So Much For A Relaxing Afternoon-Redwall Log

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Redwall Log:

In Log:

Leon- Brother and Master Healer of Redwall

Caleb-Novice and son of Brother Leon and Dorarose

Cynthia-Novice and Daughter of Friar Lacota

Rayen-Resident of Redwall and mate to Flicktail



also a spoofed healer and novice

RW Abbey: Cavern Hole

This room is slightly smaller than Great Hall, but still of a size large enough to accomodate a great number of gathered beasts. A large fireplace is set into one of the walls, and there are a series of small tables and chairs near one end for beasts who are eating late, or simply prefer the smaller tables for their meals. Cushions and blankets have been set in one corner. A short flight of steps leads up to Great Hall, and along the walls of the stairs, going both ways, the word 'Redwall' has been carved into the stone.

                  [G]reat [H]all

Leon is finishing up so writing and has a cloak on as if he will be going somewhere soon. He checks his supply bag and nods to himself as he mutters something as he reads what he is to look for.

Rayen walks up to him “ You sure you don’t need some company? I could help gather some herbs in the woods and by the river, you could look in the clearing and market place for others, p could be the random robber on the road, and I have my longbow if it’s needed.”

Leon looks up as he places his knapsack and pouch on “ Sure extra help is always good Rayen, I don’t think we will run into trouble, but either way there is a couple of the herbs that only grow for a couple more weeks so I need to get them now”

Rayen nods “Alright then Brother Leon let us head out” She goes to head to the entry to get her longbow and then on out to the road.

Leon follows and then heads on outside himself, he adjusts his pack and looks around going to the woods first, near the clearing. He only takes a little as he leaves some to grow for later. He checks his list and will mark off what he finds, adding also a little note where it was for future reference and how much he got, ow much was left in that spot.

Mossflower Woods

Also not too far from the abbey healer is a mole, Zaram in fact, and he is collecting some Eyebright near the edge of the meadow.

Rayen has gotten some Willowbark and found Comfrey , she sees the mole and nods “Greetings ummm…sir mole” She is not sure how to speak mole.

Marek steps into view, “It is fine Mrs. Rayen, he speaks common as well.” He has his sword, but not his crossbow right now, he seems to have left it elsewhere.

Leon soon arrives and slows when he sees the stoat, he nods “Well not seen you in a while Marek, sort of wandered if you were alive still.”

Zaram offers a smile and a bow “Yes I speak both moleish and common tongue, its proven most useful in fact. And Sir Marek is very much alive, we were just getting some healing herbs to restock the infirmary at Ferravale, the marketplace had some but also healing herbs are in the woods, by streams and by the river, are you finding what you need sur and Madame?”

Rayen nods “Yes we are, I hope the infirm at Ferravale is alright after all the trouble I heard they had”

Marek answers “ It will be yes, we have the harvest and some rebuilding to do as well. Some villagers left but that’s fine, beasts come and go in life and I am sure others will come back or maybe even new faces. Chieftain Blisa is in charge now.”

Leon listens and nods “Well, I am glad to see your doing well Marek, I really am and maybe one day Abbot Benar will allow you into the abbey grounds one day”

Rayen stays close by, just keeping an eye out for trouble.

Marek shrugs “I am not concern, that is up to your abbot and not me. I have done much thinking and one is to destroy my crossbow as it has caused more pain and trouble than is needed. The forge will do nicely to melt it down into something useful, less violent….I still have my blade if needed, but I rather just focus on my tavern than fighting, fighting if needed only.”

Zaram looks around and steps up beside Marek “ Sir we should get back before chieftain Blisa wonders where we are.”

Leon nods, “ Redwall believes in no fighting as well, only as a last resort and even then we try to avoid it at all costs, you have changed a good bit since …well few seasons ago and that’s good” He stops as the mole show up and chuckles “I will let you get back to your village, good day Marek” He then heads to the road.

Rayen waves a goodbye and follows Leon back to the abbey.

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

Leon steps into the infirm, back from gathering herbs and getting a couple herbs at the market place, now he just needs to lay out hero dry, put away the couple that are dry, and double check supplies.

Cynthia has decided to come to the infirm to have her bandaged paws looked at, she watches Leon and then clears her throat "Umm....sir"

Leon turns to look at the mouse maid and nods a hello, "Did you need something?" He removes his cloak and places it on a chair and looks over at Cynthia.

Cynthia nods, “My paws sir, from where I almost fell from a tree, sort of skinned them up fairly badly. I had them rebandaged a….well…..once anyways” She sits down on one of the cots. If one takes the bandages off, they will stick some, are swollen and a little infected but not to the point of this is super dangerous but if she waited a day or so, yea would be at that level. She has a fever also,, luckily not too high, least yet.

Leon sits his stuff down and frowns deeply as he looks at her paws, he gently gets some warm water to wash the bandage off and looks for some herbs in his surcoat” This is not a good thing, you should of come in sooner Cynthia. Do you feel ill or anything?” He feels her forehead and his brow furrows “You have a fever.”

Cynthia tenses as it hurts, she frowns “I am…slightly blah, but thought maybe was the heat”

Leon shakes his head, “Infection is bad, even a little as it can get worse quickly, beasts DIE from this.” He sighs he have to use a little peppermint oil he keeps to numb the area, to carefully cut the infection out, then sew the wound and apply thick herbs to prevent infection, one part of the herbs look…mossy like, it’s a type of mold he found seasons ago when he saved a life. “You are to stay in the infirm till I SAY you can leave”

Cynthia frowns, she starts to shake her head no when she passes out and falls forwards.

Leon catches her and lays her on a cot, Caleb sees her fall and rushes over “Cynthia!! she ok dad?!”

Cynthia groans as she is the cot and a novice healer places a cold rag on her head.

Leon nods to Caleb” She will be, go tell Lacota where she is”

Caleb nods and rushes out too kitchens, worry on his face.

Cynthia looks to be passed out a little while.

Leon sighs, so much for some time to relax, he looks over at the herbs needing to dry and nods to a novice “Please help sort those to dry” The novice nods and goes to do just that as the Master Healer looks down at the mouse maid and sighs.

Caleb comes back in and walks over “She will be ok, right dad? I…” He looks down at Cynthia as he takes her paw,” I love her dad.”

Leon smiles as he lay a paw on Caleb’ shoulder “Then I am sure she will be glad to see you when she wakes up, I need to make sure the novice sorts those herbs correctly.” He then let’s Caleb have first watch.

Cynthia is still unconcious so it’s unclear if she heard Caleb or not.

The Master Healer makes sure things are put away, sorted and dried out, looks to be a long afternoon.