Stormfur Escapes!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Benar is sat in his chair before the grand fire-place, it is more throne then chair and the Abbot only uses it on official occasions but he felt this was best whilst speaking to the stoat. By his side is the large form of Oz and several of the Council of Elders as well as quite a few guards. Stormfur is led into the abbot's presence escorted by two guards and he regards the stoat with a frown.

Stormfur glares at each of the guards; he doesn't struggle but allows himself to be led into the room and before the group.

Oz stays beside Benar and keeps an eye on the stoat as it's led into the room.

Benar sighs softly, "Hello again Stormfur, I wanted to speak with you once again before I make judgment on what is to be done with you. I cannot permit you to continue to run wild outside of the abbey and threatening beasts in the woodlands."

Stormfur smirks, "Why would you care about the beasts outside your walls, they are not your concern..I was the one attacked by abbey beasts."

Benar says, "You kidnapped my Novice Pike, you kidnapped a child, all the beasts of Mossflower are of my concern."

Stormfur says, "I DID NOT..did not kidnap any beast, the bird was from the woodland, and if you mean the otter it came into my camp and tries to steal.. MY bird!"

Oz folds his arms over his chest, he lets Benar speak with the stoat and still keeps an eye on him.

Benar says, "No one may own a bird, they are their own free beasts" he shakes his head and sighs, "I am not sure what to do with you now, I cannot jus let you loose but the abbey is not a jail"

Stormfur answers , "You release me, that’s what you do..I also request you have a strict talk with that one str.." he quickly rethinks the name and growls, "The badger, and I don’t mean that one..I mean a younger one, some..Kerr or whatever, he needs manners!!"

Benar sighs "I cannot just release you, you will return right back to terrorizing the woodlands Stormfur."

Stormfur smirks “Most likely, but you can’t keep me here either"

Oz shakes his head, "Till it’s found out what will be done with you, your most likely going back to the cellar under guard."

Benar sighs and nods his head, "I am afraid this is true Stormfur, I will not condone just releasing you into the wild again"

Stormfur growls low and looks at the guards nearby him and glares at the abbot and badger.

Oz keeps his calm with the stoat, he glances at Benar and then back to Stormfur.

Benar turns away from Stormfur to look at Oz, "Do you have any suggestions or insight Oz?"

Oz keeps an eye on the stoat then looks away to speak with Benar, "I am unsure, perhaps someone you trust to escort him to where the bridge is or ask Ferravale what to do with him perhaps."

Stormfur waits till they are both distracted and then quickly goes to shove the nearest guard into Benar's chair, once this successful he makes a quick bolt to the entry while they are hopefully distracted.

Ordinarily Stormfur wouldn't stand any chance of success, but the guard's halberd slips and tangles with his companion and the two stagger forward and crash into Benar's throne. It rocks which tosses the abbot out of it and into Oz. There is shouting and a cacophony of shouting as the other guards leap forward to chase Stormfur but he has a head start .

Oz would go after the stoat but his first concern is the abbot, he makes sure Benar doesn’t hit the hard floor as he falls against him, he loses his balance in the process and tumbles backwards barely missing hitting anything hard himself.

Stormfur chuckles coldly at this and looks to the entry, he growls low and bolts to the kitchen instead and goes to slip off that way, knocking down a novice in the process.

  • Chase to the Kitchen*

The abbot is fine and is quite firmly made to stay behind with the Elder council by some of the guards as those who can pick themselves up and chase off after Stormfur. The kitchen is bustling with people and as the stoat runs inside chased by several others one of the cooks is just turning with a large tureen of soup and stands staring in shock at the stoat running toward them.

Stormfur smirks as he speeds up and goes to shove the cook out of the way, he is not looking to move a large pot of soup he is just looking to get away from the guards, he growls. "Out of my way fools!"
Oz makes sure the abbot is safe before he heads after Stormfur to try and grab him before he gets too far.
The pot of soup goes one way and the cook the over, the large tureen of hot soup bounces past Stormfur and splashes over the first two guards following who go down with a yelp and block Oz's route. Stormfur's exit out the door and into the Kitchen Pathway is no longer blocked!

RW Abbey: Kitchen Path

Once outside the Kitchen Path is relatively empty, there are guards not he wall but they are looking out at the woodlands not inside. The path is clear for Stormfur to charge the Eastern Wall Gate and get out the back of the abbey straight into the woodlands!
Stormfur smirks as his path is clearer now as he runs towards a clear path towards the exit.

No one is quite able to catch up to him in time, the stoat has the eastern wall gate unbolted before the guards can get out of the kitchen and Stormfur is away and out into the woodlands.

Stormfur looks over his shoulder and takes advantage of the guards not looking and makes it to the eastern wall and to the wall gate, he opens it and hops out and quickly gets to the woodlands!

Oz has helped make sure the guard in the kitchen is seen by a healer before he comes out and looks for the stoat, he is not looking to happy that the stoat escaped and takes a deep breath and exhales again and looks back towards the kitchen doorway.

Benar steps out a few minutes later and stands regarding the mess and sighs, "he never wanted to speak to me at all did he, and this was all some ploy to get him out of the basement."

Oz shakes his head, he looks at Benar, "Are you alright Benar? Are you hurt?..and if you would like I can go after him for you, track him down for you."

Benar sighs and orders the gate closed "No Oz, your place is here with the dibbuns, I am fine... but we must send out the guard with Flicktail as soon as possible to track him down."

Oz nods, "couple of the guards are in the infirm, one was injured in the kitchen and has a couple burns but should heal with the healer skills here in the abbey, we will have to tell Flicktail of this. I am glad the dibbuns were upstairs during this time."

Benar sighs and nods "I should have had more guards stationed on the doors or something..." he sits down on a bench and sighs deeply.

Oz sits down by Benar, "Do not let it stress you Benar, the stoat will be found and we can send word to Ferravale that the stoat is out in the woodlands somewhere."

Benar smiles at Oz and pats his arm "I am not stressed just a bit despondent that such things have to happen to our lovely abbey"

Oz nods, "Still would be wise to send word of Stormfur to Ferravale, they could maybe catch him as well, or least look for him and hopefully he will not capture anyone else."