Talk About SEROUSLY Bad Days!!(This also happens ICLY after Lorimis Funeral)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Yes this ICLY happens after Lorimis Funeral role play happens, like right after this log in fact...

FV:Town Hall:Chieftain's Office
This is an office where the Chieftain does some of his work. A large desk sits in the room and has varies important papers on it. A chair is by the desk and a window looks outside.
Exits: [H]olding [C]ell, [B]ack

The town hall was unusually noisy this afternoon. A long line of beasts had assembled in the town hall, eager to talk with the chieftain after his trip to Redwall. The subjects varied from buying land, to getting permits, to complaining about the noise level of the tavern on weekends. Beasts of all shapes and sizes, mostly vermin sat in stood in line, waiting for their turn to get in to see the chieftain.

Scioto sighs as he finishes talking to a rat, can't he have at least some free time as his trip back from the abbey was not totally perfect, he sends the rat off and shakes his head" Good grief..fighting over prices of fruit of all things. His stand...not the brothers stand"

As the saying goes, there is no rest for the wicked...or chieftains...To make matters worse there is always, always that one beast who decides to throw a wrench into an already complicated situation.

That beast is Bandit. The burly beast strides into the town hall, a small storm cloud trailing in his wake. The brown furred fox has slimmed down somewhat but still retains a noticeable beer belly around his waist. He wears a vest made of mouse hide and carries at his side a rapier.

Bandit barges past the beasts in line, striding forward like a beast with purpose. His goal. The chieftain’s office.

A very fat Liam is at the door, about to step into the chieftain's office and complain about paying fair wages to employees, that is, not being able to pay what HE deems fair which is a lot less than what the city considers fair, when the fox steps in before Liam and closes the door behind him before he can complain.

"I have a complaint!" The fox shouts in a loud voice.

Scioto looks up and raises an eyebrow “On what Bandit? Not seen you in a while how are you? Lost some weight I see." He also looks at Liam and frowns "What do you need?" He nods to the guard to make sure no one else barges into his office, they can wait their turn.

The fox steps forward, waving a slip of paper in front of the chieftain, at a respectable distance of course, before slamming it, respectfully, onto his desk, "I need justice!" The fox rests his paws on his hips. "Loitering. I was fined for loitering!" Bandit growls, "One of your snobby, up beat guards gave me a ticket, an actual ticket for sleeping in the market place!"

Scioto folds his paws on his desk "Well, you should sleep in the Inn or maybe ask someone to stay at their home. It is a law to sleep too long in the market place, and a good way to get robbed as well." He does look at the paper and then places it back down before looking back at the fox.

"Well sorry if I don't have the wealth to stay in a tavern. And I believe you were the last beast I stayed with here. I remember a cell, some beasts accusing others of being slavers, and one beast almost being executed for it!" Either remembering his place or his tone of voice the fox sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "Sorry, sorry, that was a low blow even for me. I didn't sleep too well last night, and with Marek in town..."

Scioto nods "Yes Marek is here I know, he is not a threat so no worries. going to be the new tavern owner soon and is good at being a bar tender too." He watches Bandit closely and glances at Liam before addressing Bandit as he rubs his forehead, he must have a small headache. “And I will not place you in a cell, don’t worry"

Scioto says, "And at the time a LOT were against you but your name was then cleared so that is over and I know you’re not a slaver"

"Hey! I have been waiting in line for over half an hour! You can't just cut ahead of us and-" Liam begins before Bandit proves that he can in fact, cut in line by closing the office door and blocking him out of the conversation.

"Sorry..." The fox says in case he overstepped his bounds in some way. After all he is in the presence of a village leader. "Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you're not going to lock me up. That's always a plus. But what am I going to do about this fine? I'm short on cash and there isn't exactly a high demand for adventurer foxes at the moment..."

Scioto shrugs. "I am unsure...maybe a guard, then again we temporarily have no head guard he seems to have left and without telling me so I am rather peeved off at that bit of news. Plus it wasn’t a perfect walk back from the abbey, and I had not planned to even go to the abbey but Lorimis" He frowns "Lorimis died recently"

"So I've heard." The fox says simply. Arms now crossed about his chest his tail twitched behind him, "Can't say I ever met the beast except at feasts though." He says as gently as he can muster. "Sorry to hear loss." That didn't make the conversation all.

"Wait, the head guard left?" The fox thought on this for a moment. His eyes twinkled in a way similar to how Xia learned that an eagle was terrorizing the town. Shortly before it ate her. Bandit is many things, included is opportunistic. One has to be when lives as an adventurer.

There to be made here somewhere... " need a beast to track him down?"

Scioto shakes his head "Not going to brother, it could end badly and right now got other issues to deal with. Wouldn’t surprise me if that...old badger is in the hall, he talks Way TOO much, drives me insane sometimes..a badger who walks into a hut that’s empty and" He stops rambling and rubs his forehead again “What skills do you have Bandit. jobs wise?"

Seeing a chance to flaunt his job skills in front of a potential job employer Bandit is eager to reply. One paw on his hip the other jabbing his thumb into his chest the fox says, "I am a skilled fighter beast Scioto. And I have been up and down Mossflower as a Bounty hunter for the past season. You got a job you need filled...sir?" he adds the sir onto the end after a lengthy pause.

Scioto studies Bandit and hmmms, "Maybe, it would pay well and better than most jobs and you could have your home 2 room home. Meals still need paid course but first one could be on me...just first one" He adds the last part in a serious tone as he sits up better, "I do trust you, but before I offer this job you need to understand a couple things first. One ..the snake in my home and is seen with Blisa at times is not to be harmed. Marek is not to be harmed...understood?"

The fox raises an eyebrow. It is probably a good thing the cat clarified how many free meals the fox would get. Rubbing his chin Bandit chuckles, "You mean Marek isn't the snake staying in your home?" HE laughs for a short while before replying, "Wait...what? You actually have a snake in your home?" The fox looks worried, "I heard rumors but I never imagined that..." He gulps. "What kind of job is this?"

Scioto nods "Yes snake in my home who likes cheese so cheese breath around him may be bad idea and no Marek is not a snake...he has changed a good deal and..." He thinks, does he?. Yes he does now" I trust him and he has a place to stay"

Scioto says, "And the job title is....Head Guard, command the guards and take orders from me and sometimes Nightbreath or Blisa"

The fox takes a second to let this sink in. His eyes bulge and his jaw drops. Bandit is rendered speechless. Completely speechless. There is no, this has got to be a joke! Right? Who would offer Bandit responsibility? Of this magnitude even!

Scioto looks at the expression "If you rather not I could offer the job to another beast, just need to find one that’ worthy "

"What? No! I'm trust worthy! I'm just...just shocked is all!" The fox is truly desperate for a job at this point. The adventuring gimmick isn't working too well at this point. Why not give head...head... Bandit can't even finish his sentence in his own head he is so shocked! "When...when do I start?”

Scioto answers" Well you can start now if you like, or tomorrow maybe. I am still a little tried from the trip back from Redwall, I also renewed the treaty with the abbey and the village"

Bandit tries his best not to look like a fish out of water. What does the head guard do? Besides command the guard? Will there be paperwork? Will he have a schedule? Will he solve murders? What happened to the last head guard? All good questions that he doesn't ask.

Instead Bandit says, "Y-yeah...maybe tomorrow is best. I...need some time to take all this in." The fox reaches for the door handle to the office.

Scioto nods "Alright Bandit and you can speak to me tomorrow either here or at my home." Then there is where he can stay...well he could always let Marek stay with him unless Marek fixed up the spare rooms in the tavern, ok Marek stays at his place, least tonight" can have the guest room above the tavern for tonight, just tonight. There was someone there but they are not in there much now since it’s been...cleaned up." Then Scioto doesn’t blame the stoat, they did almost die in the room after all.

All bandit can do is nod. A beast of few words the fox walks out of the chieftain’s office, stunned. Just stunned.

"It's about time! Do you know how rude that was?" Liam growls. The obese pine marten crosses his arms in a smug fashion, "I should report you to the guard! How would you like that?"

The fox lifts his eyes up to Liam and cracks a wicked grin...

Scioto sighs as he looks at Liam and stands, he needs some air and a break, "Whatever it is can wait an hour....I need a serious break"

--After Lunch—

Scioto sighs; he had a short break for lunch and came back. He talked to many beasts. One rat requested a permit to sell spices, another rat wanted to know if he could sell fish. One ferret got dragged off cussing as he was not able to test some sort of archery target...targets being beasts passing by, yeah that didn’t go well with the chieftain.

Other things were simple, Help to rebuild the bakery and a list of goods they would get, this made the chieftain smile. Another beast and his sister were fighting over what side to place an apple cart, Scioto just groans "Figure it out yourselves please" They started at each other and exited the office. A few others came and went and by now Scioto was ready to sleep for the day, he was already half an hour late for dinner at the tavern with his family.

Marek walks in and nods to Scioto "I see your back, you wanted to see me some beast said." He waits politely for a reply.

Scioto nods "Yes, first I am glad all seemed to go well while I was away...had enough trouble on the road. I have been thinking and would like to offer you and Zaram jobs here. And a home as well. You as the tavern owner and be in charge of the tavern, what it serves and hours ect..there is an office and you can have the hut connected to it in the back as your home, even use the unused storage room if you like, plenty of room for you and Zaram. Zaram could be recorder, now of course you can help one another with your jobs as I know Zaram also is good at bar tending and your good at keeping recodes."

Marek looks stunned and nods "Thanks you Mr. Scioto. I thank you deeply for this and promise to continue to show you can trust me. I do wish forgiveness from how I acted before..seasons before. I am sorry for destroying the other tavern and maybe building a replacement was my way of saying sorry. I am not the same beast I was then and never want to be that beast again. I know some still do not trust me, some even possible fear me and I know of ones whom wish me dead. I suppose trust takes longer in some than others."

Scioto listens closely as he speaks "I am unsure of others but...I forgive you Marek. So you have my forgiveness, any past deeds you have been cleared of..least ones here or involving me elsewhere. I cannot sadly tell others feelings , your have to seek forgiveness from them on your own I am afraid."

The door is open so he walks right in as turns his paw in the air "Yadda Yadda Yadda...forgiveness....oh the sadness, who cares?" A cold voice says as he looks up from his hooded face, "Greetings Marek..long time no see, oh and I see you have become friends with the chieftain of Ferravale, I always hated leaders then again, you know that already"

Scioto slips on his traveling cloak and arches an eyebrow, "Excuse me, who are you, you can’t just walk into here." Wait why didn’t the guards tell him of this visitor?

Marek narrows his eyes and already is reaching for his blade.."Irinevok!..You PAIN!..Why are you here?"

Irinevok removes his hood and looks sad, "Oh my, you’re not happy to see me?" He fakes a frown and then starts to laugh insanely, "Why am I here?..Oh I was hoping to chat with the leader here, you being here is just added fun...oh yes your guards, both of them, are dead in the hall." He smiles one of those insane smiles “May want to clean that up, it’s a big..big mess."

Scioto stightens up his cloak and glares at the mouse, "Leave my office now." He stays calm, "You leave now and I won’t put you in a cell."

Marek shakes his head "No cell for him, he needs to die before he does anything."

Irinevok tilts his head and smiles "Oh..I grew out of fire, it was getting boring and I -HATE- being bored." He chuckles dryly "Or your place me in a cell, that’s funny I forgot to laugh kitty cat." He looks between them as he smirks, he flicks his tail and the tall ferret that was standing outside the door shows himself and fires off an arrow right at the chieftain's chest!

Scioto doesn't have time to react, or gasp before it seems to find it's mark and he falls backwards and into the window. Luckily no glass gets on him but he has some small cuts on his arms and one on his ear and nose. The arrow looks to be buried in his chest as he falls and knocking himself out as he hits the hard ground outside the window. Three things should be clear right away if one was to get close, but the desk blocks full, there is an arrow where his heart would be and should be an instant death sentence but..two he is still breathing..three..where is all the blood?

Marek gasps" Scioto!" He then narrows his eyes at the mouse and right away goes to slice at his neck!

Irinevok laughs insanely at this, to him this is fun, he eeps as Marek gets a good slice on his arm and he goes to push the chair at him and flee, he speaks to the ferret, “Let’s go!"

Scioto lies on the ground, outside his office and that window will need replaced. He is breathing and has a good pulse somehow.

Irinevok went another way and didn’t see the chieftain, the crazy insane mouse kills two other guards on the way out before managing to slip between a large crowd of beasts outside, he is lost to sight as he places thee hood over his head and disappears down a path that leads to a wooded area by a small opening of the wall, close to the housing area and he is long gone, but he plans to return as he is very much still near the area of the village and has no plans to leave anytime soon.

Marek chases the mouse and then cusses loudly, he races back to Scioto who is surrounded by Ferravale beasts and Marek pushes them out of the way and examines Scioto, he studies the arrow and feels for a pulse. Zaram is here and checks him as well, "Scioto be alive zuurrr"..

Marek asks, "How?"

Scioto is knocked out, a closer inspection shows the cloak he wears is a little thick where the arrow hit, if one moves it they see a thick leather bound book, he forgot about, tucked into his cloak and had been sitting right where his heart is. He also has the chain mail and the leather under this, the arrow barely got through the leather so if anything it nicked him but there is some serious bruising of his chest and maybe a cracked rib.

Marek eyes widen as he looks at this and gently lifts Scioto to take off the cloak and rip the arrow from the book as he reads it "Journal of..Oak.." He looks at Scioto seeing the chainmail, the leather and torn tunic as he smiles "You don't know just how lucky you are right now Mr. all rights you should be in the dark forest now."

Scioto groans as he starts to come to and the first thing he feels is pain. His chest hurts and his back hurts some as well. He opens his good eye and blinks a few times, he sees the broken window, he sees the glass and the crowd of beasts, and Marek holding the cloak, damaged book and arrow. he looks then at his chest seeing the torn tunic, damaged chainmail and leather armor and lays there like he is in some sort of shock at what just happen, it happen so fast.

Marek gently presses him down as he healer comes over, “Do not move Scioto, you just escaped death." He shows the book, a thick hole all the way threw it and the arrow, "This also messed up the chainmail, your tunic and leather armor slightly." The healer looks him over "Bruised chest...small nick of a wound on chest, a cracked rib...your lucky to be alive sir."

Scioto obeys and lies down, "But where did the..ouch, arrow come from?"

Marek answers "A ferret that works for Irinevok .Both sadly got away I am sorry to say. If you had not had Mr. Oaks book you would be dead right now Scioto, Irinevok had this planed, he also killed the two guards at the office door and a couple more on his get away. I will have Mr. Bandit keep an eye out for him, in the meantime Mr. Scioto it may be best to rest..somewhere safe with a guard or door at your door..and me as well close by."

Scioto just nods, he is still a bit shocked as to the fact he could of just died and so quickly too. "Ok...." is all he gets out.

Marek lifts him gently and carries him towards his house, some beasts mutter and follow him, others head elsewhere, some stand there confused, "Some beast find his daughter. Some other beast get to work fixing that window...some beast find the new head guard to find that insane mouse and ferret. Someone else...tend to the dead guards, they can’t stay where they are." Oddly his orders are obeyed, he then carries Scioto on home and lays him on the bed, two guards placed at the door and Marek sitting beside Scioto, his sword nearby as he looks at the bedroom doorway.

Scioto groans a little, he lets some much needed sleep take over and sleeps. Whether it’s a peaceful sleep remains to be known.