Tazan Mini Reunion

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Tagger, William, Ella

Location: Path to Ferravale

Path to the Gates of Ferravale

Snow has finally stopped! And the sun is shining brightly, given the layer of white, almost a diamond sheen. It’s the next day after the little fiasco at the gate. And true to his word. Tagg left the next morning from the infirm, and headed back to his little 'holt' by the river. And he is not alone. He went back to deliver notes to his entire family, telling them to meet them at his little home when they can. Then on the otherside he gave directions. [Exit the gate. Take a left along the first river. Follow to the fallen tree] That was a few hours ago. And Tagg sits with somebeast on a log, as she pursues over his new scar over his cheek, "Ooo. Tagger that looks painful. Aww. You’re growing up!" "Shush you! It’s nothing really" “You know that will probably not go away." "I know Elz, its alright..." "GASP! What will Mum think!" "You are loving this... Aren’t you..." "Oh aye!" Ella laughs.

Snow crunched under Will's boots as he followed the river and read over his brother's note again. The rat had been keeping to his kiln or the tavern much of the time and had heard very little about what the rest of his family was up to. Amy had wanted to go with him, but since Chris was still not quite well Will had persuaded her to stay behind to watch the stoat. The rat couldn't make out what the otters were saying or see them yet as he followed the river.

The 'holt', as Tagg calls it. Is nothing more than a little dip in the side of the river where it makes a small pool of water to the side of it. There, he has set up a pretty good sized tent and even chopped down some nearby trees for wood and shelter. His little home away from the city. Tagg had told his sisters about where he was a few weeks ago. And guess who decided to stop by. Ella. The more... barbaric of the twins. She in most of her leather armor is covered in a brown cloak as she warms her paws by the roaring fire. Her beloved axe sitting a few paw lengths away. Tagg on the other paw is missing his shirt as he checks on his wound from yesterday, "Whelp, looks like i've stopped bleeding" "Bout time. I always knew you were soft" "Oh har har says the girl who wouldn't light the fire" "HEY Me and fire just don't get along, alright... We have an understanding" Tagg laughs much to the scowl of his sister. Taggs middle is completely covered with a bandage, with a bloody splotch on the right side.

On his cheek. From ear to lip are three perfectly parallel claw marks. They are deep and red.

William waddes up the note and tucks it into his belt as he spies the camp and pair of otters. "Pikefish doesn't like fire?" he asks loudly taking the axe and rough apperance of the ottermaid as proof that she is who he assumes her to be. The rat frowns at Tag. "You were supposed t' be one th' smart otters, Tag," he says playfully. It's clear that the otter's wound have already been tended to so he's likely fine if Ella's picking on him.

Tagger nudges his sister, "I still remember like is was yesterday... Lit your fur on fire. It was so pretty while it lasted." that deserves a punch from the femotter, "You. Shut up Tagg." She pokes at the fire, noticing the book next to Tagg, "So... Hows the Pall..." she glances behind Tagg and a big ole grin spreads across her face, "Will! You old rattywhomper!" she stands quickly knocking the log off balance and throwing Tagg to the snowy floor with an uff. Ella runs over to the rat to give him a big ole otter hug wether he wants it or not, "It has been ages matey!" Tagg rubs the back of his head going back to sit on the log, "I am smart. Er. Smarter." he snorts, "Ella came to visit"

William oofs as his not so little sister grabs him, lifting him off his footpaws. "It has been a while," he agrees as he submits to the tight hug from the strong ottermaid. "Yew kin let go now El," he says after a bit as he rubs her headfur with a paw. "Oi think ya got taller yet since last Oi saw ya."

Ella squeezes extra hard, just for good measure as she puts down the rat, "Oh! Yeah! Right!" she chuckles putting her paws on her hips. Ella is pretty Tall for most otters. But of the three siblings, she is the shortest. She grins, "Oh aye! I don't even remember how long its been. 6... 8 seasons or something? Bloody long time!? I think i've grown twice since then! Bout the size of mum now!" Then going back to the log and plopping next to her brother. Tagg was just about to nibble on a bit of fish jerky when she snatches it from his paw, "Yoink. Thanks Taggy!" Tagg rolls his eyes looking back toward the rat, "So! What you think?" he asks in general. Not really pointing to one topic or another.

"About you being stupid or being half strangled by my kid sister?" Will asks. He makes a face at Ella. "Place looks .... decent, Oi guess, fer an otter." he says taking another look around the holt. "Hear you got on th wrong side of thet thick headed cat," the rat remarks, "Wot is it with otters an lookin' fer trouble?"

Tagger sticks his tongue out at the rat, "I wasn't being stupid... I was..." he glances to his book before looking back at the rat, "I was protecting Robin. He got hit with the most with it. Cat tore his calf open... All i got was a bit of a flesh wound..." he rubs his side and shakes his head, "Aye. I think her name is Wyld something... Every time we cross paths. We just... Want to kill each other it seems like..." he rubs his brows, "I didn't go looking for trouble... Trouble seems to find me..." Ella snorts loudly, "Welcome to the Tazan family Tagg! Would you like a cookie?" she laughs and punches him again, "Comes with the territory mate! You just shouldn't have fought her, with a weapon you are not proficient with!" she pokes him hard on the forehead, "You dolt!"

William grimaces at mention of Robin's injuries. "'Ow's th' stoat? Did he do somethin' t' upset th' cat? She likes t' git 'er way, savage as it is. Suprized Amy hasn't tried t became bestest friends with her yet." The rat glances down at Tagg's book. "Wot ya readin'?" he asks.

Ella goes back to warming her paws. She not really a big fan of cold. Tagg was always alright with it as he pats an open log next to him by the fire, for the rat to sit down "Rob is alright. Got him to the infirm. A newt of some sort patched us both up. I think the stoat is still there. Couldn't walk correctly. Newt said most of muscle thingys were cut..." he goes back to rubbing his eyes, "I couldn't stay... i had to leave..." Ella chuckles to herself, "Getting cloudy headedness?" "Yeah... Why?" She just snorts and grins, "Nothing..." Tagg looks back at his book, and gives a bit of a smile, "Oh..." the book is normal in size. Its covered in dyed blue leather and the markings of 'Codex' on the front. Tagg says, "Part of my training at the Camp... Ive been chosen to be a camp... Paladin... But. I'm not doing so good so far..." he sighs. Ella goes quiet.

William takes the offered seat. "Figured Oi'd 'ave heard iffen th' stoat was dead. ..... Mighta meet thet newt. Udat 'e said 'is name was. Chris got drunk out 'is 'ead an crashed int' th' newt other day. Oi helped th newt out. Neither of em was hurt, but Udat's fire box thing needed fresh oil. Stoat owe me for thet now, once 'e wakes up," the rat says. "Thet better than a guard?" he asks unfamilar with the term Tagg was using. Seeing Ella go quiet doesn't sit right with the rat. "Hey, 'Ow yew been, Sis? Oi 'ave heard much from yew yet," he says trying to involve her more in the conversation.

Tagger clicks his claws, "Yeah! Udat was his name..." he then remembers the box he was carrying. That explains that then. He smiles and pats the book, "Being A Camp Pally, is like being an abbey elder. Very select few get the offer. And even fewer get in..." he picks up the book and reads the first page, "Beasts who exemplify; Peace and War. Healing and Tactics. Love and Friendship. Honor and valor... Yadda yadda... the list goes on for awhile..." he chuckles and glances back at Ella. Tagg knows that when Ella was his age. She was also picked. But she failed. And its always haunted her. Tagg hums tapping the book. Ella pokes at the fire before perking up and smiling at the rat, "Oh me? Ive been a'okay matey! I think i found a profession i'm good at. Never really cared for guard work!" she punches Tagg, "Though i hardly see anybeast anymore! How you been mate? How the wife? The young'uns!"

William isn't as aware of what the otters did after leaving Moledeep other than that they all went to like at Camp Willow and be with other otters. "Good," he says as Ella meantions find a profession that suits her. "Eh Oi'm alright. Been busy working a lot lately," He says. He doesn't meantion how often much time he's spend at the tavern. No need to have her think he's caught one of their dad's old bad habits. "'Aven't really been away from th' shop much lately. ....." the rat continues before remembering just how long it's been since he's seen his sister and how much has happened since then, "Oh, I got a shop in town an help with the rebuilding back during th last battle ...... usual stuff. Amy an Coby are both fine. They're back at home watching Chris." Will thinks a bit for something else to tell her. "Oh, heard somebeast," he prods Tagg, "was making eyes at some ferretmaid in town not too long ago."

Ella smiles, "Ive heard. Tagg sent me and sis a letter a few weeks back. Told me all about this place. Said it was absolutely nuts. Nothing like the camp. So i had to check it out!" she grins whipping her rudder on the ground, "Must see everything! You will have take me on a tour latter. Cause this lump wont take me..." Tagg harumphs, "Not going back in there knowing there is a deranged cat... Ill take my chances with the wild, thank you!" Ella rolls her eyes before really giving a smug look to Tagg, "Or really? Was it googoo eyes ikkle taggy!?" she laughs. Tagg puts on the biggest frown he can muster, "I hate you."

William shrugs, "Well, it is a bit nuts. But it's not thet bad. Th' place isn't huge. It doesn't take long t see it all. Got houses, shops, normal town stuff." He grins at Tagg, "Yer supposed t avoid th cat, Tagg. Thet's loike rule one of livin' 'ere. Keep 'way from th crazy half grown cat. Besides it'd be a bit more boring without 'er. Keepin' 'way from thet cat is right up there with keeping on the good side of healers an cooks. It's just common sense."

Tagger grunts to himself as he puts on his tunic and vest combo, "Guess I missed that one..." he shakes his head before pulling out another bit o' jerky. Ella's eyes go wide, as she jumps! The otter siblings fight for a second before Tagger hold Ella in a otter hug, "Nononono! Not this time Elz. This is my jerky! If you nip it all, all have to make some again!" Ella arghs and twists and shoves her rudder every which way, "Tagg! Put me down you big gruffer! Don't make me hurt you!" Tagg laughs and puts her down. She shoves him hard before plopping down next to the rat. Forgetting Tagg and his jerky, "Still. I want to see it all! Never been in a vermin city before!" she grins flattening her kilt, "Bet it’s still more fun than the camp. Or what Mum is doing at the abbey." Tagg rubs his brow again.

William laughs and tries to stay out of the way as the otter siblings tussle of the jerky. He grins at Ella when she plops down beside him. "Oi suppose Oi'll 'ave t' show ya around then," he says. His expression fades when she mentions Fira. ".... Yew 'ear from Mum lately, El?" he asks.

Tagger grins as he walks over to one of the fallen trees, jerky sticking out of his mouth, as he starts to pick at some of the limbs. He is working on a wooden dummy to practice on. But so far, you cant really tell. Ella sticks her tongue at her brother before looking back to the rat, "Mum? Yeah... I mean. I haven't seen her in a few seasons. Last time..." she looks to Tagg, "Last time... we all saw her was at Taggs graduation of the guard program..." back to Will, "Last i heard she was still looking for a cure for her and Taggs... Ear thing. I guess..." she plays with her kilt nervously, "We haven't heard from her in awhile..." she hums.

William nods. "Oi 'aven't hear much else myself. She was at Redwall a while back going through their library. Don't know if she's still there," he says, "Oi'm sure th beasts there 'ill keep an eye on 'er though, maybe find something t help 'er in th mean time til she finds a cure." The rat is quite for a moment not the most happy subject to discuss, but he'd wanted to know if she had any news he didn't. "So," he starts trying to switch to something else depressing, "Yew meet many beasts running around with yer axe there? 'Ave any fellas yet fer me an Tagg to teach t' mind their manners?" He's already picked on Tagg for flirting with the ferret, now it's Ella's turn to be picked on.

Ella nods and scratches at her ear, "Oh aye. I'm not worried. Mum can always take care of herself... I still think she gets letters from Venei now and then..." she shrugs, "Venei tends to forget that we all aren't in constant contact with each other." she laughs placing her legs on the log and hugging them, scowling at the rat, "I do meet lots of beats... ANDYES! there is a guy..." Tagg chuckles, "Oh aye... Who is he? Some barb otter with no manners and no hygiene?" he chuckles. Ella, if you can tell. Goes slightly red and frowns at Tagg. Then she grins evilly, "Well. I wasn't originally going to tell you. With your history with him. But its Bart..." she smirks. Tagg drops his knife and stares at Elz, "Bart? Bart? The Bart? BARTI?" she just smiles.

"Do yew 'ear an echo?" Will asks ignore Tagg. "Wot's 'e loike?" he asks Ella, "Oi 'aven't met 'im. Oi get the feeling Tagg might know 'im

Tagger scowls at the femotter walking back to the fire, "Oh i know him... I know him real well..." he plops with a little anger onto an empty logseat, "Bartimus is slightly older then Elz. And... Was also in the guard program. In fact he was my guardmate during training. Bart, lets just say. Didnt really care for the non camp otter who was 'stuck to his tail'. I was still short at the time..." Ella decides to finish the story, "Bart broke his arm... for fun." Tagg grumbles, "... Didnt even get in trouble..."

William frowns. "An breakin' our liddle brother's arm fer fun is 'cept'ble b'havior b'cause ... ?" Will asks. He expects Ella to explain things more. "It should be common knowlege by now thet attackin' a Tazan otter is bad thing t do. Some beasts must have poor memories," he remarks doubting Aikuen would have approved of Tagg's arm being broken for some other beasts fun. The rat doesn't say it hoping the rest of the story will put the incident in context.

Tagger is still fuming at Ella, "I was only 5 seasons at the time. And he was 9... Oh... And believe me. He wont forget it..." Ella actually chuckles, "Aye. After Bart broke his arm. Tagg knocked him out with a rock..." "I only half remember that." "I do, i was there... When the guards arrived, they thought it was just rough housing gone wrong, and didn't punish anybody. And Tagg. He still has that broken nose." Tagg actually chuckles, "Heehee! Now THAT i do remember!" then Ella continues, "And by the way. The elders did eventually find out. It kept him from the paladin program..." Taggs eyes go wide, "Oh wow..."

William follows along with the story and smiles a bit upon hearing that this Bart did get punished for hurting Tagg. "Oi suppose Bart must have some good traits," the rat says slowly, "Did 'e mind gettin' kicked out th' program?" Will smirks a bit, "'E know how dangerous my Pikefish is yet?"

Ella grins and rocks back and forth, "Oh yes. After he..." "I don't want to hear any of this! Not with my sister an all!" The male otter quickly stands and walks toward his dummy, and turns around so is not facing them. Ah... quiet. Ella sticks his tongue at him, "Go then, you. Anyway. Yes. When he graduated he went to Southsward for awhile. He came back a few seasons ago. Completely different beast. He is not as headstrong as he used to be..." she grins to herself, "And he knows... All about me. With my crusher an all..." she pats her lovely axe, "He never treats me like a lady..." For Ella. That's a good thing.

William chuckles at Tagg's discomfort. "Sounds loike 'e turned 'isself around. 'E knows all about yew? Seems yer boyfriend's got a slight advantage over me then. Wot do you do with thet axe? Oi don't mind too much if 'e doesn't treat yew loike a lady, iffen thet's wot yew want, but 'e'd best respect ya if 'e knows wot's good fer 'im," the one-eyed rat says grinning. "Yew say Ve writes a lot, wot's she up to these days? She 'avin' as much fun as yew?"
