So Much For Rest

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Gatehouse

A small but well set up room set into the walls of the abbey near the gates. It has a single small window and a sturdy door with iron hinges. One your left the far wall has been almost completely taken up by shelving that holds well cared for old scrolls and manuscripts; the shelves leaving just enough space for a framed painting of Redwall. The wall that the door is set in but on the left hand side is sat a large locker where weapons are stored and then, beside it, is a very small desk that is covered in wood shavings. On the rear wall, below a ladder leading to the loft, is another locker, but it is smaller than the first and more of a cabinet. The only other wall houses a small fireplace and by it sits a pot with a ladle in it, and in front of the hearth is a handmade wooden rocking chair. The only other furnishings in the room are a small table and two chairs.

Exits: Climb to the [Loft], [Out]

Leon has just woken up and comes down the ladder, yes he has the day off but is still going to let the healers know he is off and give them a list of things to do, he fixes the bandage on his wrist before heading out the door.

Only the mouse doesn’t make it out as some cloaked figure moves into the gatehouse, he lays a dagger on Leon's neck and grins, "You will be coming with me...where is da hare and that fool loud owl?"

Leon eyes go wide, if he wasn’t fully awake before he is now, quick thinking is what helps. ”" Ok he lied, or maybe not he has yet to check on the owl, he frowns, “I don’t know where the hare is" This is true as the hare could be anywhere.

Cera peeks into the gate house a small pad and quill with her, "M..m..Mr. ..L..Leon?"

Antonio smirks, he turns to see Cera and narrows his eyes, "Stay where ya are....scream it will be de last thing ya do lass." it’s clear he means it and he has a dagger at Leon's neck.

Leon frowns, he forgot the healing lesson, “Look, she...she wasn’t there on the road, let her go and I will go where ever you want or find you some gold"

Cera whimpers, she drops the pad and quill and looks ready to bolt but doesn’t, tears form as its clear she is scared now.

Antonio asks “Did you inform the guards of me or what happen mouse?"

Leon shakes his head, “No" It’s the truth as he was not the one that spoke to the guards and he only told Dorarose and the healers, well maybe a couple others but not guards.

Antonio smirks, " and her" He points to Cera, "Will come with me, your story is I am going ta Ferravale, I have no clue where it is and ya all was so kind to show me de way and take me thar..any change in that ya die,her too,..I have poison that works within seconds..understood?"

Cera whimpers more now, she doesn’t want to go with anyone.

Leon nods "Understood..." He looks at Cera, "It’s ok Cera..we will be fine just..stay close to me"

Antonio pushes them out “Go..time wasting boy”

RW Abbey: Entry

You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages. To the south you see a small, calm pond. To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky. The main building is completed with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall.

The blanket of snow is replaced with the vibrant greens of spring. Newly sprung flowers and young shoots dot the path. They hold a promise of color and enhancement. The earth is relatively dry here, and the soil rich for growing, but muddy patches of dirt still can be found. Many Abbeybeasts can be seen tending to the gardens, though some are content with just being out and about, enjoying the warmth of the virgin sun and the pleasent weather. Dirt pawprints are tracked upon the clearing's surface, serving as witness to the fact that the majority of Abbeybeasts are caught up in the "spring fever." Most will will do just about anything, or make any excuse to be outside, eager to watch as spring colors emerge in scraggly clumps.

     [G]reat [H]all      [C]limb to the [R]amparts      [A]bbey [P]ond
     [Ga]te [H]ouse      [Leave] through the gates      [Open] Ground
                         [C]hampion's [C]ottage

Leon frowns but stays with what he was told as he looks at the guard, "I...will be out, going to" He frowns “Ferravale back soon" The guards nod and Leon looks like he wants to add on to it but decides to not endanger anyone and leaves with the rat and keeps Cera beside him.

Cera stays close and whimpers a little.

The rat leads the outside and to an area in the woods.

---Somewhere in the nearby Mossflower Woods---

The rat gets weapons and other things from the two and ties them both to a tree as he walks a short distance and sits, he holds up a knife, “What be this? A weapon?”

Leon answers "That’s a surgery knife, very sharp. It’s not a weapon but could be used it was needed, and the other stuff is healing herbs, useless to you"

Cera stays quiet, afraid to speak or even cry, she slowly talks.."w..w..w..want..d..d.daddy"

Antonio grins "I have no clue who daddy is but he won’t see you again."

Leon frowns, "Trust me, I do not know a lot, just what was told...if he learns you have his daughter, well you won’t get very far, trust me"

Antonio chuckles coldly “I fear no one"

Cera cries,"w..wanna g..go home"

Leon glances at Cera, “We will get home and “To the rat, “Look, from what I heard her father is not one to anger and well this will anger him and it’s hard to say what he would do, you be better off facing the Ferravale Chieftain or someone else”

Antonio laughs coldly again, “I have slayed de best, Shaz for example was a very good Assassin, but I proved de better one, he lost and I won and my pet helped distract him, a distract costs a lot, at times a life or loss of a game, who knows”

Cera sniffs, she goes quiet now and frowns

Leon shakes his head, “They will at least know I am missing”

Antonio sneers, “No they won’t you told them you were heading ta Ferravale, Ferravale what a joke village as they have vermin who are basically woodlanders, friends with de abbey. Should be not be friends”

Leon frowns, he looks down as the rat is right, they won’t look for him right away.

Cera ends up going to sleep, there is not too much for her to really do.

Antonio smirks, “ de caretaker of the ferret boy?”

Leon blinks, “No she was there for a healer lesson, she could have been left alone”

The rat smirks, “And she would of told others, no I am not a fool sir mouse, you have a name? Maybe your worth some gold ta get back?”

Leon answers, “Leon…that’s all you need to know”

Antonio nods “Good, very well Leon, your be my guest a while”

Leon closes his eyes and tries to think positive thoughts as he is still tried from last night, deciding it can’t get much worse he lets himself fall asleep.