Talking Of Babies And Recorder Logs

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Library

The library has never looked better in seasons as shelves have been

repaired and so have tables and chairs. The once empty sleeves now

have more books in them and not only that the books are in an ABC

order and arranged by subject to better find what one is looking for.

The beautifully crafted windows are well cleaned.

This gives the library plenty of light during the daylight hours. The

room has a high vaulted ceiling. The flagstones of the floor are cool

and smooth, and echoes are sometimes heard when beasts walk. Brass

lamps containing short, fat little white candles provide enough light

for reading. Some books are still being mended but being working on

getting on the shelves. The backroom is even very clean and organized

as well. Books were found in the attic and some from Ferravale were

added that the Ferravale beast had maybe two copies of something so

gave Redwall one of the copies for the Redwall library, all in all a

lot of hard work has done wonders for the library.

On an Oakwood desk is the charter laying inside a clear glass case for

all to see. The glass case keeps it safe and clean. Some other chairs

large and small, wooden and soft, have been placed in varies places

in the library and a pile of covers and blankets sit in one corner

with a few pillows as well.


[G]reat [H]all [M]ap [B]ookshelf [B]ookshelf of [W]oodland [L]ore

[B]ookbinding [R]oom [H]istory [B]ookshelf [B]ookshelf of [B]iographies

                      [P]oetry [B]ookshelf    [B]ookshelf of [S]tories


Abbey Charter

Rayen is up here in the library, it's quiet and seems the best place to feed her young baby in peace and quiet. She is in a soft chair with some pillows and a blanket. She even hums a soft tune to keep the baby calm while it drinks milk.

Boaz walks into the library and sits down, he then notices Rayen as he takes off his glasses to clean them and places them back on, "Hello Rayen, if need be I can move elsewhere, I was just still trying to figure out a 1st entry for the recorder logs, well mine...that is" He frowns “And so far no ideas."
Rayen smiles as the baby drinks milk and looks over at the vole "Oh?..Oh that’s right your temporary Recorder till Sister Zinnia gets back, well one doesn't need to write an entry every day, maybe once a week or two?"
Boaz shrugs "I don't know, not much been happening since those 3 left for their trip. I would write of how your mate seems to want to paint feathers but didn't think that was write worthy, ya know?" He smiles at the two foxes "So how is little Juliana today, doing well?"
Rayen nods “She moment" She adjusts how she is holding the baby and carefully goes to burp her, a loud burp is heard as the vixen smiles and switches sides so she can finish feeding the infant, once ready she can talk again" She is doing great and gaining weight, she is still small but she will grow. As for writing maybe your first can be how you feel on being a temporary recorder for the abbey, maybe your view of how the feast went or anything of interest when the Mt. trip was started. I think all recorders first entries are of how they feel about the job or maybe goals and such." She leans back a little "Did any of that help?"
Boaz nods "I..suppose so" He adjusts his glasses and hmmms "Maybe write how your baby seems to be doing great since its first 2-3 weeks of life were not totally perfect and yes feelings..well I was surprised I was chosen and not like was asked I just got a note one day and of course Sister Zinnia wasn’t talking, then she wasn’t talking to any beast"
Rayen frowns "I know, I would of tried to help her but I was unsure how. Some beasts how different ways of dealing with depression and sometimes it’s hard to get over it. Hopefully the trip helps some."
Boaz nods, “Aye, I hope so. I think I will write on feelings and maybe of a couple happenings, even if few, like I heard of an eagle wounded and that they came here to our infirm, know anything of that?"
Rayen says, "No, sorry I do not. Maybe Angela would know or one of the novices that work on the infirm. The eagle was there after I left the infirm but it could be of interest to write about yes. I am sure your think of a good first entry and I would not worry as there is no time limit on when to get first entry down."
Boaz says, "I suppose your right on the entry, but I would like to get one by the end of this week, I am also staying in my own room as no need to change rooms since its only temporary."
Rayen says, "Maybe Abbot Benar could fix the recorder room for you, or there is the book binding room in the library you could use if needed. I think all is needed is a desk and place to keep ink, quill pens and scrolls and paper."
Boaz says, "I can ask, not too concern with a space in which to write yet, I would be ok with a chair by the fireplace or sitting by the pond or the wall top."
Rayen smiles and looks down as she notices Juliana has stopped eating and adjusts her as she fixes her blouse, she then holds Juliana close and leans back, “Maybe up on the wall tops at sunrise or sunset, that could be a very lovely idea."
Boaz smiles at the idea "Yes, yes it could your so right, thanks Rayen." He chuckles at the baby "It’s funny what makes babies happy. Just some milk, a nap maybe and held a lot. Does anyone help you with her?"
Rayen nods "Some, but only I can feed her right now as that’s best, I was worried at first I would not be able to but I was and I am glad as mother and child bonding is very important. I also rock her sometimes, I am the main one who cares for her...I mean Flicktail can rock her at times but he can't feed her. He can change diapers...well that’s mostly me as well." She smiles "But feeding time is done by me alone and ONLY me. Maybe when she can eat a little solid food others can help but that won’t be for a while yet, just milk for now is all she needs."
Boaz smiles "Always best I say. Mothers are also so protective of their young ones, even when they grow older and start crawling, then walking and running around."

Rayen nods "Yes of course. Even when she gets old enough for abbey school, I will still be there to protect her. Unlike the other small dibbuns she has yet to really be under Oz's care. I will need to get her use to him though, maybe an hour a day or so, just when I am doing other things. Then when its meal times I would come and get her. When she is old enough to eat a lot more solids she can stay with the other dibbuns and him for longer periods of time."

Boaz grins "That would be important to know the badger well, I don’t think he has ever had any dibbun dislike him...has he?"
Rayen answers, "A couple times he has, but most love him and mind him very well. There was this one orphaned mouse that was left one day at the gates, with a note to say care for the baby and that the mother could not, course someone read the note since he was blind at the time then, let’s see this was right after that takeover thing so 3-4 seasons ago. The dibbun was scared at first, but after a few weeks refused to be away from him." She smiles "Now I think that dibbun is doing well, gets along with other dibbuns also and helps him. Then a lot of dibbuns do like to help Papa Oz as they call him."
Boaz chuckles “Well, that’s good. Can’t say dibbuns like me too well or seems so"
Rayen says, "And that’s ok, a dibbun will like whom they like and they most likely think some adults boring and maybe some are to them, then one day they may become interested in a skill and want to learn, or be a novice and join the order"
Boaz says, "I joined the order at age 8 seasons, a little older than most and become a brother fairly quickly as I knew a lot and could help others learn the charter and I read a LOT."
Rayen says, "Maybe that’s why Zinnia thought you be best for temporary recorder, you and her both like to gain more knowledge and you both seem to like the library, as well as reading."
Boaz nods "I was one of the order beasts that helped fix the library, even helped clean and I plan to keep it clean too. I will dust and keep books shelved and in that order Sister Zinnia liked so that when she is back in the spring, it will be the same library she left and who knows maybe I can get more books added as well, all keep in the right spots and in a good order like she planned and would want to keep. I can even repair books that need repair"
Rayen smiles "See you’re the perfect choice for a temporary recorder, you know if they send a letter back every so often, you can even record that and maybe you can send a letter back to Sister Zinnia to help keep her up to date as well, I am not saying a whole complete copy of your writings, but a summary of them would work"

Boaz says, "Well...yes" He adjust his glasses before going on, " a summary is best and that’s if she sends a letter back which I would hope she would to let us know they got there safe and sound. It’s a far trip sounds like"

Rayen says, "yes almost 3 weeks depending on how slow or fast one goes and direction thy take, could be a little less even"
Boaz says, "Not a trip I would make, I may take a walk to Ferravale a couple times but only stay a day maybe...two? Then back home and it would only be to see if much is going on of importance to us and to let them know I am temporary recorder for the abbey till spring"
Rayen looks at the sleeping baby in her arms and back to the vole "Yes that would be good to know, just in case they needed to speak to the recorder or look for something"
Boaz says, "Maybe that can be something before the week is up as well, a visit there and a first recorder log also"
Rayen says, "That sounds like good ideas"
Boaz nods "Then I think I shall see to doing that, a quick trip to Ferravale and then back here to write my first entry" He smiles at the vixen "I will talk later, or tomorrow rather..evening perhaps..have a good day" And he heads off to pack a small knapsack to go to Ferravale, he can walk fairly quick paced and it’s still early yet in there day so if he is lucky he will get back here by sunset.
Rayen waves as she smiles down at her tiny fox cub again. The soft chair is cozy so she decides to also take a nap, holding her baby close as she does so. A novice sees her fall asleep and helps make sure the two are not disturbed while they sleep.