Somebody knows the trouble I've seen....uh, I mean....Nobody knows the trouble I've seen...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Breezeway

A covered, narrow walkway connecting both the smaller building of the kitchens and the large, dwarfing building of the Great Hall. It is a walkway for the kitchen's servers for easy access to the Hall during mealtimes and Feasts. Because it is covered, it is mostly protected from the weather but outside so that more easy access to it is afforded. At almost all times, beasts can be seen scurrying across its surface -- despite their destination and the weather going on around them. Life must go on!

New growth sprouts up around the edges of the walkway but anything that managed to take root in the walkway and breezeway itself finds itself trampled -- and quite not worth the energy of rooting there. Brisk, slightly chilly spring breezes find their way into the breezeway, stirring the puddles of the many rainstorms that always manage to dump water onto the little, narrow walkway -- despite the coverings and shelter.

Exits: [Ki]tchen [P]ath, [G]reat [H]all, [Sc]ullery

Emyuil the mouse. DoraRose, another mouse. Zork the badger.

Emyuil sits in the shadows in the breezeway, watching water drip from the ceilings into puddles. He scratches at some lichen on the wall idly and ponders the strange dreams he's been having. He itches to return to the Eastern Plains. Perhaps there he could find the cause of his nightly visions.

DoraRose comes running down the breezeway and quite literally trips over her brother...unless he moves. If he does, she just tries to avoid him. But either way, she is now on the ground, staring at him. "Hi...why are you hiding in the shadows?"

"Been thinking," Emyuil says tonelessly. "Needed to..." He sighs. "...get away for a while. Too busy everywhere else. Been having dreams again," he whispers. "Needed to sit down and make sense of 'em."

DoraRose swallows and sits up, brushing off the front of her dress. "Oh...I'm sorry. Wanna talk about them?" She scoots so she's sitting by her brother, but tucks her feet under her, to try and prevent some other beast's unfortunate tumble. "It sometimes helps to talk about them."

Zork has been at the forge alot the past couple days and has been today, he rubs his arms and has decided to slip into the kitchens useing this route.

"More dreams, more insistent," Emyuil says, not paying any attention to Zork's entrance. "We have to go back as soon as we can. Trouble brewing." He lets out a long breath. "It's torture. Dreams are s'pposed t'be helpful, but these aren't. Just madness."

DoraRose frowns slightly. "Most of my dreams are just randomness....I hardly ever have a helpful dreams..." she notices the badger, and without thinking, she calls out, "Zork! Hey, may I talk to" she looks at her brother, wincing. Yeah, she's really distracted today. Not good. Not good at all, man.

Zork looks over at the mousemaid, "Aye..wot ya want?"

A grimace creases Emyuil's battlescarred features and he gestures for his sister to continue speaking.

DoraRose sighs and lays a gentle paw on her brother's shoulder. "I'll just be a sec." Then she stands and smiles softly up at the badger. "Are you alright? I'm kind of worried about you. You seem...depressed, or something. Is it something I can help with?"

Zork shrugs, "Just..not sure Flicky be..friends with me still"

Emyuil watches in silence.

DoraRose smiles broadly, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing with relief. So that's all the problem is! "He's worried about the same thing with you! He's afraid to talk to you because he thinks he'll make things worse! Don't worry; he still wants to be your friend."

Zork leans against the wall, he still seems unsure, "But he said...we aren't or seemed ta...I don't know, and I been busy in de forge last couple days"

Emyuil holds his silence still.

DoraRose nods. "I don't think he meant that. He's a bit confusing at times...I think he's a little touched in the head, y'know?" She glances back at her brother for a moment and smiles at him, hoping he has no hard feelings.

Emyuil smiles tentatively at the corner of his mouth, but his heart isn't quite in it.

Zork listens and sighs "Maybe, ya never know I needs ta get back to de forge...talks later" He then heads off and yep he forgot to get a snack, oh well

DoraRose frowns slightly, then sighs and sits back down by her brother. "I'm sorry, Emmy. What were you saying? Oh, yeah, creepy dreams..." She goes to wrap her arm around his shoulders.

Emyuil leans on his older sister's shoulder and closes his eyes. "Just...voices crying out in pain and villages burning. Me standing in the middle of what's left of the house as it burns...but it didn't happen like that," he whispers.

DoraRose frowns and closes her eyes, too. "I have dreams like that...the creatures that I've killed come back and scream at me." She shudders and her blue eyes flash open and unwittingly squeezes her brother more tightly. "What else?" she whispers, wanting to block out the memories of her dreams.

"Dark things rising. And something called 'Guv'," Emyuil says, shivering. "Something evil." Without opening his eyes, he adds, "Slaves."

DoraRose sighs heavily. "I don't know what our going back home would do, Emmy. Slavery has been legal in Tuscani since before our great-grandparents were alive." She starts to slowly rub his upper arm. "I'm sorry. Go on."

Emyuil smiles a bit at the arm-rubbing. "But in my dreams there was something worse about it. People being taken if they couldn't pay their dues in time. And the idea that there was someone we had to meet there."

DoraRose frowns and 'hmms'. "Who could be waiting there to meet us, I wonder? Maybe our brothers?" She looks both disturbed and curious.

"No, it was someone we didn't know," Emyuil says. "I think." His dream is going mercifully foggy. "Martin said to go..." he trails off. "We have to go, 'rose. As soon as we can. We need to find out what's going on."

DoraRose would've answered -- she really would've -- but suddenly a huge crash in the kitchen (and by huge, I mean it sounds like half the kitchen got dropped) sound out, followed by angry shouts at LilyMoore. The mother warrior leaps up and darts off, so worried that she forgets all about her brother...basically.

Thanks for reading!