Talk Of Spring-Redwall Abbey Role Play

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Open Ground

The Open Ground is a place for feasts, good times and just general social meetings. The wide-open space allows a large group of beasts to gather upon the plush grass and chat. But it also allows access to many places of the abbey, towards the walls of the abbey is the Bell Tower. Notable abbey defenders graves alongside the plot of land the massive structure takes up. A staircase shrouded by a case of stone allows one to make their way to the busy infirmary. The large brass lined doors to the lower dormitory are also evident from this position.

Dry, dying, brown grass is all that is left of the once plush, green, verdant pasture of the open ground. Autumn is now upon the abbey and as such, the time for this year's growth is over and it blows and crackles in the stiff wind that blows 'cross the open ground, whisking with it the dried leaves that arrive from the orchards as well. The dead and dying grass is now trampled flat -- having lost its living resilience -- by the many footpaws that cross it every day. Autumn indeed has even Redwall Abbey in its happy, festive clutches.

Exits: [Gr]aveyard, [Up] the stairs to the Ramparts, [G]arden of the [L]ate Rose, [A]long [S]ide the [I]nfirmary, [B]ell [T]ower, [Infirm]ary, Lower [Dorm]itory, Redwall [Entry]



Greased Pole

Oz is in the open ground area and near him is some dibbuns playing and Sister Jenny helping to keep an eye on them. A sleepy mouse dibbun stays near Oz and sort of watches the others run around and play outside since it's starting to be slightly warm again.

Xander watches the other badger, he has not really played with any other dibbuns here as he is shy for the most part, he does finally edge a little closer to the older badger, it seems badgers he trusts faster than most.

Oz tilts his head and waits till he is closer before he speaks "Greetings young one. I know you are new but I have yet to truly meet you"

Xander stops and starts to back away but then stops" Hello" He says softly and studies the other badger he has seen from a distance and not up close till now.

Oz offers a smile, "I am Oz, or Papa Oz to the dibbuns. I have heard of you Xander from Zinnia"

Xander smiles and notices one thing, the other badger seems to not be able to see, “You no see?" He sounds a little concern. He does smile again as he mentions Zinnia "Yeah Zinnia adopted me, she is my mom now."

This is where Sister Jenny frowns "Now no need to..." But a paw is held up by Oz "Its fine Sister Jenny...yes Xander I am blind but I do not let it be something that gets in my way. I get around just fine and know all who enter the abbey, if one is new I ln their voice and paw step sounds within a day or two and each beast voice and paw steps are different, it makes them special and one cannot change that, yes maybe the dibbun voice slowly changes to an adult voice but it can still be remembered."

Xander blinks and then grins "That’s neat-o." He even chuckles a little and looks over at a couple mice dibbuns playing in a slushy mud and left over snow pile before his attention is drawn back to Oz.

Oz nods "Yes I suppose. I allow my other senses to help me, they became a little more in tune with things around me. I sometimes have some problems...such as ice in the winter, not always easy to avoid as its quiet and if no one lets me know it’s there, it can be bothersome."

Xander shakes his head, “Ice not fun. I seen some by the river on way here, it made boat go slower and it was on the ground too. Ice is slippery so I think its mean"

Oz says, "Ice can be mean ,but as it gets warmer and warmer it won't be something to worry about till winter again. The weather has been getting warmer and I may see about having a picnic in the nearby clearing with the dibbuns, but not till it’s a little bit warmer."

Xander nods and then remembers he will need to speak, "I like picnics. And we can bring treats and things and play games maybe." He grins as he would add climb trees but he might be the only one that likes to do that.

Oz smiles as he listens. Sister Jenny has gone to make sure the dibbuns playing outside stay out of trouble. "Treats are good yes, but only after some good healthy food as well. I am sure a couple fun games can be played while we are in the clearing, we would not be out too long, maybe a couple hours and I have yet to figure out a good day for it and let the abbot know as well so no one worries."

Xander frowns, "I like clams and seafood. There is like none here really just crayfish and some other fish, but no clams and they are good. They had them on the western shore." He adds "But not crab, I not eat that as I have a friend who is a hermit crab"

Oz tilts his head "A hermit crab? I can't say I ever seen one of those, but then I have not been to the western shore before either." He hmms "And I don't know on how to find something that’s usually at the sea coasts, perhaps the market place or Ferravale sometimes has odd things."

Xander says, "I not been to Ferravale but was close to it when was at a bridge by the river . That’s where Stonepaw's boat is. He helped me, mom, Brother Leon and Dorarose get home with his boat."

Coming out onto the open ground is Mirabella, done up in her usual dress but with a light jacket around her shoulders against the early spring chill. She's walking down the steps from the infirmary, her basket clutched under her elbow, and a cheerful tune pipes from her lips in the form of a melodious hum. Bright eyes take in the scene, sparkling merrily in the sun, and a paw shoots up as she recognizes Oz. "Brother Oz! Oh, Brother Oz, it's so frightfully good to see you," the mouse maid gushes as she makes her way over, turning that shimmering green gaze to Xander as well. "And your little friend! My name is Mirabella," she greets, sticking out a dainty paw, "but you can call me Mira."

Oz nods "Stonepaw is someone I have not meet yet. Is he around the abbey?" He nods to Mirabella and smiles "Greetings Mirabella, you seem in a very good mood today"

Xander answers, "He in Ferravale thinks. He is a hedgehog." He waves to the mouse maid, "Hi...I is Xander. I live here now in the abbey and it’s very nice here"

"I'm always in a good mood," Mirabella retorts, her persistent smile pushing its way to the front of her face. "It's a beautiful day! The sun is shining, the grounds are nice and clean, and spring is in the air! I just love spring." Her mini-tirade draws to an end as she registers Xander's greeting, turning back to him to give him a warm grin. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister Xander." Apparently everyone is mister, no matter how small. "You're right, it is /very/ nice here." She reaches out with a delicate finger to tap him affectionately on the nose, glancing up at Oz. "He's /dreadfully/ adorable, Brother Oz. Is he family of yours?"

Oz nods first to the fact its Spring soon, "Yes and my knee will be happy for the cold to leave and the warm weather come back once again" Then to answer the other “A nephew it would seem, since Zinnia adopted him then yes we are family now."

Xander giggles as his nose is tapped and grins. He is still of dibbun size, well for now, his smile grows "Yeh Zinnia is my mom, she rounds here somewhere...maybe library or her room cause she is Recorder"

"Oh, that is so. Sweet." Mirabella's face has gone dead serious to communicate the force of just how sweet it is. "Sister Zinnia is a wonderful beast, Mister Xander. You're ever so lucky to have her for a mother. Why, she even pulled me out of a hole once! Or... or at least she helped." Smoothing over the details for the sake of a charming story is one of the mouse maid’s strong points. Her insatiable smile is back, though, shining brightly in the sun as she adjusts her basket. "What are you two up to on this wonderful day?"

Tap-tap-tap. The sound is from nearby, as Thomas takes a leisurely stroll, his walking stick tapping away. Though he cannot see it, he knows the day is fine.

Oz listens quietly then speaks once it’s ok to speak "Letting the dibbuns play outside as its warmer now. One can only do so much inside and beasts get restless, dibbuns for sure get restless it seems and things are not always ready to be done all the time. Planting time is almost here as well, so beasts will become busy soon with that and spring cleaning"

Xander sticks out his tongue at cleaning, but planting sounds sort of fun "Can dibbuns help with planting? Maybe I help with putting seeds in the holes...but small ones so no one falls into them" He smiles at this, yes small holes not large ones.

"/Spring cleaning,/ I /love/ spring cleaning," Mirabella enthuses excitedly, one small foot stamping down at the ground. "You just get the dirt and the clutter and the mess and you shove it /right out./ Right out!" Her free paw thrusts forward in the air to demonstrate the shoving movement. But they were talking about dibbun playtime. "It looks like so much fun, I remember when I-" And then Xander is asking a question. "Of course you can help! Why, it'd be dreadful to keep you from being a part of the planting. That's what keeps the Abbey going-" And then tapping draws her attention. "Mister Thomas!" Her paw shoots up again to wave before she remembers that he can't see, so she just talks very loudly and more slowly instead. "How are you on this lovely day?"

Thomas pauses his step. "Eh? Good day, Miss." He plants his stick in the ground and leans on it. "It is lovely, isn't it? Why, I believe I can hear the bees buzzing, unless I'm terribly mistaken. I am doing quite well, though... Keeping well away from that terror, Sister Violet. And how are you?" The mouse does not yet take notice. of the two badgers.

Oz says, "Yes all help with what they can in Spring. Even if it's move something heavy, or make sure messages are delivered to whom they need to be delivered to." He nods greeting to Thomas "Greetings and its possible the bees are once more around, I do not know as it’s wise to stay clear of the hives sometimes. Leave the bees to one who knows what they are doing"

Xander smiles, "Then I helps...and bees like to sting beasts, but they also make honey but it not wise to get it from them really...." Seems he is unsure of bees. " They not like if someone tries to get honey, it’s better when gets it from kitchen where it’s in a pot and no bees are in the kitchen, nope"

"Oh, I love Sister Violet," Mirabella replies softly, not wanting to speak ill of any beast even in passing. "I'm just frightfully happy," she continues, regaining the speed and enthusiasm of her previous outbursts as she plows irreversibly forward. "Bees scare me," She whispers, more to Xander than anyone else. "But I love honey ever so much."

Thomas scowls. "Ach, I'd love Sister Violet certainly more if she'd not treat me like a helpless babe in need of nursing. I'm blind, not helpless..." But, he takes the hint, and changes the subject abruptly. "Well, lad, bees are what make honey. Without bees, there's no honey. Without honey, we're all unhappy..."

Oz nods "Its best to have our Bee Keeper take care of the bees and to get the honey for us."

Xander says, "He or she must be really, really brave to go near bees or the bees like them maybe."

Thomas nods in agreement. "Certainly, my boy. Very brave. As brave as Martin, yeah?"

Oz says, "Maybe so, I will ask next time I see her..well hear her anyways, she is likely busy with Spring about to start"

Xander nods "I think I will like Spring. Winter seems cold, but it's not always cold in some places. It was a bit warmer and less snow by the ocean"

Thomas says, "Ah, this past winter was extremely frigid..."

Oz says, "I do agree it was a bit colder than last winter, had more trouble with my knee this past winter as well but since its warmer my knee seems a good deal better"

Xander looks between them, he is curious so it's question time "Why is it warmer in some places and colder in other places...huh...whys?"

Thomas laughs. "That, my boy, is a very good question... That I am not sure I can adequately answer... Er... It's mainly to do with location, weather, and climate... I don't really know the real nitty gritty about it, though."

Oz shrugs as he is unsure either" I only know North...far north is cold and far sound is warm. Both usually most of the 4 seasons with only a little bit of different weather a shore time. Like I use to live in the snowy northlands, very cold there and dangerous if one have never been there"

Xander says, "I just stay at abbey then, and it nice here anyways and I like the abbey"

Thomas nods. "Sounds good to me, then."

Oz nods , “That is good, I don't know many who dislike the abbey and right now cannot think of anyone. More outdoors time in warmer weather and then before you know it we will complain about how hot it is outside."’

Xander says, "There always pond maybe if get too hot or shade of tree and I like trees"

Thomas ear-perks. "You like trees? Are you a squirrel? I bet you're a fine climber."

Oz says, "Trees are good for shade, this is true. Trees also provide food such as nuts and fruit. Some trees bark can be used to heal, as well as some types of leaves. In the woods the wood of trees can make useful things like homes, tables and chairs. All good and useful"

Xander blinks, "No I a badger, you not have be squirrel to climb trees and I climbs good, I even climb down cliff side once to get to a seal on the beach below"

Thomas nods. "A seal? Really? How exciting!"

Oz hmmms" I have heard of seals, usually live near large sources of water, most likely sea coasts my guess as I don’t think one would come this far, course could be wrong"

Xander nods "She said she was a seal and I not know...think she need like be around water all the time or something. Not much info on seals no wheres"

Having gotten distracted by the early spring flowers shooting up in various places around the yard and taking her leave from the others to collect some of them, Mirabella wanders back over to the pair of badgers, her basket, now scattered with the young blossoms, tucked at her elbow and a few bright petals peeking from the corner of a large dishpan ear. "Can you believe they're blooming already? They're just frightfully hardy. I wish I was half as tough." She smiles prettily, her eyes turning to meander about looking for more.

Oz listens as the other mouse suddenly walks off, he smiles at the mouse maid "Early flowers are always nice, maybe it can be the spring of the early bloom, then it is up to the abbot on a name of the season and I have no clue if he has chosen a date for the spring feast." He then answers Xander" As for seals needing water all the time or not I do know Xander."

Xander nods, and oh yeah..."Flowers are nice and many colors, the beach had no flowers just shells and sand and one time scary sea gulls"

"Oh, that sounds dreadful," Mirabella commiserates, shaking her head and sending her tresses bouncing, a movement that shimmers in the light of the afternoon sun. "I would be miserable without all the colors of Mossflower Country. I just love the green grass and the splendid arrays of beautiful flowers, and the blue sky and the sparkling pond, and the big puffy white clouds that you could just reach up and /eat right up/ if you were tall enough..." She gives a happy sigh, letting her basket slide down to catch the handle with her dainty paws. "There's just nowhere like it. You'll love it here, Mister Xander. I know I do." Blinking widely, the pretty young mouse maid’s eyes vacate as she tries to remember why she was outside in the first place. "Oh! But I must be about my chores. The herb garden needs trimming!" With a tinkling laugh and a merry wave, she takes off towards the kitchen path.

Oz waves goodbye "Have a good day Mirabella"

Xander waves also and now he seems bored "I bored" He says quietly.

Oz starts to say something when Sister Jenny is back and taps Oz on the shoulder, he nods as the dibbuns head inside “Well let’s have a snack..after we all wash our paws. I think its rice cakes, cheese and apple juice." He will make sure the younger badger follows him inside maybe story time and a nap for the dibbuns and short quiet time for Oz, hey the badger mother needs a small break every day to keep up with all the dibbuns after all.