Talking about Zork's death and the Frosted Arrows

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]

Marek the stoat. LilyMoore and DoraRose, mice.

Marek is cleaning up around the main bar area and has made some fresh scones. He also is having the fighting pits closed for a couple hours after a rather bad fight ended with a lot of blood and...well he wants it cleaned up before anyone goes into there, if anyone does today. He sighs as Zaram has left to go who knows where.

LilyMoore is excited. Her mother has brought her to Ferravale to hang out with Marek! The tavern door opens, and the 2 mice enter, Lily dressed in a black dress and black apron, DoraRose in a black tunic, black leggings, and black boots, her black battleaxe, Nightsong, in paw. Upon seeing her friend, the young mouse runs across the tavern, crying, "Marek!!" Her mother follows close behind, giving the stoat a look of distrust. But, hey, at least she's letting her daughter see him.

Marek spots Lilymoore and smiles, a smile is rare for him as he goes to hug the mousemaid, he gives a nod to Dorarose, "Miss Dorarose...hello there, the ax isn't needed I would never harm Lilymoore or you for that matter." He looks back to Lilymoore "Well how have you been, it is good to see you." A few tavern beasts look over, but whether its the ax the mouse has or the fact they know better to than to mess with a beast talking to Marek, it's unclear why they just go back to their card game.

Shrugging, Dora clumps Nightsong onto the bartop. "I understand that. I just try to never leave the Abbey without either my axe or my sword." Lily's smile fades at his question, and she goes to bury her face into his tunic front. "I'm okay, I guess," is her mumbled reply.

Marek raises an eyebrow and looks over at Dorarose, "What is wrong with her? You didn't tell her to stop being a friend did you?" He doesn't sound angry at that idea, maybe a little sad but it's something he would expect to happen, he was evil at one time...not that he might not act evil at times if one gets on his bad side. Like a weasel a few days ago, yeah it has a broken arm now.

Shaking head, Dora looks at her axeblade, looking so sad, she almost seems depressed. "'s....something else....." Lily look up at her friend as a tear trickles down her cheek. "Zork...he...." She sniffs and wipes her cheeks on her sleeve.

Marek tilts his head, yes he knows who the badger is, "Awww...the one in the wheelchair, you wrote about him a couple times. Is he ill? I am sorry if he is and hope he gets better, I am sure that Father of yours can help him." He never really got along with the badger very well, he did get a letter saying he was forgiven by Zork but he wasn't sure if that was a lie or not.

LilyMoore shakes her head, her chin trembling as more tears escape her eyes. "He...he....d...died! A w...w..." A sob shakes her shoulders, and she goes to bury her face in his tunic again. Dora wipes a tear from her cheek and sniffs. "We're all taking his death pretty hard....especially his daughter, it seems."

Marek stands there as if in shock, he frowns sadly and wraps his arms around the mouse "I am...sorry." He looks to Dora and nods "I can not go to the funeral, but I am sorry to hear of his death, even if he didn't like me much, then I think few like me anyways. I would suggest talking to his daughter, I did not use to know what loss is, but I did find out and its a great pain beyond...pain, so it's best to talk to her and let her know she has friends and loved ones left."

LilyMoore is crying silently, so the stoat's tunic is probably going to have a wet spot. Dora sighs, and rests a paw on her daughter's shoulder. "I would like to, but she seems to have locked herself in the bookbinding room. I've debated about seeing if I can pick the lock, but I don't to intrude upon her privacy, either. Plus, I've only actually picked a lock once before, so I'm not sure if I could repeat the feat. It was more luck than anything else that time...."

Marek raises an eyebrow at the pick a lock thing, well that's an interesting skill as he nods, "Maybe...the abbot or...the other badger could get her out. I would say that Zee but he has not been in the tavern for almost 3 weeks." He frowns "He seems missing or just left the area."

LilyMoore is still crying silently into her friend's shirtfront. Her mother looks sharply at the stoat's face. "Zee? Missing for 3 weeks?" She frowns grimly. "He would not have known about Zork, then. He....passed into the Dark Forest only a few days ago." Her finger begins to tap the shaft of her axe rapidly as she thinks. "Why would he just....up and leave? That seems a bit odd....right?" She really doesn't know Zee all that much, so she wants to be sure she's right.

Marek speaks "I do not know, I saw him briefly during a fight with some ferrets...but most of that is a haze" He has suffered some memory loss, "But he always came in here and..." He starts to say be annoying as heck but says "Had lunch and chatted" Yes chatted a lot and wouldn't shut up he thinks, and oddly he misses the badger who wouldn't shut up.

LilyMoore sniffs and looks up at the adults, but for now is silent in her sorrow. She just listens. Dora keeps tapping the axe shaft, her eyes getting a slightly unfocused look to them as she thinks. " you don't really know much about him, I take it. What were these ferrets like...? Was there anything.....remarkable about them?"

Marek tries to remember..."Tattoo of something blue on their paws..."

Something whispers inside DoraRose's mind, and suddenly her finger stops tapping. "Was it a weapon of some kind? Such as a sword or a crossbow or.....something?" Lily seems to be content just resting in her friend's arms, listening.

Marek tries to remember and then snaps his fingers "A blue arrow...all like with ice like design around it."

LilyMoore wipes her eyes on her sleeve. "So, like, a frosty arrow?" She doesn't know how close she has come to the true name of the group. Dora narrows her eyes as she thinks, finger tapping her axe shaft again. "Is that a familiar name to you? Did you know a group by that name when you were....ah, let's say not so nice?"

Marek is starting to remember, "I don't know much of...that group...sorry. some of the fight is still hazy but they all had this blue arrow on their paws, I remember that, Longfang had one too...he seems to have disappeared...gone now believe, he mentioned someone wanted to talk to me, someone his boss talked to."

LilyMoore blinks, still looking very sad. "I hope your past doesn't come to haunt you...." she whispers. Dora looks at the fighting pit, thinking. "Do you know the name of his boss, and the name of the beast who wanted to talk to you? I have a feeling that it wouldn't've been a friendly chat." How perceptive.

Marek frowns "A name I know very well, and he is not part of this...arrow what ever clan, his name is Zurrgg he is a wildcat, he...wanted me to work for him once and I tricked him and got him into trouble, he got locked away and I left saying how lands would be mine and not his...course I care nothing for land now, I was..."He frowns "Power hungry then...I cared nothing for anything but more power over others, and now I seek forgiveness for this and have gained some, but not a good deal..." A tear goes down his face.

LilyMoore goes to hug her friend around the neck and tries to wipe his tear away. "It'll be alright. /I/ trust you." DoraRose chooses to ignore the last part of what he said and focus on what she deems as slightly more important. "Zurrg....well, it does sound like he would have a good reason to hate you. What kind of weapon did he used to wield, and what did he look like?"

Marek says, "Wildcat patterns and he has twin blades...bolas maybe, who knows now that was a long time ago"

Marek shakes his head and then sniffs the air and frowns "I have to go..." He quickly gives Lilymoore a hug and dashes into the kitchens, then yells "Nooooo the scones burned!!!!" Ok.....well he cooks, that's a nice hobby.

LOL, that was a funny pose out XD After this, D.R. and Lily go back home and tell somebody that Zee is missing. Thanks for reading!
