Talking about snow and parties

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]

Blisa the cat and Ferdinand the ferret. Ash the bat. Scioto the cat. Nightbreath the melanistic ermine.

The door to the outside opens and a petite white cat, just out of kittenhood, comes skipping in, followed by a ferret in the uniform of the guards of Ferravale with a sabre at his side. The cat's white fur looks slightly damp as she comes up to the village Chieftain. "Hi, Daddy."

Ash grins "Snow can be fun, well sometimes it is cold but yeah weeks away still..."He waves to Blisa "Ello!"

Scioto shakes his head at the bat and smiles at Blisa "Greetings dear, has your day been going ok?"

Blisa nods happily. "Ferdinand took me to the pond for a swim. I like snow," she adds, turning to the bat. "It's so beautiful. And I like making snowballs and throwing them at creatures. It's funny." Ferdinand the ferret guard rolls his eyes, but he's smiling.

Ash says, "I like to drop them on beasts head, they don't expect snow balls from above, flying has its advantages"

Scioto nods "Visiting the pond before it gets too cold is wise, once the ice forms your have to be careful, least untill it's thick to skate on"

Blisa giggles at the idea of dropping snowballs on people's heads. "Maybe I should try that, except I'd have to climb a tree." Ferdinand smiles at his boss. "I took her to try on thkateth today, thince herth don't fit her anymore. I hope you don't mind."

Ash says, "Yeah but beasts may look up for that...out in the open, why look up?"

Scioto says, "Wont be for a long while, skateing on the pond "

Ferdinand nods. "I know. I'm hoping that it'll thnow early tho Blitha will thtop pethtering me about when the thnow will come." Blisa taps her chin thoughtfully. "You have a point. I wonder...if I put on some sort of camouflage, with my white fur, if nobeast would notice me..." She holds out part of her skirt, frowning slightly in thought.

Ash nods "I need ta fly to check on the bees" He flies off, after getting out the door.

Scioto says, "Lets not worry about snow just yet, for now the harvest is almost done, so we focus on that"

Blisa waves to the leaving bat, then turns to her father. "Are we going to have a festival?" she asks excitedly. Ferdinand sits and orders some tea for himself.

Scioto says, "I do not know, it's not something that's done here very often, I know the abbey has theirs but we are not the abbey"

Blisa is visibly disappointed, but she just nods as she scrambles onto a stool. She's still pretty short, even though she's 6 seasons old. "Well, then, can I have a party for me and my friends, if we don't have a Harvest Festival?"

Scioto arches an eyebrow "Friends? A party? Why the sudden interest in a party for and who would come to it?"

Blisa looks hurt. "I like parties, and I like celebrating stuff. And my friends! Ferdinand and my other bodyguards....well, they were my bodyguards while you were captured in Redwall. And Basilisk and Oakenpaw, and maybe DoraRose and Leon and their Dibbuns, and of course you, and some of the barmaids and the tavern-keeper and some of my beggar friends. I like to buy them bread and coats and stuff." The looks on her face has turned anxious as she seems to want this very, very badly.

Scioto sighs, "I will think on it, ok and rather not be reminded of being at the abbey...for that long" He frowns in thought and looks at Blisa, "Something like that needs planed and figured out, and a location as well"

Blisa gasps as a look of delight spreads over her face. "Oh, I was thinking either our house or the Town Hall, depending on how many guests I invite. I was thinking soups and bread and cheese, with pies for desserts, and cider and maybe some October Ale for drinks, aswell as tea. And I would decorate the room with fall foliage." It seems that she has been planning already.

Scioto says, "Last I heard the abbey was very low on October Ale and we have very little ourselves, and I have yet to talk to the abbot on getting any, not really talked to any beast at the abbey since...well the takeback happen" He smiles a little "We could have in in the town hall, but not too soon, ok""

It seems that Blisa flies as she jumps off the stool and goes to hug her father around the neck. "Oh, Daddy, thank you, thank you, thankyou!" She is smiling so brightly and widely that you can see basically all of her pointy teeth. Ferdinand, too, seems pleased, although he's definitely not throwing himself at anybeast for a big hug.

Scioto smiles and returns the hug, "Maybe I will make a visit to the abbey, I am unsure" He still has mixed feelings on going to the abbey, the time he was there was not good but that wasn't the abbeys fault or his even. "Or we both go"

Blisa is literally squealing with delight as she pulls away from her father and starts to jump up and down, drawing happy, smiling glances from the tavern staff. "Oh, Daddy, could we?! I'd love to go to Redwall! Oh, please, that would be amazing!!" Her green eyes are flashing with delight. Ferdinand has a slightly troubled look in his strange golden eyes, but he says nothing about it for now.

Scioto lays a paw on her arm to calm down, "Maybe.." He looks at Ferdinand "Are you ok? You look worried about a trip?"

Blisa quiets down a little, but her eyes are still shining and she's still smiling. Ferdinand shrugs. "I'm jutht hoping that thomebeathtth at the Abbey Mith Blitha'th age include her in thome thtuff ith all."

Scioto says, "I am unsure who is close to her age there"

Blisa deflates slightly, then shrugs and twirls aroudn a few times. "I don't care! I'll be with you, Daddy and Ferdinand, and DoraRose will be there, and I can find out abotu the rules for training and how old somebeast must be. I'll be fine. I'll make sure that I'll ahve fun!" She plants a foot firmly on the floor and looks aroudnt he room as if challenging someone to defy her.

Scioto says, "Blisa, any training you have is done here in the village"

Blisa stares at her father, aghast. "But why? Why can't I have DoraRose or somebody teach me something new, or help me with some of my fighting skills when I'm not doing anything else at the Abbey?" Ferdinand keeps his expression neutral, but he is listening very closely and carefully.

Nightbreath walks into the tavern and sits near the wildcat family and Ferdy, his hooded features revealing nothing as of now.

Scioto says, "I am unsure of their ideas on training fighters is all, we will have to ask the abbot, and yes the abbot or Benar, not Flicktail he would say yes to anything to make a beast happy, if someone wanted to paint the abbey green he probably be like...if it makes ya happy"

Blisa smiles in confidence again, certain that Benar or Lorimis will let her continue her training while visiting Redwall, then busts out into helpless laughter at the mental image of the Abbey dripping in green paint. Ferdinand chuckles and nods cheerfully at the Seer over the ferret's cup of tea.

Scioto smiles, he looks over at Nightbreath and nods a hello, weather he sees it or not maybe he can sense it.

Nightbreath nods in return to both Ferdinand and the Chieftain at once. He's already planned to, if Lorimis or Benar should deny Blisa training due to her youth, begin instructing her himself.

Ferdinand sips his tea, thinking about the trouble he and the other guards have had making Blisa understand some of the finer techniques of fighting with her chosen weapons. Blisa has stopped laughing and is wiping happy tears from her eyes and sniffing. "Hi, Nighty! How are you today?" The ferret almost chokes when he hears the new nickname for the ermine.

Scioto sighs a little, he does arch an eyebrow at the name and starts to say something else when he is tapped on the shoulder by a guard and sighs more as he stands to go deal with...well something.

Nightbreath blinks but other than that has no reaction to his new nickname, other than a twitch at the corner of his mouth. "I am well, Blisa. I trust you are?" He gazes off into the distance for a moment before returning to reality.

Blisa nods decisively. "Yes, I am. I'm planning a Harvest party. Would you like to come?" she asks eagerly, her eyes shining with hope that he'll say yes.

"Of course," Nightbreath says warmly. "I would be honored." He smiles, his eyes shining briefly in return.

Blisa claps her paws joyously, then grabs Ferdinand's paw and dashes out the door. "C'mon, let's go invite more beasts!" The ferret yells something about not paying for his tea, but they are out the door before anyone can respond. The barkeep pays for the tea himself, chuckling something about the cat always being kind to the homeless.

Thanks for reading!
