Starting To Trust And Getting A Family

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Bookbinding Room

This is a moderately sized room with a table that runs the full length of the

wall. It's rather stuffy, as there are no windows and only one door. The table

is neatly arranged with all the tools necessary for binding books, stacks of

spare parchment and spools of thread, as well as several clay ink pots and

quills made of pigeon feathers. There are some books set at one end in a neat

stack, all of which seem to be damaged in some way. A stack of scrolls, barely

readable do to water stains, are on a shelf near the door. A chair is sat by

the table and a small desk close to the doorway.

Exits: [B]ack

Caleb went to follow the mouse maid and frowns when he knocks on the door”Hey…you ok?” He frowns and decides it’s best to head to class, or he will be late.

Cynthia has been in the attic of all places but soon found it not the best place to go, and so had come here in the room, hey not her fought it was left open by a small bit so she slipped inside and sat at the desk. She fiddled with the quill pens and then just sat there and stared at the wall. She has some dust on her from the attic and that doesn't help the fact she is crying or finishing up some crying as she has been here the past half an hour or so.

Oz does come into the library still, even if he can't see to read it’s still relaxing to sit in here as it's usually fairly quiet. Other senses being heightened as they are he can make out crying, just not who is doing the crying just yet as he makes his way over to the book binding room door and speaks, “Who is in here?"

Cynthia frowns, great it’s the badger, "Go away" Is the reply she gives, "I'm not messing up anything.." The other part added quietly, just in case one would think she was just in here to cause trouble.

Oz clears his throat as he speaks again as the voice gives away who it is now "Cynthia, no one said you did anything, I simply heard what sounded like crying and came to check on who it was and if they were ok. Now if you like to tell me fine, if not that’s ok as well. But it may not be best to stay in here, Brother Boaz may not like to find someone besides him in this room"

Cynthia rolls her eyes and wipes some tears away as she stands, “’s nothing ok?" Well it's something but its clear she rather not talk “I’m fine now just first part of the day was not the best." She does start to walk towards the door and if needed will wait till he moves away to go back into the main area of the library.

Oz steps back when he hears her coming to the door, he gives a simple nod, “perhaps the rest of the day will be better then."

Cynthia sighs "Yeah better I hope so anyways" She dusts off some dust she has still from the attic and frowns, yeah she best get a broom and dust pan and take care of that. She does so quietly, or as quietly as a dust pan and broom can be before placing both back by the wall when done.

Oz raises an eyebrow as he can hear the broom and asks "Cleaning up some mess?"

Cynthia frowns, yeah he can't see a frown and she wonders if he can hear it somehow “I the attic earlier and got dust on me. I dusted it off here and then decided the neat freak Brother would get upset and so swept it up, it’s gone now and back to clean. That an issue or something?"

Oz tilts his head "It’s not, no but why were you in the attic for?"

Cynthia groans, questions why the questions, "Does it matter?" He sighs, "I was just looking around and trying to find a place to not be bothered, but it didn't work cause I get spyed on by Caleb, you should tell him it's not nice to spy on beasts or ask annoying questions, or say things that’s..maybe not to be trusted."

Oz listens,"Spyed on? I am sure he was not following and the attic is not always the best place to go."

Cynthia shrugs, "So? I was just looking around and found some harp that I dusted off and was looking at" And playing but she doesn't mention that. " And he starts muttering about how I was playing it and oh my voice is..well good or something, like whatever he just said it to be nice."

Oz says, "Maybe he was telling the truth and liked the harp playing if that’s what you were doing"

Cynthia frowns "And..wh..what if I was playing the stupid harp or..or singing, so like...who cares he was probably lying cause that’s all anyone ever does!!" She then looks like she is near tears again, this trust thing is hard and she just decides to flee the room, that’s he best plan.

RW Abbey: Great Hall

The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here. A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance. The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist. The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.

The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.

Soft light is slowly beginning to filter in through the stained glass windows high above your head.

Exits: Abbey's [Li]brary, [K]itchen, [C]avern [H]ole, [B]reezeway, [En]try, [Stairs]


a message (board) with notes tacked to it

Cynthia comes rushing down the stairs from the library, not over earlier in the attic she is still somewhat upset and looks ready to cry, and she just yelled, at an elder, how wonderful. She also ends up missing the last step and goes to try and catch herself before she goes face first into the Great Hall.

Elmef catches Cynthia as she comes hurling down the stairs, he holds her shoulders and hold still and smiles, "Cynthia my dear, whatever is the matter?"

Cynthia looks up and blinks, she sniffs as she just says words"Just..every beast just lies..they do and they just say things to make me feel better...." Well that’s her view on the matter, she has at least avoided any serious injury as she sniffs and wipes some tears threating away and she still has some dust on her from the attic but she can deal with that later.

Elmef says, "Now now Cynthia, beasts here at the abbey do not lie. Or if they do they will be punished. Why not tell me what happened?"

Cynthia sniffs and sighs, she may as well "Just..earlier or before? And anytime I allowed myself to trust turned out bad...the fox lied and I lost my parents and was alone and Kyran lied when he said he take me in and care for me....both seemed trustworthy and then wasn’t days later...and earlier I was in the attic and found this harp cleaned it off and was playing it and sort of started to sing and Caleb was spying on me and said I sang...good and played good and he probably lied so I left and then Oz said well maybe he was telling the truth so he agreed with maybe both of them are lying to me"

Elmef sighs and squeezes her arms gently, "Now then if you can play the harp I am sure Caleb would not lie my dear. Why would they lie if you can play the harp well? Come now will you show me?"

Cynthia frowns "Its..sort of in the attic unless someone brought it down, was earlier today. I am sorry I bothered it, it was just....sort of sitting there and..."

Elmef smiles and points upstairs, "Come and show me, it sounds lovely, it would be lovely to hear the harp played."

Cynthia seems unsure at first and then nods "Umm...ok maybe a little bit then I guess" She goes ahead and leads him to where the harp is and if she is lucky it was moved, least to the top floor and not the attic.

---A few hours later ---

Cynthia is in the great hall, someone has brought down the harp she found in the attic and she has got to cleaning it off more and even tuneing it up. She plucks the strings and smiles as she glances around and then plucks the strings some more as she starts to play the harp and she is very good at it. She hums a soft tune and smiles some more as she closes her eyes to play some sort of soft tune, messes up on one note but just one.

"You have talent," Comes a voice from nearby. "Where did you find it?" Lacota steps into view. Has he been listening for very long? He doesn't say. "I'm no musician myself, but I know talent when I hear it..."

Cynthia eyes snap open as she frowns " was in the attic and I was just cleaning it. I didn't mean to play it, it just sort of happen sir"

Lacota shakes his head. "Heavens, no, don't apologize, Cynthia. I'm sorry I disturbed you, if anything."

Cynthia nods slowly "I playing the harp and the music makes me happy and even humming or singing does also"

Lacota nods, hmming. "I see. I did not know that before now." The squirrel rubs his chin thoughtfully. "Do you think you'd enjoy... Musical tutoring? To help hone your skill. Sister Bella... She teaches a music class for the dibbuns, but I'm sure she'd be delighted to offer you one-on-one tutoring... In your free time, that is... If you like."

Cynthia shrugs "I..don't know, maybe. It be..." She frowns "What of all the chores and things, still sort of doing those and other classes"

"Like I said, in your free time..." Lacota crosses his arms. "I wouldn't force you to do it, if you didn't want to... Only if *you* enjoyed it, Cynthia. Not as a class, per se..." He smiles. "I just would be happy to see you happy and doing what *you* want to do."

Cynthia listens and nods slowly "I..don't know. I still feel a little...unsure if really welcomed here or what. Beasts seem nice but what if it’s a trick like when.." She looks away and doesn't say anything else, it’s hard for her to trust others too much and that’s clear.

Lacota sighs, his smile faltering. He steps closer to the mouse maid. "Cynthia. I love you like a daughter. I know I'm not around as much as I should be, and that's not fair to you, but you mean the world to me, and at the end of the day, what I truly want for you is your safety and happiness." He looks up toward the ceiling. "I don't care what other beasts think, or say, you will *always* get a welcome from me."

Cynthia tries to smile, she does "It' do I know who to trust. Each time before here it ended up not a good idea. My parents trusted this fox, I mean he really seemed ok but a few days later...." She never really explained to any beast else but it slips out "He killed them and then tried to kill me but I and got away, got away cause he fell through ice on the river and I didn't and he didn’t come back up again. I was alone awhile and then Kyran found me and claimed he take me in and I believed him, and then that was a lie but I couldn’t leave him..for 4 seasons cause if I did he would..kill me"

Lacota steps closer, and slips his arms around the mouse. "Shh...shh... I understand, Lass... I really do." He sighs. "Trust, once broken, is not easily rebuilt. It takes...time, lots of time, my dear. I know that very well myself. Listen... Did you know... I used to be a slave?" He looks down at Cynthia.

Cynthia doesn't remember if he has told her or not, "I...don't remember, may of heard something. Kyran always wanted to to..steal stuff or pick a lock or something"

Lacota nods. "I understand. It wasn't your fault, though. Don't feel guilty about it. Back then, you had to do what was necessary to survive... As did I."

Cynthia nods slowly and then sniffs as she looks ready to cry maybe and leans forward as if to hug the friar, well if he allows the hug that is."I am..glad I am not with the rat no more'"

Lacota certainly allows the hug. He squeezes the mouse maid gently. "So am I... And... Well, I had been waiting to talk about this until perhaps a better time, but I suppose there's no time like the present, Lass." He smiles. "I... would like to know if you would be willing to allow me to adopt you as my daughter, Cynthia. You are old enough, I leave the decision entirely up to you... But I would be very happy to be your... Father..."

Cynthia listens and is quite a long while, but a small smile forms "I..would like that..." She gives him another hug"..Father"

      • So looks like Cynthia has a father now, that’s nice  . Caleb was in this some, I just got the whole log as Cynthia wanted it so hope liked ***