Spy reports... again.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

--Inside the Black Gull Tavern--

Bloodclaw arrives

Redfang sits at the bar, his back to the door, a shot glass and two empty bottles before him.

Bloodclaw walks into the bar; he orders a drink and sits down next to Redfang. "Ahhh, at least you have something to report...right? I hope so, or I'll run 'ye threw with me dagger, 'ye 'aven't see Dagger by any chance have ye Embesil? He's my Head Embesil...you know...the hairless ferret"

Redfang shakes his head slowly, he doesn't seem as scared as usual, but it might just be the alcohol, "I 'eard that Dagger was beheaded on tha dirt road. Rumor says it was Pike, that sea otter yer lookin' fer."

Bloodclaw begins to speak. "Are you telling me..." then he growls."THAT MY 2ND IN COMMAND IS DEAD!"

Redfang shrugs, "Pretty much. Sounds like 'e was in more danger from a rogue wildcat than Dagger and 'is beasts."

Bloodclaw calms down. "Fine then, do have any information...from the abbey"

Redfang takes a sip and then answers, "Sure, lots." he counts on the fingers of his empty paw, "That 'are, Jake? 'E's alive an' well. There's an insane ferret searching fer you. An' last but not least, they know I'm yer spy." he starts to flinch, expecting a blow, but just shrugs and sits there.

Bloodclaw is no longer calm any more. "WWWWWWWHHHHHHAAAAATTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Redfang takes another calm sip, "Ai'm not sure if that mouse sold us out, or one of tha Redwallers overheard us, but now they know." he indicates a cut on his leg and one on his knuckles, neither one bandaged. "They didn't take too kindly to it."

Bloodclaw looks as if he wants to choke Redfang, but doesn't, and smiles. "Redfang...'fer this information 'ye deserve a promotion...I find this information very, interesting" he then walks off, with a grin where his grimace was.

Redfang is a bit disturbed by this, but keeps his expression flat, "Whatever ya say."

--Hope you've enjoyed--