Suspicions also entitled What happened to the Inn???? (A Ferravale log) 5-18-2016

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

You might wanna read this first:


The scent in the air notably changes within the village compared to the sweet fragrant flowery smells outside the east gates. Stale air, rotting food and the occasionally not particularly pleasant smelling inhabitant all assault the nose until it gets used to things. Mercenary guards patrol the high wooden palisade wall separates the vermin village from the outside world, the only break in sight in the form of the main gate to the village to the east. North of the path one of the few stone buildings in the village stands a little run down, now an inn it butts up to the side of the tavern and boasts many beds available, at least that's probably what the sign says, much like the building it's old and the beast who wrote it has probably died of old age long after the paint was last touched up. West finally buildings begin to spring up everywhere and the path widens into a large clearing at the centre of the village.

Exits: [F]erravale [T]avern, [F]erravale [Inn], [Back] to gates, [W]est

Cats: Scioto, male. Blisa, female.

Ferrets: Ferdinand, male.

Foxes: Valerie, female.

Whiptail snakes: Basilisk 'Basil', male.

Ermines: Nightbreath, male.

Scioto still stands staring at the Inn or remains of the Inn. The rain has stopped to a drizzle now and the chieftain is soaking wet and the whole area smells of smoke. His tail twitches behind him as there is still a couple areas of the inn still glowing red slightly and smoking a little.

Blisa has smelled the smoke, but her bodyguards made her stay put for a while. Finally (FINALLY) she has managed to convince them to let her out of the house. She now comes to where her father is, riding Basilisk, who is distinctly (and voiciferously) unhappy about the wetness of the rain. Ferdinand and Valerie are running beside the snake, who slides to a stop and goes speechless as he sees the inn....or, rather, its charred remains. The cat springs lithely from her pet's back and walks over to her father, the bodyguards following behind in shocked silence. ".....Daddy?"

Scioto is silent, then speaks "Supposedly a fight and a beast knocked over an oil lamp or two." He sighs "Least Kolur said no beast was inside, that's something good of this at least and the rain keep it to just the Inn." Its then he seems to notice he is soaked and shakes his head, "Great...well I can change into something dry later, have either of you seen Liam?"

Blisa shakes her head as she goes to hold her father's paw. "....Clarissa doesn't trust that new marten guard, and I don't either. Who's Kolur?" Ferdinand has sufficiently recovered enough to walk forward a few paces and takes a closer look at the charred rubble. "A fight, huh?" Basil also sidles a little closer and adds, "Ssssso they essssscaped without trying to put out the firesssss??" Valerie peers at the Chieftain. "Are ye alright, Sir? I understand that you're upset; I'm mostly just wondering if you're injured, is all." They are all wearing cloaks, and the vixen pulls an extra one out of her small haversack and passes it to the Chieftain.

Scioto nods "I am fine and Kolur is just new I am sure he is fine. If not Bandit can straighten him up so he does his job better. A couple ferrets...or weasels were mentioned and most were at lunch, no one saw who started the fight or who caused the fire to start."

Ferdinand purses his lips as he studies the remains of the building some more from where he is. "...when all the hotthpotth are dampened, I'd like to check out the rubble, if that'th alright, Thir." Basilisk curls up under a tree on the other side of the road to try and shield himself from the rain. "Thatsssssoundsssssssupicioussssss....." he grumbles. Blisa pulls her cloak a little bit tighter around herself. "I'm sure you're right, Daddy. ....I wish we knew who stared the fight. We could make them help rebuild the Inn as punishment."

Scioto manages a chuckle, "Rebuilding will take some time but yes clean this up and rebuilt. Who knows maybe an even better Inn than before"

Blisa smiles a little in return. "Agreed! I think we can and should make it even better than it used to be. Maybe make it a little roomier." Ferdinand comes back over to the cats, looking suspicious, but only saying, "How did you find out about it, Thir? We could thmell the thmoke, but when there were no panicing beathtth, we figured that it wath probably not an attack."

Scioto frowns "I was told by a tavern beast there was a fire and ran over to see its the Inn. Kolur also informed me of it"

Blisa frowns. "I do agree with Basil. It seems very odd that the beasts who did this on accident didn't try to put out the fire..." "....unleth, of courthe, it wathn't an accident," Ferdinand finishes for her. Valerie looks troubled. "Could it have been arson? I wonder who would do that.....and why." "I hope it wasn't arson, but.....if the beasts /did/ do it on accident, logically they would try to put it out and then cover it up, if they were evil. My snake is a pretty good reminder to some beasts to stay in line," the young cat says thoughtfully.

Blisa goes to tug on her father's paw gently. "But if that's the case, why wouldn't they hide it?? Oh, I don't head hurts." She rubs her forehead. Ferdinand puts aside his suspicions and digs out the canteen of special tea he carries around. Handing it to the young cat, he makes sure she drinks some of it. Valerie just sighs and shakes her head. "What's with our town and burning? Even if this was an accident, it's kind of ridiculous! We've had enough fires to qualify us for a medal or something. Perhaps we should rebuild it out of sandstone from the quarry...." Basil perks up. "Can /I/ eat the arsssssonissssstssssssss?????" His mind is always on eating people, it seems.

Scioto sighs "Its hard to hide a fire if it gets too large, like this one did. If we find the ones who did this, I could ask Kolur about it but I am unsure where he is right now, hmmms hopefully updating Bandit"

Blisa eyes her father closely as she sips the tea. "You seem to really like this.....Kolur beast." she says innocently. Ferdinand has his own suspicions of the marten, but he keeps silent for now, focusing on his charge for right now. Valerie digs out some charcoal and a piece of paper and starts sketching something. Basil comes gliding over the mud to the Chieftain and hisses softly, "I could go find out if he isssss informing the Fat One, hissss..." he also seems to enjoy scaring the guards. "Pleathe thay no," the ferret implores from the Chieftain.

Scioto shrugs "He is a guard and has been fairly helpful among other things. He helped with a patrol a couple times in fact. He may be just trying to show he is a good guard I do not know...why are you worried? He is a guard of Ferravale and wouldn't harm anyone and if he ever did well..." He smirks "Basil can eat him"

Blisa shrugs. "It's just.....if he's who I'm thinking of, a couple of my bodyguards have met him and they're a little suspicious, and..." "And I'm unthure of new guardth, ith all, ethpecially thince that whole fiathco with Bandit," Ferdinand says solemnly. Basilisk is beyond excited at the prospect of being allowed to eat someone. "I hope he doessssssssomething wrong!!!"

Scioto says, "Well if it helps you feel better keep an eye on Kolur, he hasn't done anything so far. He seems to follow rules"

Blisa nods and goes to give her father a hug, ignoring his sopping wet state. "That /would/ make me feel better. I wish I had some bird spies I could have follow him around....that'd make me feel even better." Ferdinand nods in agreement.

Scioto smiles and returns the hug "I will be careful. If I need to fight off anyone, even him, I will"

Nightbreath walks into the area from the west. He mutters something to himself irritably when he sees the burned-down inn. That won't be cheap at all to fix...

Valerie starts waving her piece of paper. "Hey! I have an idea on how we can rebuild the Inn out of sandstone from the quarry!" Blisa smiles up into her father's face. "I trust you, Daddy. I love you, and I'm so happy that you're my father." Ferdinand stands and waves to the ermine as he slips the canteen back into his pocket. Basil seems the Seer and cheerfully hisses, "I can eat Kolur if he doesssssssssomething bad!!!"

Scioto frowns "I trust Kolur, he has done nothing wrong" that the chieftain knows of

Nightbreath walks over to Scioto and suddenly stumbles, nearly falling. He grabs a lamp-post for support and shudders, whispering to himself.

Blisa turns and stares at the Seer, her soft green eyes wide. Valerie immediately tucks her paper away and goes over to him. Hesitatingly, she offers a paw of support, saying nothing, unsure about what's going on with him. Basil, ever helpful, calls out, "If he diesssss, can I eat him?" He then yelps as Blisa kicks him really, really hard. Ferdinand stares at the ermine, watching him closely. "You okay?"

Scioto arches an eyebrow as he walks over to the Seer "Nightbreath you ok there? " He does sound concern as he looks around for any signs of trouble. He glares at the snake "You're not eating him"

Nightbreath's lips move soundlessly, then they utter a string of foreign syllables. "Ith'u kor'na, ok'ono'yoy'o, un Cal'ibaan..." He pulls himself to his feet on Valerie's paw. "Doom....a blood moon, a death. Carrion remains," he whispers.

Blisa has kicked her humongous pet into submission. Coming over, she peers into the ermine's face, her own etched with concern. "What's wrong?" Valerie purses her lips and pulls out a canteen of water and holds it out to the ermine. Ferdinand listens closely, patting his pockets for writing stuff. Basil, thoroughly cowed, slithers over and peeks at the ermine. "I'm ssssssorry for wanting to eat you," he says, mostly to placate the petite cat.

Scioto frowns "A...death?" He looks concern what if it's Blisa or someone else, he studies the Seer "Who? Were you able to see who ?"

Nightbreath gulps down the water like a nomad emerging from the dunes of the desert. "Chieftain," he says slowly, returning to reality. "We must speak in private." His tone and face are both grave and shaken.

Blisa decides that clinging to the ermine like a limpet is a good idea, and so she tries it. "Can I come, too????" Ferdinand purses his lips. "I feel that I thould know what'th going on, too." Valerie and Basil just stay silent for now.

Scioto frowns, he looks at the beasts by Blisa "Don't let her out of your sight" His tome is serious and demanding as he nods to go where ever the Seer asks.

"I'm sorry, Blisa," Nightbreath says, his wizened eyes holding the sorrow of ages as he gazes down at her. "But this is a path your father and I must walk alone." He gently removes the cat from him, pats her on the head, and heads towards his house.

Valerie and Ferdinand both look directly at the Chieftain as they both lay a paw on the young cat's shoulder. "Don't worry, we won't." "I'll eat anybeassssst who triessss to hurt Blisssssssa!!" Basil adds. As the bodyguards gently escort the wailing cat to her home, the snake slithers off, intending to keep his promise.

Scioto goes to follow Nightbreath "Where to...your home?"

"Aye," Nightbreath says without turning. "For now."

Scioto nods he follows his to his home, he looks concern and a little worried but he trusts the Seer with his very life.

What will they talk about???

We'll have to read this log to find out XD

Thanks for reading!!
