Still In The Infirm(Part of Marek's Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]


Zork can finally sit up now, he has yet to try and stand or get out of bed yet.

Angela is standing beside the badger's bed, trying to take his pulse. Trying, because she keeps being interrupted by a Novice that's trying to get her to drink some tea. The elderly mouse is looking seriously ticked off.

Emyuil finally emerges from the shadows to stand menacingly in front of the annoying novice. "Go away. She can't work under these conditions," He growls.

Zork sighs, today his pulse is fairly normal, then again what can he do in the infirm. "Getting tired of this bed" He mutters low, but also said calmly.

Angela nods as she glares at the retreating Novice. "I understand that, an' I'm sorry, but you're not ready to get out of bed yet. Yer pulse seems normal, which is good." She gently taps his chest. "Any more pains? Emyuil, please get me a cup of white willow bark tea with allot of honey in it."

Emyuil nods and, after ensuring that the Novice is leaving his grandmother alone, ducks out, leaving the badger, the injured, and the healer alone.

Zork shakes his head, "No, I haven't had any last few days...first day or two after waking up..a little, but only when I coughed or something or tried ta move"

Angela smiles and nods again. "Good. 'Tis about as I expected." She calls over a Novice (but not the one who had been bugging her) and whispers something, and the young squirrel nods and scampers off.

Emyuil returns several minutes later with the tea. "Here ye go," He says, happy to be helpful for once.

Zork watches as the novice goes off and shrugs a little as he crosses his arms over his chest.

Angela takes the tea from her grandson, flashing him a smile, and holds it out to the badger. "'Ere. You need to drink this, please. Lemme know if it needs more 'oney."

Zork nods, he knows by now not to argue with Angela, he won’t win and he tried a couple times to win and failed, he takes the tea and slowly drinks it, it may need a little more honey but he decides to not worry about it.

Emyuil smiles back briefly and awaits further instructions.

Angela smiles. "There ye go. 'Till it's all gone, now." The squirrel Novice comes back and hands the old healer 2 cups of very different kinds of tea. Nodding, the mouse takes them, sipping from one and holding the other out to the badger. "An' 'ere's another tea ye need to drink. After a few more weeks, ye sha'n't have to drink it anymore. I added some berries to try and make it taste less...hideous."

Zork looks at the other tea, "Wots that tea?" He finishes the first one she had given him.

Emyuil watches, his curiosity piqued as well.

Angela winks. "A bunch of secret 'erbs that'll 'elp yer 'eart. Now drink up." She is also sipping her own tea, which smells definitely not like mint....or white willow bark...

Zork sighs but drinks it, very slowly he drinks it and makes a face a couple times, he coughs "Dislike fact have ta drink de other one still"

Angela shrugs. "I'm sorry, but yer goin' to hafta drink the white willow bark tea fer the rest of yer life. Unless ye want to have even less time to live."

Zork frowns "Alright..ya make a point." He frowns "Just..gotta get use ta..change guess"

Angela nods. "Yes, ye do. I 'ave somethin'...hard to tell ye that ye need to know now, and live by. I don't know if anyone's told ye, but....ah..." she hesitates, obviously not wanting to break the news to him.

Zork frowns as he finally finished the other tea and coughs a little, "I..have ta..give up me warrior days, tis that it or something else?"

Angela relaxes slightly. "Aye, that's it. I'm sorry, but ye can't. It would kill you." She sits on the edge of the cot, stirring her rather vile-smelling tea. "Ye may not or may not be able to go back to blacksmithing. We'll have to watch yer progress closely."

Zork listens, "TIs not like I would be making much. Nails..hinges..pots and pans, stuff like that...I just.." He shrugs "Nutthin' too hard, then not like they...normally repair or make armor or weapons, tis the rule..No repair of weapons or armor and no making of weapons or armor in the abbey and will be the rule again once de abbey is back in our paws, which I believe it will be, not sure how soon but.."

Angela nods and sighs, sipping her tea and making a face. "Errg, this is horrible. Aye, I can't wait 'till Redwall is taken back....these vermin are drivin' me nuts."

Zork frowns "I just..wish I could help, ya know, not be stuck inna ere'..but I know help be coming"

Angela stares hard at the badger. "And 'ow do ye know that 'elp is comin'?" She finishes her tea, nearly gags, then sets the empty cup down, returning her gaze to the blacksmith's eyes.

Zork is quiet a little while then speaks, "Martin..showed me" He says quietly, "Right before woke up or maybe..days before I don’t know" He clears his throat, "He told me after I...umm said I didn’t want ta..ummm.."

Angela raises an eyebrow. "Go on. Whisper, I don't think anybeast'll hear ye except me." The Novices and guards are not nearly close enough to hear the conversation anyway, but the healer thinks that maybe whispering 'll help the badger say what he wants to say.

Zork thinks on it, he does go on" He..He showed.." He sighs, " He talked of me warrior days being gone..before any other beast did and mentioned another like..path, but still major shock..even now but less maybe now. He even said I would still be de blacksmith." He goes on, " He did offer me a..choice, but I..didn’t take it..I were at de dark forest gates, one step paw I would of been inside but I backed up and said no ta it and..then I woke up ere' in de infirm and Lorimis were thar...and I did..well, guess thinkin' more deeply of this path Martin mentioned"

Angela tilts her head to one side. "What was this...other path? And does this...Martin speak to dying creatures much?"

Zork shrugs "I..don't know if he talk ta dying creatures much..." He frowns, he knows just how close he came to dying and it does brother him. He takes a deep breath, "I am goin ta be a brother in de order."

Angela smiles softly. " that's good. I think ye could do that very well. I'm also thinking of joining the Order. I never thought I could call a badger 'Brother'." The corners of her eyes crinkle into a smile as she goes to pat his paw. "That'll probably be very good for ye. Though ye might want to wait until Marek is defeated,” She adds with a wink, even though she doesn't quite believe that help is coming.

Zork nods "Of course, but tis still a change ta get use too, but will help I ..should be able to" He manages a smile, but is still worried a little, but not so much if help is coming or not.

Angela hmms and looks around. "Well, if yer really desperate to 'elp, I might be able to find some light things 'ere in the infirm for ye to do. And 'twouldn't be charity....'twould really be a 'elp."

Zork nods "I can help some...I do know healing some and how ta treat like battle wounds..sorry if seem down just worried fer me daughter, she..went with the ones who went ta get help"

Angela ahs and nods, patting the badger's paw again. "I understand. My granddaughter is I don't know where and her 'usband, Leon, got kidnapped by a swan. I understand worry. Very much so." She stands up and leaves, then returns with a basket full of clean strips of cloth. "We don't need 'elp from yer 'ealin' abilities as of yet, but I do need 'elp rollin' these bandages. Terribly borin' work, but maybe if we talk, it won't be quite so bad." She sets the basket by the cot and starts piling rags on the cot. After they're all on the bed, she starts rolling one.

Zork frowns "Swan? When was this?" He sighs, but takes one cloth to start rolling slowly. least he can do this "So..when do ya think I can, try ta stand and walk, even if it just a few steps?" He yawns as he rolls up a 2nd stripe of cloth and lays it aside, any answers are missed as is tried and falls asleep.