with heavy eating and drinking and it looks as if he has a large cooking pot tucked away under the fur of his fleshy belly.

The next detail you notice is Fargo's fur. He is covered head to toe in light grey fur that drifts towards white as it nears the weasel's chin and midriff. His ears and tail are both tipped in black fur as are the fingers of his paws. A black mask runs across his hazel eyes.

Over his grey fur Fargo wears rather simple clothing. A short sleeved brown cloth vest adorns his shoulders. It has a trio of brass buttons that are never used as the weasel leaves the vest open to expose his chest and middle. Under his vast waist line Fargo wears a loose fitting pair of trousers made from a lighter shade of brown cloth held up by an otter hide belt.


Your eyes lay hold of the fox known simply as Wilks. He is a young fox, prehaps in his early 10th or 11th season. Although normal height for a fox he lacks an imposing build.

The fox's limbs are lanky and his paws have never seen an honest day of laber in his life. Dispite his vagrant lifestyle it is obvious to the passing eye that this vulpine has kept himself well fed. The pot bellied fox has what one would call a pleasently plump appearence. At least that is what he calls himself, others just call him overweight.

A completely black pelt covers the body of this vulpine save for his pink paw pads and large golden eyes. The fur is short and surprisingly clean for a beast who travels so much.

The fox clothes himself in garments befitting a story teller, flashy yet simple and cheap. An overcoat graces his shoulders, made from light tan cloth the coat stretches down to the fox's knees, the back end has a split up the center where his long and fluffy tail portrudes. The fringes of the vest are lined with red felt with flame like designs on his sleeves and the bottom. He lets the coat hang open in warmer weather to expose his scruffy chest and belly fur.

A pair of light brown trousures line his waist and cling loosely to his legs all the way down to the tops of his bare foot paws.