Talk Of Martens, Missing Beasts And..Brockhall?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

    • OOC NOTE: Zee doesn’t show up till later on but I got permission to get the first part of this log as it seemed important to me, so it starts off with Abbot Benar and Recorder Boaz speaking and as Boaz leaves Zee is stepping inside after being out in the snow***

RW Abbey: Great Hall

The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here. A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance. The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist. The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.

The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.

Soft light is slowly beginning to filter in through the stained glass windows high above your head.

Exits: Abbey's [Li]brary, [K]itchen, [C]avern [H]ole, [B]reezeway, [En]try, [Stairs]


a message (board) with notes tacked to it

Boaz is sitting at a table writing, he doesn't seem to write as often as Zinnia did but today he is writing something down at least. He has a glass of water beside him he will sip at every so often.

Benar strides in from outside, pushing the heavy oak doors close and whispering furiously to one of the brothers walking with him. He sends them hurrying off toward cavern hole and starts toward the tapestry with a frown on his face.

Boaz looks up at the abbot and waves "Hello Abbot, how is your day I was just writing about how the snows have finally come, not that they were late really. May of even been a tiny bit early even"
Benar says, "Oh Boaz hello," He waves and moves over, "I am doing ok though it seems the Martens found a new way into the abbey, they broke into the well and we had to send Guards down to put a stop to them it was rather unpleasant."
Boaz frowns "I do hope they don't try and start trouble, you would think they would want to stay where it's warmer and not try and do much during the cold weather months. Was any beast hurt?" He closes his journal and takes off his glasses to clean them.
Benar says, "No, no one was hurt but we did have to collapse part of the well to block off their tunnel, Foremole has re-opened it now so it is sorted but it seems they will not give up"
Boaz says, "I wonder if there is a way to make them leave, I mean why live somewhere underground it doesn’t seem a nice place to me"
Benar says, "Yes well we are trying our best, Magramba and Flicktail are following the clues Martin has laid down for them"
Boaz nods "Well maybe that will led to something, I mean we do have Lee and the guards up here to help and keep an eye out for trouble after all." He thinks "Did you need me ta find any old records of that place, I know it was..well guess is..under the pond a little and extends into the woods after that I believe"
Benar says, "Yes if it wasn't for Lee I fear we would have lost the abbey by now, it is incredibly troubling" He frowns, "As for records if you could I would be grateful, look for records on Kotir from the days of Martin the Warrior"
Boaz nods "I can try, might take a while as that is fairly far back Abbot Benar. The logs are in an order of seasons, but I am unsure all of the older logs are in the library, some may be in the attic or even the gatehouse"
Benar says, "Well do your best Boaz, if I can help with the search let me know, you may also want to look up the time of Lady Redeyes and how she came to the abbey as Badger Mother"
Boaz nods "Ah yes Lady Cregga Rose Eyes "
Benar says, "Yes, her time and the Abbes she served under, they were important in finding the ruins"
Boaz nods "I will look up some things them and report back, I know Sister Zinnia had wrote of some things she found out and that was before this martens trouble"
Benar says, "Yes I have Zinnia's notes but anything else we can discover would be a great help, the location of the original flood tunnels on the river moss would be a great help."
Boaz nods "Hmmms I wonder if they are still around or maybe Camo Willow knows of them, you could even ask beasts who live in that area"
Benar says, "I have asked, any sign of them in the river bank has long since collapsed and closed, we need to find their location so we can track where the tunnels may be "
Boaz says, "I wonder if there is a way to find them...well going under from the abbey, or is that too risky? “The recorder  then smiles "Wait maybe they wrote about them, made plans...blueprints right!"
Benar says, "I don't know if there are blueprints that would seem risky as they were secret tunnels"

Boaz frowns “True, they most likely were drawn in like dirt and then erased again, but something has to be told of them, and that something might have clues or maybe Martin can somehow show us a way or clue"

Benar says, "Well if you think it is worth looking at then do so, I am sure Martin will guide you to what may be there"
Boaz nods as he hmms "There was this The Council of Resistance in Mossflower..or that used the tunnels, I read it somewhere but forgotten where, maybe that’s a clue"
Benar says, "Yes I have heard that name too but I do not know if we have any records of theirs""

Boaz nods, "I wonder who would, it could be helpful"

Benar says, "Well if there are any records they would be in their headquarters at Brockhall."
Boaz hmmms "I could go maybe, but isn't that place deserted?"
Benar says, "It is not deserted it is closed up, Redwall Abbey takes special responsibility for Brock Hall, it is one of the Abbot's duties to see to it that Brock Hall is locked, closed and safe as well as kept in good condition."
Boaz nods "Would you like me to go and see what I can find? I could take someone with me..heck even a badger if need be as there is that Zee fellow and maybe Oz, though being blind might not help"
Benar says, "I can come with you, I have the keys but we could take Zee along I wouldn't want to take Oz through the snow that far"
Boaz nods "I think that’s a good idea, to go to Brockhall, I can still look for something here as well but there may also be more there also. When would we head out?"
Benar says, "Hmm best to leave it until the snows have settled somewhat, they are still quite heavy and it wouldn't do to get stranded"
Boaz asks, "True, it is like a day's walk from here correct?"
Benar has been talking to Boaz y the fire, "I will let Lee know I want to go there and he can have an escort ready for us in a day or two I am sure."
Boaz starts to ask something else when a novice taps him on the shoulder and whispers something, and he frowns "I have to check on something in my room...seems some troublesome dibbuns spilled ink on my bed" He heads off .
Zee walks in as brushes some snow off his shoulders, he had been away most of yesterday and has returned. Upon seeing the Abbot he walks over "Ello Benar, sorry I was away had ta check on some things at me hut, but turns out I also got some news"
Benar says, "Oh Zee, I am glad you are here, I need you to come to Brockhall with me and Recorder Boaz, we need to look into something there. I never like to unlock the place without at least one badger with me."
Zee folds his paws behind his back as he listens, "I heard of that place, always thought be neat ta stay thar awhile....never did though and sure just let me know when...oh yes news news....from old Chiefy, who was grumpy I may add, anyways that lass Cynthia is in their infirm, "He frowns at the rest of the news "And...young Caleb still be missing, most likely with a rat named Kyran and no clue where he is but I could help look"

Benar sighs and slumps down in a chair, "When I find out what made them leave the abbey I am going to refuse them permission to attend the feast. Cynthia warned me this Kyran was out in the woods I told her not to leave the abbey so she snuck over the back wall with a rope made of bedsheets and Caleb!"

Zee frowns as he watches Benar, "Ya could ask de lass...or someone could, and try not to worry ya self too much on your novice, I am sure he will be found, I think a couple Ferravale beasts are looking for him."
Benar says, "Well that is something but I would much rather we found him and soon...""
Zee sits down in a chair near Benar, "Martin will keep him safe I be sure of it"
Benar says, "Well I do hope so, Martin does seem to be active of late around the abbey."
Zee nods "Yeah he visits in times of need and all, or maybe in dreams and such...I never ever seen him, but heard of him from me nephew Zork.." He pauses a short while " Zork spoke of...speaking to Martin before, someone told me he may of seen him...the day he...well."
Benar says, "Yes, I heard what Zork had to say... the day before he departed he was visited by Martin, I was there. Martin also sings in my dreams quite a lot"
Zee says, "Maybe cause your de abbot and it be important for de Abbot to know of anything needed around the abbey after all"
Benar says, "I guess so, that could be the reason, it is an honor for him to speak to me I am really no one important. The Abbey is everyone not me"
Zee says, "Who knows how Martin chooses whom to speak to and who not to speak to, he has his reasons I am sure. "

Benar has grown quiet as the badger speaks. A closer look shows he has fallen asleep.

Zee tilts his head as he looks at the Abbot ”Abbot?..Lad?” He stands and looks down at the Abbot and then gently lifts him up and carries him to the Abbot’s quarters where he lays him down on the bed and makes sure the covers are on him and then quietly slips out of the room so the abbot can have a good night’s sleep, in fact a good night’s sleep sounds nice to the badger as well.