Talk Of Eagles And Swords

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Leon walks into the yard, why he came here to think he has no clue, but it is an area to practice his sling shot some, he may well needed it on his trip.

Zee is here already, doing some movements with a sword, but not the one from the cane he keeps, it's another sword. He moves carefully as he does a couple slow swings, even with a bandaged left foot paw he is doing fairly well.

Leon fires off a stone from his slingshot and hits the target, he then glances over at Zee and studies the blade he has, “That...look familiar some reason."

Zee stops and looks over" I would hope so. It’s the Blade of The Northwinds Storm"

Leon walks closer and looks at the blade," I thought it was missing. You found it?" He smiles "I'm glad.

Flicktail Hears someone out in his yard and comes out to see who is visiting

Zee nods he holds the sword, "yes back in the right paws now" He grins as he angles the large sword, "Back in family paws.

Leon nods, he still has his slingshot as practice is forgotten for a little while." I was coming to practice my slingshot some, just in case it's needed."

Flicktail rubs his eyes having been up a lot with his new Dibbun "Leon....Leon thank you my brave mouse friend”

Zee tilts his head and goes back to practicing some moves with the large blade he has, The Blade Of The Northwinds Storm.

Leon blinks and rises an eyebrow, “Brave how Flicktail? What did I do that was brave?"

Flicktail blink blinks "you let an EAGLE fly you in its TALONS to save my Dibbun.”

Leon frowns "I..wasn't in its talons, I was on its back the air..." He takes a deep breath and calms again " And I didn't do much, I talked with her, her name is Ruby… She..She didn't try and hurt Juliana, in fact she seemed to be afraid the eagle would have hurt her. I was surprised talking..worked, I mean she just handed me the baby and she had not tried to harm anyone."

Zee seems surprised , "Thunderwing right? Ya let the bird take you on a flight, do ya know how high eagles go lad?"

Flicktail says, "It was brave but, Leon, why did she take Juliana? did she say? I hope this Ruby did not cry...I'd feel bad for her"

Leon glares at the badger. Oh yes remind him how HIGH up he was, he shakes his head and gives a "Yes...I know" He shivers at the thought and looks back to the fox "I will let her explain, if she wants to as it’s her place not mine, she may of went to Ferravale or she may come here, I am unsure where she will go as that was up to her, not me"

Flicktail sulks as he hates being kept in the dark

Zee holds his paws up and backs up some "Just saying. Speaking of that bird where is he anyways?"

Leon sighs "Sorry sir not my place to explain, she be better to ask." He glances at the badger "He went to find Flare, he did give me something though, said could be useful in case I needed help or something." He pulls out a whistle and shows it to the badger.

Zee looks at it, " Use to belong to my son, he used it to call to Thunderwing, it’s how we got his help while in the Northlands. The vermin there killed my son and took the whistle and blew it, thought it was broken and threw it down. I placed it in my pocket after that and it was later I told Thunderwing to just keep it. He must think you’re worthy to keep a hold of it. But it's only for times of trouble, it makes a sound don't worry but only one an eagle would hear. Keep it somewhere safe lad."

Leon nods "I plan to keep it with me at all times, and not to worry somewhere safe..just in case."

Flicktail says, "I must say that Eagle sure went high in the air"

Zee nods, he frowns at Flicktail, "Now lad, enough of that"

Leon shakes his head "Flicktail...please just shut up about the eagle ok, please." He frowns

Flicktail says, "But Leon, you’’re a HERO"

Leon says, "I am NOT a hero Flicktail"

Zee asks, "Should I go elsewhere?"

Flicktail says, "No Please Un...Um Zee please stay..I am not trying to be difficult"

Leon frowns "Sorry I just don't feel like a Hero and rather not be reminded of...the free ride is all"

Zee nods "Seems fair enough lad." He looks at Flicktail as he angles the blade he holds, “I was simply finishing up a little bit of sword moves with my family's sword...For now I will keep a hold of it"

Flicktail says, "Maybe we could Spar some time Zee...I'd like to learn from you"

Zee nods and waves, he then places his attention on Flicktail" Could be hard, this is a large sword, and your is small, well compared to..this one" He runs a claw along the sword, "This blade look familiar to ya?"

Leon heads to the exit "I need to get to bed, goodnight"

The rest of this is after Leon left, but Zee asked it be included as it’s interesting and does have some of his family history in it..----

Flicktail says, "I do not think I have seen it and it is good to spar against a large blade. A vermin might have one...and you’re a friend"

Zee says, "No vermin would have this and the only reason Bora did is he was 3 heads taller than a fox and was more wolf like than really fox like. He was a very, very strong fox and pretty sure had wolf in him. This was me nephew’s blade, he used it when he was a fighter and left it in my care when he was no longer able to be a fighter. I had my son keep an eye on it, it was stolen when he was caught by that Frosted Arrow clan, which by the way is no more now. Bora is dead also, and the sword is back in my family's paws where it belongs. I hold it unless one other wants it one day but I do not think she..does or is even ready."

Flicktail listens and nods "I am honored to know the story, still I think it would make a fine friend to martin's blade. You are quite the badger, Zee..I am so proud to know you”

Zee says, "This blade has been in my family for a long long time. Made by my family as well."

Flicktail nods. "Verra important to ya” “

Zee says, "It was made by my Uncle Soot, given to Darian. Darian was my father, then it was given to my Brother Powell....Powell would give it to his son when he died, but a bad winter caused him to die when his son was only 5 seasons at the time. So my Uncle Soot thought it best I keep it till Powell’s son was of age..7 seasons, his son who you knew...Zork. Zork got this blade when he was 7 seasons old and me and Soot trained him. When Zork was unable to be a warrior anymore and became a Brother in the order, he told me to keep it safe. I, like I said let my son Hyde keep an eye on it, but he was enslaved by the Frosted Arrow and killed, that fox Bora stole the sword for a few weeks till I rightfully got it back into my paws. And for now, it stays in my paws, if it went to anyone else, that’s if she even would want to train, but she would need to be ready and she isn’t and that’s Zinnia. So for now it’s mine."

Flicktail nod nods Listening to the sword linage, staying rather quiet

Zee looks at the fox "You ok there lad?" He yawns "Then it is late I suppose and I had wanted to get to Ferravale..guess will have to wait till morning huh"

Flicktail says, "I am just...very overwhelmed and honored"

Zee nods again.

Flicktail says, "Please feel free to stay in my cottage spare room"

Zee chuckles "Maybe, might break the bed though, then there is the floor"

Flicktail says, "I am a carpenter Sir. My beds will hold ye"

Zee grins, "Ok, I can spend the night at your place and in the morning I head back to my hut. Maybe I can make you some tea" He then heads to the cottage after putting the sword away. “well, let’s go lad"

Flicktail says, "Aye I like tea" he follows, yawning himself.

The two friends have some tea and then head to bed for the night, in the morning as the sun rises, so does Zee and he quietly gets the Blade Of The Northwinds Storm and heads to Ferravale and his hut.