Starlight, star bright, where is my dibbun Starlight tonight?... or...Where is Starlight?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

I'll be the first to apologize for the horrible, horrible title name, I couldn't resist XD. Streamheart the otter talks with Vannon about her adoptive daughter. Apparently no one has seen here in a while now...

Vannon the fox (me) and Streamheart the otter are the players

RW Abbey: Entry

You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages. To the south you see a small, calm pond. To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky. The main building is completed with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall.

The blanket of snow is replaced with the vibrant greens of spring. Newly sprung flowers and young shoots dot the path. They hold a promise of color and enhancement. The earth is relatively dry here, and the soil rich for growing, but muddy patches of dirt still can be found. Many Abbeybeasts can be seen tending to the gardens, though some are content with just being out and about, enjoying the warmth of the virgin sun and the pleasent weather. Dirt pawprints are tracked upon the clearing's surface, serving as witness to the fact that the majority of Abbeybeasts are caught up in the "spring fever." Most will will do just about anything, or make any excuse to be outside, eager to watch as spring colors emerge in scraggly clumps.

Streamheart is looking all over, and looks worried as she is talking to a guard and then a novice and frowns, it also seems she dont feel good on top of everything

A young grey furred fox is walking away from the training yard, hands in his pockets. The fox's trousers are the only thing he has left in his possession any more. He lost his sword to a tavern fight, his vest was made into bandages, his bow was broken across the skull of a lizard, and now his hat is ruined thanks to some crazy cat invention. Needless to say, Vannon is not having a good day. He mumbles something to himself about Cheshire that is best not repeated.

Streamheart frowns, she looks at the fox but doesnt know him and sighs as she sits on the steps and looks near tears.

The fox continues onward in his angry state. He has officially hit rock bottom. Even so the fox does notice the otter sitting down on the stairs in front of him. He can smell food coming from the abbey ahead but, the otter looks to be in just as much of a bad mood as he is. Vannon stops and asks, "Afternoon miss, why the glum face?"

Streamheart looks up and frowns "My adopted daughter, she..she is missing and I can't find her in the abbey and no one seems to have seen her at all since last night when she was playing "

Vannon can see that the otter is clearly distressed. "Ah, poor gel." he tilts his head to the side, "That is a pretty serious matter. When was the wee one last seen?"

Streamheart answers "Last night, and I am worried, I am hoping she is just with Lee, I would ask Oz but he wouldn't know, see...Starlight doesn't speak or anything and doesn't always like to be around the other dibbuns"

Vannon rubs his chin. The grey furred fox decides to share the steps with the otter and sits down, "Lee? Aye! I've met Lee. Good lad, he helped us out of a real bind just the other day. You should have seen him, pluggin arrows away at those lizards. I don't think he missed a single shot!" The fox laughs. After a moment he says, "I'm afraid I havn't met any otters with the name of Starlight but I can keep an eye out for here at least. What does she look like?"

Streamheart says, "She is only a couple seasons old and she has walnut brown fur and blue eyes. The webbing on her paws is..riped alot but healing now"

Vannon nods, "Sounds easy enough to find. A bit young though to be running away from her parents. Does yer daughter have a habit of wandering off on her own?"

Streamheart shakes her head "No she hardly goes to anyone, she is scared of alot of beasts, foxes is one"

That won't hinder Vannon from finding the otter at ALL. The fox thinks. "Good survival trait if you ask me. We villainous vulpines tend to best be avoided, present company excluded of course." Vannon says with a smile, "And she has been gone for what, almost a day? Hmmm. I can assure you that she wasn't with Lee yesterday. He was helping us out up north. We were hired to recover this ring from some bandits and fell into a whole nest of angry lizard barbarians. Me, Rorgan, and Raziel didn't get back until late last night."

Streamheart frowns at this news "Is Lee ok?"

The fox throws his head back as he cackles in laughter. "Him, ah he's fine. He held off our exit as we were swarmed with lizards. You should have seen them, hundreds if not more of blood thirsty savages." the fox's uses his arms and paws to put emphasis on the story, "They came at us with stone axes, spears, even their own claws. We were fighting them tooth and nail, tossing them into their own scorpion death pit. Me and Lee were in the thick of it. They were coming up the hallways, even climbing the walls to get us. He held his ground the longest until he was down to his very last arrow!" The fox takes a deep breath and smiles, "Most terrifying moment of my life. I thought we were gonners for sure." Then remembering the otters plight he says, "Where else would your daughter go too?"

Streamheart thinks "Just Lee..maybe Flicktail, Oz probally and a Sister May"

Vannon rubs his chin again, "So that is what they were talking about..." The fox explains, "I over heard Oz talking to some...beast, May I think, about not seeing the dibbun." The fox pauses, the otter has been missing for an entire day, and no one has seen her. With his own family this would be the time to start searching the area for snakes... "Ma'am. I think you should show me where your daughter was last seen."

Streamheart frowns "Well Oz wouldn't of SEEN her, he's blind but, yes A Sister May, she could of seen her and someome said she was either in the rntry or open ground"

The fox gives a nod, "Of course, I could have miss heard her but..." the open ground? That would be hard to track a beasts paw prints from there. Too much foot trafic. "I'm sure your daughter is alright, but still it would not hurt to involve the local guards here at this point."

Streamheart asks, "They should know if anyone left, wouldn't they?"

The fox cringes, " depends on how much foot traffic they see. And they can't keep track of every single beast that comes and goes out those gates." Vannon shrugs, "Still, worth a shot I suppose."

Streamheart frowns and looks to the gate "I may go look for her myself"

The fox chuckles, "I wouldn't recommend that missy. These roads are fraught with dangers this time of year, winter being the least of them. There are bandits, trouble makers," Kydo Vannon gradually trails off, "Ok, maybe we should start searching for that dibbun. Just...don't go alone ok?"