Some Important Things of Ferravale

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated December 21, 2015 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Oz. Its content is likely to be out of date!

Mon, 12/21/2015 - 11:37

Some Important Things of Ferravale

-Scioto is chieftain and has the final say so in matters concerning the village

-Bandit is head guard and he is in control of the guards, and can arrest trouble makers whether they are vermin or woodlander species.

-Ferravale does have a peace treaty with the abbey. It means they won’t attack one another as I won’t attack you if you don’t attack me sort of deal. Also, and this only if no other help is found, they can come to each other’s aid but it does not mean Ferravale will ALWAYS help Redwall or Redwall will ALWAYS help Ferravale and most likely not small matters. If an abbey beast us missing yeah they can keep an eye out if they show up in Ferravale, it doesn’t mean Ferravale is sending out its guard force to find a missing abbey beast.

-Does Ferravale and The Abbey trade? Yes..maybe a little bit, but not a lot and only a few items, and even that’s not all the time. Like maybe they could get honey from the abbey or the abbey gets spices from Ferravale, but there is the market place in-between them after all.

-Ferravale does NOT serve October Ale as it’s a Redwall Abbey ONLY thing.

-The tavern does serve other meats besides fish, there is wood Pidgeon, dove, eel, shell fish and scrimp and they even have eggs they eat. There are also fruits and vegetables to eat and bread items. They also have strong ales and whiskey type things in tavern

- Ferravale treats crimes done by woodlanders and vermin equally and does not go easy on a woodlander

-If needed woodlander and vermin will be arrested and placed in a cell to await their punishment from the Chieftain or the Head Guard, but The Chieftain does have the right to change the punishment set by the Head Guard as the Chieftain has the final word

-Redwallers are NOT 100% safe in the village and do risk being hurt, robbed and even killed

-The Chieftain will, IF HE KNOWS THEY ARE THERE have some very trusted guards keep an eye on a Redwall beast

-The Chieftain will make sure high up abbey beasts have protection, as normally they will let him know ahead of time they are coming, but he still doesn’t like them staying too long as there is, even with them, the saying don’t outstay your welcome.

-Ferravale has its own Brewery and makes its own ale, and vermin from the village work there

-Ferravale is nowhere near like the abbey. Beasts carry weapons and wear armor and are not always nice, hey it’s a vermin village and fights even happen, thieves are around and sometimes beasts die in a fight, there is drunk beasts around and even some homeless beasts around and unlike the abbey they won’t always have a warm place to stay or even a meal

-Ferravale is 98% vermin, a very small amount of woodlanders live here and that at their own risk of course.

-The vermin healers here are very skilled, just cause they are vermin does not mean they lack skill

-Also just cause they are vermin doesn’t mean they never take a bath, even vermin want to be clean and if they have their own home and job they most likely are clean

--Other questions page #mail Scioto in game.

