Take Care of Vonda...Wait Whos Vonda?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

Leon is in the infirm and has just taken care of a vole maid whom broken her toe and looks ready to head to his cottage now.

Kadar is helped into the infirm about this time and shoos the guards away as he limps to a cot and coughs roughly placing his paw on his mouth, when he takes it away there is bright red as he allows himself to lay down and looks to be in a good deal of pain.

Leon walks over "What happen?" He checks for any wounds.

Kadar frowns as he reaches up a shaky paw to Leon's and moves his paw to his chest, there is one wound there barely visible now but some blood barely stains it as he coughs and closes his eyes. "Dagger..broke off..made worse when tried ta..-coughs- remove it me self...I..I already know just listen..that polecat he.." He coughs and shivers causing some pain, a lot of pain.

Leon lets him guild the paw and his eyes widen as he feels the dagger and studies where it is and frowns, "Wait..polecat, no one was supposed to look for him why were you fighting him?" He tries to figure out what to know and takes the beaver's pulse.

Kadar watches threw half closed eyes," Save..ya..healing..." His pulse is so..deathly low, "No..he were at..me hut..k..killed Kate and has Vonda and..your dibbun." His breathing grows worse. "I..buried Kate and..then came here...need ta ask some bea..beast favor...where.." His voice grows weaker with each word he says, as does his pulse and breathing.

Leon frowns, "I..know. He wants to fight Flicktail at the gates, warned no one to try and find him or else.." He sighs, "So..explains what he ment by dibbuns...wait? Who is Vonda..a dibbun? Who's?"

Kadar eyes flutter some as he gets out.."Me..daughter....want Zork ta..raise her if she is..saved. I have faith s..she ..will be....." His eyes then close and he grows quiet as the rising and falling of his chest stops and if checked no pulse is found.

Leon blinks "You have a daughter?" He frowns and checks his pulse in a couple places and then listens for breathing and sighs sadly as he steps away from the cot. A novice healer came in and lets out a small gasp and Leon covers the beaver with a sheet and looks at the novice," One lesson, a healer can't save all beasts, never think you can. Even the most skilled healer can..deal with death, it's part of being a healer your save some and others you won't" The novice nods to this as Leon excuses himself and heads to the hallway.

RW Abbey: Great Hall

The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here. A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance. The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist. The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.

The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.

Soft light is slowly beginning to filter in through the stained glass windows high above your head.

Exits: Abbey's [Li]brary, [K]itchen, [C]avern [H]ole, [B]reezeway, [En]try, [Stairs]



a message (board) with notes tacked to it

Leon comes down the stairs slowly and looks around to see whom is in the room.

Zork is down here sitting in the large chair, hey he can do that when no one else is in it, hmmms maybe they can get another large chair, then again he will have his wheelchair soon enough.

Leon walks over to Zork and sighs, "Zork, I have a message from Kadar if you have time to listen" He then waits on a reply from the badger.

Zork looks at Leon and rises an eyebrow, "And why can't he say sumthing him self?"

Leon frowns, "Cause he..he died. He got an injury in a fight, a dagger blade broke off inside him. He spoke some before he..." He shakes his head" That polecat used his hut as a hideaway and Kadar was going to his hut to bring his mate here. Also his dibbun as well was there."

Zork frowns at this news "Me friend is......wait a darn..dibbun?" He thinks hard on this "Kadar and Kate had a dibbun?"

Leon nods "I guess, a daughter and he wants you to raise her, he seemed to trust you in this." He then adds "Kate is dead as well, the polecat killed her before he got there is my understanding, then killed Kadar and has his daughter, whom he said name was Vonda and he still has my son Caleb also."

Zork says, "Then we should go after de scum"

Leon shakes his head "No..Jackson said no one was to follow him, look for him that he come to Flicktail and..fight." He frowns, "Caleb and me had a small argument and he, well he went to run away and managed to slip out when two guards were arguing over something, no clue what they shouldn’t of let my son past them."

Zork frowns "Run away? Wot happen and not ta worry I am sure Flicky will get him and Vonda back." He then frowns "Wot of de..squirrel lass?"

Leon says, "She is fine, but he did mention her, Jackson did, said the winner of the fight got to keep her and the dibbuns, the dibbuns being Vonda and Caleb."

Leon sits down "As for why he..wanted to run away, he and Pip got into a fight and he punched Pip and caused him to bleed, I was upset and told him to go to his room and he run off saying he hated everyone."

Zork stands slowly and gets his cane and then kneels by Leon, "I am sure he were just upset Leon. He knows ya care and he cares too. I done sumthing like that before where said hated someone or just didn’t talk to someone for a whole week once. He were probably just like said upset and something’s when ya that age, ya can’t always understand feelings and such"

Leon sighs, he looks worried, "I just want my son back safe in the abbey Zork, I feel it’s my fault he even thought of running away, so it’s my fault he got caught by that polecat"

Zork says, "No one knows wot will happen, well maybe a seer but not many of those are around"

Leon nods "Yeah...still"

Zork asks, "Still wot?"

Leon sighs "Still..I should of just took him to the house, not just said oh go and wait on me. He knew I was upset and I also was trying to get his version of the story. What started the fight, why punch Pip but that’s not important right now, whats important is his safety and getting him home. I love him and he ..he needs to know"

Zork lays a large paw on the mouse shoulder, "I sure he know Leon, trust me. Being a parent can be hard..I didn’t and still don’t have an easy time with Zinnia"

Leon just nods slowly

Zork is quiet and then says, "I will also haf Vonda now, hmms I wonder why he never mentioned a daughter"

Leon shrugs, "Who knows"

Zork says, "Ya know, could explain his foul mood few weeks ago and why Kate were so tried, she was with child..Vonda so de dibbun can’t be too old, like infant maybe"

Leon nods "Maybe, and he trusts you to care for her, ummm you do know how to care for an infant right?"

Zork nods "Yes, seen Ozzy do it before and he can help if I need it"

Leon nods "Yeah, Oz does know a lot on dibbuns."

Zork says, "Course he does, he is de dibbun caretaker. I just hope Vonda and Caleb be ok""

Leon nods and sighs, "It’s just..all this stuff with Pip and Chip and Caleb, and then Pip and Caleb fighting. He is 5 seasons old he should know better than to punch a beast, and Pip and Chip are a season younger than him too."

Zork just shrugs, "I don’t know wot ta say. Maybe ask Lorimis or Benar for advice?"

Leon says, "Yeah, maybe but first we need to clear up this polecat Jackson issue before he harms someone else or worse"

Zork nods in agreement “Agreed on that "

Leon says, "I will have to make sure I have my healing supplies, just in case they are needed."

Zork says, "Sounds good Leon ta be ready. Any fight ends with injuries on both sides."

Leon says, "I always make sure the herbs in my pack and surcoat are well stocked, as well as bandages, a clean rag, needle and thread and other basic needs and some not so basic needs as well.""

Zork listens, "Well let’s hope this fight doesn’t end too badly"
Leon says, "Yeah me too..Jackson wanted a one on one fight with Flicktail. Jackson could be up to something so it's best to be ready..hide a guard in one of the towers with a longbow and arrows, that way if Jackson has friends or he..manages to win the arrow is fired off at him.""
Zork nods "Sounds like a good idea, we can let Lee know. Does he know of the polecat having Caleb and Vonda?" He asks "And that Jackson is going to fight Flicktail and wants the squire lass back too.?"
Leon nods "Lee should know by now the two guards went to tell him and as far as I know Krystal is somewhere inside. No need to worry her and tell her whats going on, just keep her off the grounds for now."
Zork says, "That’s good and yeah no need ta scare de lass any more than she already be scared"
Leon rubs his forehead as he says, "I will be glad when this is over. Then I can work on whats going on with Caleb lately and talk to him, gently of course. Let him know to not run away thought I think he won’t after this anyways."
Zork says, "Maybe he could learn something a little early, I know I know novice be at 6 Seasons if he so choices that, but maybe a wee head start on some sort of lessons in...well wot ever""
Leon shrugs "I don't know what he is even interested in, if anything"
Zork says, "hmmms, well you could ask"

Leon says, "I..probably should ask. But he has to be home safe first..just safe..and home"

Zork watches his friend "Ya ok Leon?"
Leon just has tears going down her face and suddenly hugs Zork and stays this way. Hidden worry of whether he will see Caleb again or not, and just other things still bothering him like his missing right paw and seems this makes it worse.
Zork just lets him cry, sometimes that’s the best idea as it’s not good to keep one's feelings bottled up, but he does hug him back gently.
Leon does cry more and relieves some needed stress. and in his mind has decided to take a couple days off, he needs it right now.