So is this a chat or a Lecture?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

I don’t pose till a few poses in but still logged this  so enjoy

Benar strolls into the Infirmary, the Elder shaking snow out of his habit as he shuts the door to the outside world and glances about for Zork.

Zork is in a cot, maybe midpoint of the infirm and is speaking with a novice as his arms are folded over his chest, "I'm bored lass." The mouse maid frowns "You don't have to sing off key about it" The badger sighs and shakes his head, "Me singing be good" He grins and the mouse maid looks like she rather not say what she is thinking.

Benar smiles softly, "Don't let him trick you novice Sara, his singing be only as good compared to how much ale he has had before he starts." He stops by the bed and smiles, "Hi Zork... so I hear you've been having adventures. Rescuing otters, braving the snow,"

Zork frowns, "Not had no ale Benar, that’s probably a No as well." He is quiet but speaks, "Aye, de lass ran off so I followed her, then gets a good look at de clouds, seen em' before and tis not a good bit oh news, we were closer ta Kadar's den...well when de storm started so we went thar. Probably worried de guard told him be right back and then back de next morning carring dis otter otter, they helped him get inside and me also not ta worry on that."

Benar says, "Well you did a good thing Zork and I had a chat with SIlverstorm. She was worried she didn't belong here... I think I have convinced her otherwise"

Zork smiles, "That’s good, de lass needs ta make some friends and have more confidence in herself and hopefully she listened."

Benar says, "Indeed but I think she is going to settle in just fine. I directed her toward Zinnia to learn the charter"

Zork nods and starts to sit up but thinks it’s best not to and stays laid down, "Zinnia be de best ta teach her, and maybe I will help once I can get outta ere', but some rest be good suppose. Brother Leon probably right in havin had Lorimis speak ta me, on stayin' in ere' ta rest...but A week.." He sighs "Guess tis best, and will take in easy afterwards too."

Benar chuckles "Well maybe I could convince the Abbot to let Leon let you move back to your bedroom. You can rest up there just as easily"

Zork nods "I mean, I would stay in me room. I know ta be..Careful and I can't do some things anymore." He is quiet, which is usually not normal for him before he speaks again, "I been, meaning ta talk with ya or Lorimis but been putting it off..gain and gain, but maybe I shouldn't put if off and just find a day I be glad Silverstorm has decided ta stay and hope she do and that I..and I can haf Ksdar help also, teach her wot she need ta know of de forge." He smiles "She do know some things already and even made some barrel rings, took couple tries but she did it and she knows how it works also."

Benar says, "Well I think teaching her about the forge is a good idea. If she becomes a Novice we can make sure she gets a well-rounded education as well." He sits down on the edge of the bed and smiles, "And I'll be happier if you have some help like I have Zarok to help me out with pottery”

Leon has woken up and sits up in bed, he stands and slowly walks closer to where the two are and for now just listens using his good paw to hold onto a chair, his strength has almost returned but he still has some to get back.

Zork nods "That’s..understood. I'm not always gonna be able ta do much forge work and.." He notices Leon and then goes on, " Or much else really.Already can't really walk too far or lift as much as before. Running were bad idea de other day too."

Benar says, "He Leon, any chance Zork can move back to his room to rest instead of staying here in the Infirmary"

Leon speaks, "Not good to run anytime, walking is fine long as you don't walk a lot and you should know that." He glances over at Benar, "I don't know, he needs to stay here least a couple more days and if he did go to his room he couldn’t do much."

Zork frowns, "I would stay in me room" He pauses" Thar is me chair, remembers Leon if need be I could start..using it"

Leon sighs, he sits down "I know about your chair and the odd things you added. But you need to stay rested and not go back to doing much right away." He watches the badger for a reaction, he may not be at 100% himself but he is still the Master Healer. "You mentioned your legs hurting more lately but it was more than that couple days ago..wasn’t it? Maybe not as serious as..but still"

Zork sighs, he didn’t need that brought up but he nods, "Fine..yeah thar was some pain, and no not anywhere near like that, but enough ta concern me, it were a wee bit worse earlier than that and..tis better now."

Leon says, "You should of came here when the sea otter was brought in, least you didn’t ignore it, that’s good I guess"

Zork shakes his head, "No, well at first I didn't figured it go away sooner and when it got a tiny bit worse I came in ere' and got gotten up fer past..wot almost 3 days now?"

Leon nods, "Yeah, bout 3 days after today." He hmms at how long he has been in here.

Zork grumbles, "I understand de worry, look place a guard at me door or sumthing if ya so worried I be gonna go too much."

Leon replies finally "I will think on it Zork, but you’re not gonna talk your way out of everything you know. It was mentioned no forge work over the winter, that should its cold, two cold and..your health don't mix winter is a bad time to.."

Zork asks, "Ta wot Leon?"

Leon frowns, "To have a weaken heart. Like said before there was unseen damage when you had that major attack in the summer, you never totally recovered from that really. I mean you took it easy most of the time and that was good and you recovered a fair amount to do most things that didn’t cause your heart rate to go up. But you did do a little too much on some day like..the past couple days. Yes you helped Silverstorm in the long run..oh yeah ya ran after her. You traveled in the snow. You have pain and don’t say you didn’t, you did. You carried a beast, a full grown sea otter back to the abbey."

Zork asks, "Wots it got ta do with me legs? Me legs hurt de most and yes…I had chest pains I won’t lie tis not good ta lie"

Leon finds a journal and flips to a page, " This is...Angelo's...he mentioned it was mine now" He frowns at the thought of his friend and then finds the page he was looking for," Here,..based on some studies Angelo was doing and from asking around...sometimes it can affect your legs some."

Zork nods “Do..explain a lot, I guess”

Leon nods as he looks in the journal further.

Zork listens, "I remember he wrote in that one of de days he were here..but when did he mention giving you his journal?"

Benar walks in from the hall where he had been talking to one of the order mice and peers around, "Ah Leon.. Zork hello again."

Leon frowns as he speaks quietly, “When I saw the path into the dark forest." He stops as he looks up at Benar and frowns carefully looking at another page of stuff Angelo wrote, and speaks to Zork once more, "It also how cold weather, running in cold air even can affect a weak heart, which is why you shouldn’t do any..or least rarely if you had to, forge work during the winter season" He closes the book and lays it down with his good paw, "You don’t always have to have a major issue like before, even a minor one can be a sign to pay more attention to things you do. Your heart is..well its weak and can’t always take a lot of some activities"

Zork nods "Yeah.." He nods to Benar" Hey Benar."

Benar listens to Leon talking to Zork and smiles softly, "I do hope you are paying attention to all of this Zork."

Leon says, "He better be, don't want to be losing our Blacksmith anytime soon."

Benar says, "Indeed, the Abbot would be most miffed." He moves over to place a paw on Leon's arm, "And how is my Master Healer?"

Zork sighs "I'm listening..not ta worry" He looks over at Leon," I mean we had a scare enough almost...losing you"

Leon nods, he looks up at Benar, "I am, handing change and getting use to it..slowly." He looks down at the bandaged area at the end of his right arm by the wrist," Learning to use my left paw now and how to still...well be able to still do things. I know I can just not the same way."

Zork listens as they talk and yawns, "I'm gonna take a two talk and maybe later I can should Benar me wheelchair..see wot he thinks of it" He then closes his eyes to go to sleep for a few hours or so..or less, who knows.

Benar says, "Well we are all here to help you if need us to help you Leon.."

Leon Smiles, “Thanks Elder Benar”

Benar nods and is called away by an order member and leaves Leon to rest if he needs to.

Leon gets back to his own bed and lays down, sleep does sound nice even if it is just an hour or two or maybe till dinner.