Talk of Marek and Revolts in Ferravale (Marek's Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Players involved: Whisper, a polecat, Lee, an otter, and John, a squirrel

Ferravale Entry

Whisper is on the path praceticeing shooting her arrows, aiming and fireing at a target she placed on a tree, hmmms looks like a bulleye, she misses the center by a mm and the other 2 arrows get in the center.

Lee steps out of the tavern, having completed some undisclosed form of business. He glances around, ever alert for any trouble, then prepares to make his way toward the gates. Passing Whisper, he pauses. "'Ow goes thy shootin'?"

Whisper looks over at the otter "Always good to practice, never know when you may need to use the skill and not miss"

A squirrel comes in from the gates, heading, as is most likely, to the tavern. Nodding to the two beasts as he passes, John gives a swift greeting. "'Ello there Lee, friend."

Lee raises his paw in greeting. "'Ello again, John. 'Ow is yer day so far?" Glancing over at Whisper's arrows, he remarks, "Oy, I'm a bit handy with a bow meself, but, alas, me bow an' arrows be locked away..."

Whisper nods as she gets her arrows out and places them in her quiver"I have my normal ones and ...still poison ones if needed."

John says to Lee, "'Tis been fine, so far." Looking at the bow, he adds "Ah was never a good sho' with bows an' arrows meself, though tha' maybe 'ecause Ah like me blade better..." He pats the hilt of his sword.

Lee nods, smiling. "I were taught ta shoot by a wanderin' traveller in me youth, became rather good. Later on, after I came ta Redwall, I were taught the finer points o' swordplay by a fox named Bandit."

Whisper nods "Good to know more than one weapon also, seems its got quiet lately..odd"

John chuckles. "Bandit? seems like a rather...odd name." Glancing at the polecat, the squirrel replies, "Aye, 'tis good tae know more then 'un weapon...As for it bein' quiet, Yer guess is as good as me own."

Lee crosses his arms and shrugs. "I'm not sure, ta be honest. I noticed there ain't been any taxbeasts about lately. Guess Marek got tired of 'em bein' ambushed an' killed repeatedly."

Whisper shrugs "Who knows and who cares, he has like 800 who work fer him beasts think, maybe more all over the place and in the abbey too"

"Ah would assume Marek cares..." John says, "Bu' then again, as ye said, whae knows. Ah know I don'."

With a nod, Lee sighs. "Oy, 'e does. It 'as peeved 'im ta no end that all 'is second-in-commands 'ave been crazy an' now are dead..."

Whisper asks, "So who be the 2nd in command now?"

John looks at the otter also. "Aye, who is thae bast, Lee?"

Lee shrugs. "I 'ave no idea, actually."

John shrugs. "Well, it don' matter anyhow. Hopefully, They'll bae dead beasts 'efore long. If luck 'olds, tha' 'tis."

Whisper says, "Well I am helping to fight him and sure others are also"

Lee nods. "Aye, The Long Patrol will be 'ere soon, I believe. I am almost ready ta implement me revolt in the Abbey."

John's ears perk up at he otters words. "Is there anywaay Ah can 'elp, Lee? With thae revolt?"

Whisper frowns, "I think ya would get inside as a pincusion there sir.."

Lee says, "Well, mate, I can't get ye in *before* the revolt, *but*, I am expectin' ta keep the guards disctracted by me fightin' beasts an' wot guards I 'ave left... Specifically, I plan ta keep 'em distracted from the gates. If me plan works, ye an' whoever else ye can muster should be able ta get in... Because I *will* need reinforcements."

Whisper asks, "Who inside the place can still fight?"

The squirrel nods. "Aye. Though, Ah think ye'd need some beast open thae doors 'efore anybeast outside could bae o' use tae ye. Ah could climb over thae walls via a tree, but as miss...Whisper, was it?...said, I would bae shot full o' arrows. But I'll see what Ah can dae."

Lee nods. "Aye, openin' the gates be an issue. Best I can work out is ta send somebeast ta open one o' the small side gates while the vermin be occupied."

Whisper nods "Yes I am Whisper, maybe a small creature...."

John gives her curt nod. Turning back to the otter, he says, "Ah'd rather no' die anytime soon, an' Ah'm sure yer of like mind, sae please make sure 'tis a beast competent..."

Lee nods. "Aye, I 'ave me fam'ly ta return to. I 'ave a beast in mind, I think... A beast I trust implicitly."

Whisper nods " Family be inportant and maybe one day I will have one my self...and a home." She sighs and turns to head down the path"I got to go and..yeah I will be around I have a campsite in the woods "

Lee nods his head. "Fare ye well, Whisper, an' be safe."

"An' who is tha', pry tell?" John asks, then adds after a moment, "Ah would like tae know thae name o' the beast that our fate rests in." Seeing the polecat walk off, he calls, "As Lee said, Farewell!"

Lee glances around. "A mouse warrior named Emyuil."

John nods slowly. "Ah see..." he pauses for a bit, before adding, "An' when will this revolt take place. Ah can' 'elp if Ah don' knae when?"

Lee hmms lightly, then says, "Well, I'm figurin' within the next two weeks, mate. Things be growin' restless... An' I don't think I wanna see wot 'appens when a vermin 'orde gets *too* restless."

John lets out a cold laugh. "That ye don'. 'Un can never tell what vermin will dae. Two weeks...Ah can wait."

Lee nods. "Originally, I were plannin' ta act sooner rather than in two weeks, but I received word that the Long Patrol is indeed on their way... An' they'll be valuable 'elp... Especially since the Gawtrybe *won't* be 'elpin' wi' the fight." The otter sounds decidedly peeved about that.

"Huh, thae little cowards." John almost spits. "They seemed more 'en happy tae kill a lone beast, but an abbey ful? Nae! ...As for thae Hares , exactly when can wae coun' on them?"

Lee rubs his chin thoughtfully. "From wot I were tol', at least a week, though that was about four days ago now. The Patrol be marchin' wi' great haste, makin' very few stops apparently. So, with any luck, sometime in the next few days. Marek, o' course, is not likely ta not notice the Long Patrol passin' by, unless they take a detour through the forest... But I doubt Lord Sebastian would make a foolish move... So honestly, yer guess is as good as mine 'ow they'll get 'ere undetected."

John shifts his waight between his footpaws. "A week. Many things can happen in tha' time span...If ye wait an' start a revolt after thae hares arrive Marek might bae a bit distracted- Or he'll use thae abbey beasts for leverage against us...It coul' go either way."

Lee frowns, and nods. "Oy, yer quite correct, mate. An' unfortunately, the defense o' the Abbey mostly falls ta me at this point. As Head Guard, me duty is ta defend the Abbey, Abbot Lorimis, an' the rest o' the Abbeybeasts. It's a burden I do not take lightly... An' it weighs 'eavily on me mind that wotever decision I make will 'ave life or death consequences for the entire Abbey..." His voice is rather subdued.

John mutters darkly, "Ye'd bae a fool if it didn't...As Ah said 'efore, AH'll dae what ever Ah can tae help."

Lee nods, smiling a little. "An' I thank ye for that. Ev'ry bit 'elps, more than anybeast'd guess."

"Aye." John's face remains stoic. "Wise words, friend. Wise words."

Thanks for reading!