From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Rascal continues to have a bad day...but at least he won't be doing landscaping for a while.

Rascal takes a deep breath as he leans against the ramp parts. It is his custom to come here, to take in the fresh air and to see the scenery around the abbey and to always, always find that one camp fire off in the distance. Like a beacon to let him know /they/ are still there. The red fox sighs as he leans further against the Rampart.

Well, it's a beautiful day, and Thalion is exploring the Abbey to see what's changed and what hasn't since he was here. The mouse stomps up the stairs, coming to a halt at the ramparts and immediately noticing the fox. A fox! "A fox!" he cries.
Said fox nearly jumps out of his skin when he hears the mouses cry. Turning quickly, too quickly, and very nearly falling between the ramparts as he throws his back against them. Paws clutching either stone slab on his left or right the fox slowly pulls himself from what is surely a deadly fall. He slumps against the wall behind him, clutching his heart, "Thank you for that (gasp wheeze) stunning observation. Perhaps you would like to describe the color of the sky next?"
The fox's mood is only made even more sour by almost accidently throwing himself off the wall in fear.
"A fox!" Thalion repeats, lunging forward to shove said fox from the ramparts! "Begone, foul villain!"
The fox blinks in surprise, "Wait, what?" And then the mouse is on him. Before he can realize what is happening the fox in on his back, once against stretched between the ramparts with his head over the void to his doom. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Rascal shouts, trying to pull himself back onto the wall.
"I'm SAVING THIS ABBEY!" Thalion shouts back, pushing hard against the fox, his boots skidding on the stone as he struggles mightily to send him over the edge.
Given the awkard angle that Rascal finds himself at that is an actual possibility. "What? NO! DON'T!" The fox finds his calws leaving scrap marks in the stone slab of the ramparts, "You crazy psycopath! I /live/ here!" His tail end is now over the edge of the wall!
"This is a place of PEACE!" Thalion insists, pressing the fox further towards the edge. "I won't let you sully it with your filth!" Almost there...
The words ring loudly in Rascal's ears as he is shoved bodily off the wall. Only quick reflex saves his hide. His paws reach out one grabbing the edge of the wall the other trying to grab his would be murderer. "Stop! STOP! Don't do this! I live here! You're own abby champion is a fox!" He glances down and only panics more, "Please don't kill me!'s not the abbey way! It's..."
"It's the ONLY way!" Thalion roars in his mouse-voice, the fox clinging to his clothes as he climbs up onto the rampart to stomp at the fox's hands.
This is...this completely fitting, thinks Rascal. His life has been one random event to the next. His personality is infact random. So being murdered by some random beast seems actually rather fitting for his demise. Maybe this is just the abbey's way to expunging his presence from the grounds.
"But I don't want to die! ACK!" One paw is gone. He is now hanging on by one paw, "Please! You can't kill me! Think of the children! Or...or...Martin! He's a beast of mercy! Admitedly one who kills a lot of vermin, but still. Think of how the beasts will react think of...think of..." the fox pauses, "Eagles." He says seemingly at random.
From RW Abbey: Western Rampart, "The eagles would peck your eyes from their sockets, scum!" Thalion stomps down towards the remaining paw, hellbent on sending this evil fox to his doom.
"No!" The fox wails, pointing his free paw, "EAGLE!" He poitns beyond the mouse to the sight of a shadowy shape decending upon them with it's claws out stretched. An eagle, and it's on a nose dive decent to scoop both fox and mouse up in it's claws...
Oh heck no. Thalion is not about to be nabbed up by some bird over this scummy fox villain. The mouse jumps from the rampart to the walkway below, his sash flapping in the breeze. "Peck his eyes from his head!" he shouts, hoping maybe the eagle is open to suggestions.

It's not. The eagle can hardly hear, nor care, about the opinions of the mouse as it swoops in low in a precision strike. Fueled by determination NOT to be devoured by eagles the fox pulls himself onto the ramp part. He can feel his tail slip between the claws of the bird as it passes by. The eagle swoops up into the air again flying off to gain some distance for another attack. Apr 20, 2016 at 2:01 p.m.

When the fox pulls himself back up, Thalion redoubles his efforts, determined not to let the wily beast escape. He flings himself at the fox intent on shoving him over.
This time Rascal is a bit more prepaired for the murderous mouses attempt on his life. A struggle ensues as Rascal finds himself thrown against the rampart, back against the wall. He tries to bite the mouses ear in desperation even as the eagle doubles back with a raised eyebrow as the two continue to fight. It snickers then dives again...
As the fox's teeth sink into his ear, Thalion's efforts are vindicated! The evil fox must be cast down. His shout of pain and determination rings across the Abbey, as he turns the fox to face the eagle, using him as a shield.  Apr 20, 2016 at 2:19 p.m.
The fox never see's the eagle coming. He just feels claws wrap around his chest and belly before lifting him off the ground. In blind panic he looks up, mouth agap with fear before reaching out to grab something, anything to keep himself from being taken away by the eagle. His paws reach to grab the mouse, "Nooooooo! I'm too young to be eaten!"
 Thalion swats the fox's grasping paws away, giving a shout of triumph. "Begone, vermin! Good has won this day!"
From RW Abbey: Western Rampart, "You little rat! I'll kill you! I'll hunt you down and shove your tail so far down your nose it..." And the rest of the fox's words are drowned out by distance as the eagle carries him into the sky.

A moment later an otter appears at the stairs, dressed in a guard uniform and carrying a staff for protection. "Oy! You! What's going on up here? I heard shouting."

"Nothing to see here, sir, I've just saved you all," Thalion replies calmly, wiping his paws off and ignoring the trickle of blood from the bite-mark on his ear.
The otter raises an eyebrow to the mouse, "Uh, ok..." the otter peers over the side of the ramparts and see's nothing, "Right then. Why don't we get you to the infirm and have that bite mark looked at..."
Thalion looks around longingly for a way to mark his dramatic exit, but finding nothing, he just nods and heads down the stairs, his boots stomping loudly