Snakey-wakey got ticked.... (Little bit Marek's Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

FV:Chieftain's Home:Main Room

The inside of the home is large, a door leads to the sleeping quarters and another to a kitchen area. This room has a large window looking outside with nice navy blue curtains on it. The floor is wooden and a large fireplace keeps the room warm in those cold months.Above the fireplace is a large painting of the Chieftain and his mate.In the room also is a table and a few chairs to sit in.A large bookcase is by a far wall with many books of all kinds on it.

Exits: [Bed]room, [K]itchen, [B]ack

Blisa, Ferdinand, DoraRose, and the other 5 guards (who are too numerous to mention here, srry). Aiden the fox and Derean the sea otter.

Blisa is sitting at a small table that she made her guards bring in here, her back to the bookcase. DoraRose is sitting beside her, looking despondent, but trying to be helpful. There will be time to mourn after they retake Redwall. Ferdinand is on the couch, his head hanging off the edge of the seat and his feet up in the air. He is poking the fire with a, well, poker. The knife-throwing rattess is gazing out the window. The weasel with the battleaxe is sharpening his weapon. The mace wielding stoat is looking dumbly at the portrait of Scioto and the late Dazzle. The vixen is carving something onto the bottom of a chair with her dirk. And the scimitar wielding rat is nowhere to be seen.

A solid knock sounds at the door, followed by a hushed conversation between two beasts, though the words are lost on anybeast inside the house. "What am I s'posed t' say t' her?" Asks Derean, looking guilty as guilty can be. Aiden shrugs, looking exasperated. "You can't predict every little thing that's going to happen, so just try to be a comfort."

At the knock, all the guards are suddenly on their feet with their weapons drawn...with the exception of Ferdinand, who is wielding a red-hot poker. Blisa purses her lips and nods at the male rat who just materialized from somewhere, and he goes over and opens the door, hiding in the shadows so the beasts outside can't see who opened the door. DoraRose is hefting her bastard sword, and her axe is leaning against the wall near her.

Standing there in the doorway, both Derean and Aiden's eyes are wide as they behold the amount of armed beasts ready to rip them to shreds. Aiden is the first to respond with the clearing of his throat. "Uh...I've come to report," He says calmly. Derean, however, cannot tear his eyes away from DoraRose, and there is an unimaginable sense of guilt hidden in them.

Blisa says, "Stand down. They're both friends." The guards do stand down and go back to their previous positions, too, except for maybe the male rat with his scimitar, but it's hard to tell, since you really can't SEE him. DoraRose sits, too, and, after smiling sadly at the sea otter, goes back to what she was doing. The kitten smiles. "How are you 2? I'm glad that neither of you seem injured."

Aiden steps in along with Derean, and his paws are clasped behind his back. "I, uh...I'm just reporting in, miss." He too, seems riddled with guilt and shame, and Derean merely stands by him, and his gaze finally tears away from DoraRose, now staring at the floor.

Blisa narrows her eyes, then turns to DoraRose. After a brief whispered argument, the mouse sighs and nods, stands and goes into the kitchen, carrying her sword. The kitten turns back to the Head Guard as the door mysteriously closes behind him. "Alright, what are you two so guilt-ridden about? I got the feeling that whatever the otter's problem is, it has ot do with DoraRose, so she's checking on Basilisk."

There is a very loud confused hiss from down stairs, "WHY ARE YOU IN MY SANCTUM!" Well, roar is a more proper word for it. Also it should be noted that for once Basilisk managed to say something with out his usual accent. Even if it is yelled at the same decibles as thunder.

DoraRose can't help squeaking slightly, but covers it up with a roar of her own. "Blisa asked me to! She was afraid you might've gotten stuck somewhere! So DEAL WITH IT!" Said kitten nods at the sea otter's statement, then sighs and covers her eyes at the yelling. "Oh, that's just great! Ferdy, please go help DoraRose get outta there." Ferdinand nods, flips to his feet, sets his red-hot poker down on the stones around the fireplace, and heads to the basement, soon returning with a very ticked off mouse behind him. He leaves the doors open behind him, but decides to not warn Derean about the snake.

Fortunately, Derean doesn't have to be warned. He had heard enough hissing to tell him what exactly was down there. Aiden, for his part, says, "I'm fine miss, but slightly peeved about the incident at the inn. Nothing should've been able to get past the guards without a fight, and I've seen to it that the guards were reprimanded." Of course, the fox didn't believe in beating guards for punishment. He believed by leading with respect, not fear.

There is a loud hiss from the kitchen area, followed by grunting and painfull moans as the beast forces itself through the doorway. The snake is massive, both in height and in girth. Obviously too well fed the green scales of the snake have begun to split, exposing his skin underneath. Even so the snake is only half way out of the door and can still reach the living room. "Basssilissk'sss sssanctum was mice. I demand cheesebunssss in tribute for thissss."

DoraRose growls. "There's only one of me, genius." Blisa nods again at the fox. "I hope they do better next time. And if that wildcat Hudson shows up, you are to try and capture him to we can use him as ransom with Marek. If you can't capture him, you have my permission to shoot him." She sighs as the snake sticks his head into the room and thinks quickly. "Basil. If you behave and act as my bodyguard, and do what I say, I'll consider letting you come with us when we go to win Redwall back and I will let you kill as many of the enemy as you can. Okay? But you have to get more fit, so you don't get killed. And I shall commission armour for you, too. Okay?"

Derean nods in agreement to Blisa, indicating his willingness to obey. "Right, I fully intend to take Hudson prisoner. If he arrives again, he'll find us waiting for him." Derean walks towards DoraRose, looking straight at the floor as he does.

The reptile has mixed reactions to this. Blisa is going to let him eat beasts? And...he gets to go outside? "Who are you and what have you done with Blisssa..." Then the thought of losing weight hits him. That requires...a diet? Exercise? "Wait...what?"

Blisa actually giggles, proving that she is still only 5 seasons old. "I'm still Blisa, it's just that circumstances have changed, and I need you escorting me everywhere I go as a bodyguard -- because, seriously, who in their right mind would mess with a large snake? -- and, if I decide to, you would be an extremely valuable asset for our army." She just glides over the whole diet and exercise thing. That can wait until later. DoraRose looks up at the otter and smiles slightly at him. "Good day, Derean. Welcome to the loony bin."

Thanks for reading! 15:15, 21 February 2022 (CST)~:}~ hisssssss...
