Take These To Zork...NOW!!(Marek's Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Somewhere in Ferravale a tried Leon suddenly becomes a lot less tried!==

Leon is stepping out of the infirm, he again helped in the infirm and now looks ready to head to the chieftains home where Dorarose is.

Lee is watching from a nearby alley. As Leon passes, he whispers, "Leon... Over 'ere..."

Leon blinks and goes over to the alley, "Lee? What are you doing in an alley?"
Lee peers around, then says softly, "I need yer expert opinion, mate. Zork is in bad shape, Leon... Even more 'n just ta do with 'is last fight wi' Zarola..."
Leon frowns, "Zarola, that monitor lizard I have heard about?" He looks around and back to Lee, " Was his wounds tended to? Most can tend to wounds and even sew a wound, I can tell you herbs for infection or swelling and advice...stay away from this Zarola..Zork is a badger, they tend to handle those things better or least seems that way."
Lee shakes his head. "That ain't the problem, an' I already dealt wi' Zarola last night. Zork's wounds are all fine, Leon, but Zork ain't fine... The 'ealer tol' me that Zork staggered into the Infirm after 'is fight with the monitor, said 'is chest were hurtin', an' he were havin' trouble breathin'... An' then Zork just collapsed! An' 'e been out cold ever since! None of us 'ave ever seen anythin' like it! Could 'e have been poisoned maybe?"
Leon listens closely and frowns, "Anything else? Other pains, ever have it before? Any beast knows?" He tries to remember himself, "No..wouldn’t be poison, he be dead but maybe something else, seen before but I need to know of anything else going on."
Lee shrugs. "Dunno if it ever 'appened before, but I do know 'e ain't gettin' any better so far."
Leon frowns" Anything else..weak pulse? " He thinks" When he came in was white willow bark mentioned in what they gave him, something Dorarose grandmother may of thought of, it’s a little stronger than common willow bark?"
Lee nods suddenly. "Aye! Yes! Some beast did mention white willow bark, is that important? Zork does 'ave a weak pulse, too."
Leon frowns deeply, "He collapsed after a fight, probably a rather intense fight I always wondered where that badger, fer his age had so much..." He stops his muttering "His..age..chest pains, trouble breathing, weak pulse not many injuries.." He paces back and forth seeming to be remembering something, "Same thing with Ping, but he...noooo noo" He digs threw his many pockets and his pack and even runs into the infirm, yes he can tell the rat sorry later and replace it as he comes back with odd looking berries and a bowl, something to smash them with, laying out a couple other herbs too.
Lee frowns as well, watching Leon pace and then rush back into the infirm before returning. "Leon? Wot be wrong? Is it serious? He'll survive, won't 'e?"
Leon doesn’t answer, "Hawthorn berries..nettle..Mistletoe leaf, but just the smallest amount." He makes two mixes of this and looks at Lee, "It is serious, a beast died of it in my old village something to do with heart an old Healer I knew said.." He frowns and hands the packs to Leon," Two does one as SOON as you get to the abbey, and one the next morning, mix with 1/4 cup of water and get it down him, rub his throat to make him swallow it. He may stay unconscious for a while still but should be some improvement after a couple days and...then part two if he wakes up." He frowns, "And part 2 is very very very important"

Lee frowns, accepting the package. "'Is heart? Oh my... An' somebeast died? Oh dear... I best 'urry!"

Leon nods "Lee..look just give those too him one right away and one in the morning, if he wakes up your...you’re gonna have to tell him something and he won’t like it one bit..it’s unclear how much this has already affected him, either way..he.." He looks to see if Lee wants the message or not.

Lee nods, still listening. "Aye, wot do I need ta tell 'im?"

Leon sighs, "He is going to be very weak, for a good 1/2 season probably. but there is more...he will still be able to be a blacksmith, it shouldn’t be a problem, not after the abbey back in our paws he'll be making like pots,pans..nails and hinges you know." He sighs deeply" Lee..he's never gonna be a warrior ever again, no more fighting...if he ever got into a fight that intense or even a fight not as intense..he'll die, it will kill him, the sheer energy for true fight...his warrior days are over"  Leon  adds, "Ping..he was a villager in my old village, he was a fighter....a season after he had this sort of thing happen, yes he did it to save his kids but the fight..he wasn’t even injured and Ping fell over and died a few hours later"
Lee gasps in shock. "'E just fell over an' died, wi' no warnin'? I never knew that were possible! Oy, that is frightful, Leon! An' Zork...'E ain't gonna like it, not one bit..."
Leon frowns, "He will have to live with it Lee, you best get the herbs to him or you won’t be having ta worry on giving him that message at all, you need to get those down him right away..one as soon as you get there and one in the morning...please..Zork right now is dying plain and simple..those herbs will save his life but only if you leave now, no stopping for a patrol or anything, with the herbs he stands a chance..without them he will die...probably within a day..go!"
Lee nods briskly, and turns to leave. "Thank ye, Leon, I'll keep ye informed of 'is status." And then the otter is gone into the night.
Leon watches the otter rush off and then heads into Scioto’s house where Dorarose is.