Stats and Dice Rolling.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated February 26, 2016 in the category Chatterbox by Dylan Locke. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 2 replies.

Fri, 02/26/2016 - 11:45


Just a simple stat and dice rolling mechanic I plan on using for more stat based rp down the road.

This is a success based system. Meaning that stat's represent the number of dice you roll for the given task. Every 6 rolled counts as a potential success.

How many 6's do you need to over come a challenge? That is entirely depends on what is happening in the role play.

You could have the number of successes meaning how 'well' you succeed, and if you roll none your character completely fails.
You could have a certain number of successes that need to be rolled with a clear idea of what will happen if you fail to do so.
Both players can roll dice, the highest wins.

There may be a hit point system in the future so expect these rules to change.

HP and Vitality

For those who like the fate of their characters to be left up to dice rolls and stats :3

HP is 3 + Body + Logic

VP (Vitality Points) Is 15 + Focus +Wit

HP is your general health and used mostly in combat.

You lose HP one of two ways, either there is a specific penalty for losing a dice roll, or you subtract the difference between one players dice roll as damage to your hp (IE you roll 2 successes, the enemy player rolls 5. You lose 3 hp.)

When your HP drops to zero you roll a D20 and subtract the amount from your Vitality. Until it reaches Zero your character is knocked out, get's scarred, loses a limb etc etc. The choice of what happens is up to you, but the character only dies after VP runs out.

When failing a 'non combat roll' the amount is subtracted from Vitality. When VP reaches 0 this way then what ever you were doing has failed in such a catastrophic manner that it spells certain, unescapable doom for your character either immediately or shortly there after.

So, in essence, failing non combative rolls like picking a lock, swaying the opinion of a crowd, etc etc, makes it easier for get killed via combat and visa versa.


Base Stats: You get 10 points to allocate between 4 stats. Each stat must have 1 point and has a max of 5.

Body: Strength, agility, endurance.

Focus: Grace, dexterity

Logic: Intelligence, Knowledge, experience.

Wit: charm, guile, expression.

Skills: Skills, traits, attributes, special weapons and armor, etc etc. Skills are of your own making and give the character a bonus to dice rolled when applicable.

You get 3 skill points. but you may get more for taking a flaw. A character flaw reduces the number of dice you roll when applicable. The number of points you take in a flaw get's you that many skill points.

Each skill may have a max of 3 points, either positive or negative. You may have a total of 10 skill points all together.


Bandit the Fox


Body: 3

Focus: 2

Logic: 2

Wit: 3

Health: 8

Vitality: 20

SKILLS: Total 9 (you know you did the math right if your skill points are 3 higher than your total flaws.)

Fencing: 3

Investigation: 3

Chainmail tunic: 3

FLAWS: Total 6

Obesity: -3

