Slowly Gaining Friends...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Kitchen Gardens

The earth gives its blessings generously to the abbey vegetable garden. The myriad of rows different shades of green line the ground, scarcely leaving room for a path, even dirt for that matter! The rows of food are placed well, each vegetable supporting the other. The tall vines of tomato plants wind themselves around stakes in the ground. Pumpkins and squash add to the various colors of the garden. The plants for potatoes and turnips are seen, some missing that suggests a sly paw. The spicy leaves of horse radish seem to be well left alone.. Light green stalks of carrots spread out like miniature ferns over their row.

Everything is simply rushing to grow in the soft earth and every sunny day, beasts are present to help it along with spade and hoe. In places, the ground is just a bit muddy and a few odd buckets left lying about suggest that water is occasonaly brought from the pond to assist their nurture where Nature might be temporarily lacking. And so the carpet of green pospers...

Exits: [H]erb [G]arden, [K]itchen [Y]ard, [K]itchen [P]ath

Silverstorm is working on something simple, and doing a fairly good job of it. She is working on a few rings for barrels that were needed, out of the three she made only one is slightly off; it’s a bit bigger than the other two.

Zork makes his way over slowly, walking cane helping as he walks over and leans on the cane to watch, he grins "Ya needs ta tap de one down just a tad smaller lass, but otherwise ya be doin' well"

Silverstorm turns and looks over at her teacher and sighs "I tried ta do that sir" She looks over the rings and then sees how the last one is a little too large and grumbles. She takes the tongs and gets it glowing hot again and then bangs ever so gently around it and checks it again, the top is off and so she taps it just a little to see if they line up and smiles when they do.

Zork watches and sits in the chair he keeps out here and smiles "See lass, ya did well and fixed it, ya be doin' well with de lessons and Kadar said your doin' well with a couple things he showed ya as well."

Silverstorm nods "Yeah he showed me how to betta' repair some chainmail and let me watch him start te make someone a dagger, sort of odd ta learn part of this from him and de rest from you"

Zork nods "Well this bein' an abbey I can't teach ya anything ta do with a weapon or armor and Kadar tis in de woods so...I could maybe go ta his forge perhaps and show ya lass, not all de time but some. Ere' wot be important tis keys, bolts, nails and maybe a lock or barrel rings, hinges and sometimes silverware or kitchen needs...I repaired de gate and even de bells fer de bell tower, as well as some of de iron and other metals inside de tower that keep it standing tall"

Silverstorm nods "Understandable bein a abbey and all' and that’s impressive sir, it really is"

Zork says, "Ya know , ya don't always haf ta call me sir lass, ya can call me Zork or Brother Zork, either be fine Silverstorm"

Silverstorm shrugs "Guess was use to it sir...errr Brother Zork, and I am glad I am learning, like said I knew a little before I came here ta learn"

Zork says, "I be happy ta teach ya..sides de abbey will need some beast ta do this when I am unable ta" He frowns a little "Which may be sooner rather than later."

Silverstorm smiles, then a frown, "What do ya mean by sooner rather than later?"

Zork says, "Cause..I can't stands too long anymore, nor do de blacksmithin' too much. Me legs are sore a lot and a couple times I haf missed a couple stairs. Walking too long or far gets ta me now and tis getting slowly worse. De last time I ran I regretted it quickly afterwards"

Silverstorm frowns "Ya tell that healer about it?"

Zork nods "Yeah..tis why I can't help as much, like in winter no shoveling of de snow fer me, I can't move large amounts of stuff much anymore. I use ta be able ta walk a fairly LONG time before me heart attack issue or wot ever it were"

Silverstorm nods slowly "Yeah, don't sound fun, I was told some of what happen and that you almost died, like twice in a weeks time and cause of it you have ta be careful' and all that now and that’s why you’re not a warrior anymore"

Zork nods in reply "Aye lass, but even before that I did..think of jionin' de order but, well sort of was so use ta life of a warrior and even wanderin'...well that life be over and now me warrior days and wanderin' be behind me. I vowed never ta touch me blade or another the day I put it and me armor in a chest and locked it away and I never have. I have even gotten inta meditation a lot and enjoy it, I mean I use ta do it sometimes...ok rarely but now tis everyday"

Silverstorm smiles "Sounds like a wise choice sir, I don’t think I could join this order..sort of like me ways of life, to learn blacksmithing. I do dislike fighting and will only do it as a last resort."

Zork says, "Yes only as a last resort lass, I sometimes got too ina fightin' me others defend and I help out in me own way..keep things prepared, maybe help heal some of the not too serious wounds, though I can help some serious wounds long enough fer a healer to help. Tis one thing I made me self learn..healin' of like battle wounds and some basic first aid on top of that"

Silverstorm says, "I don’t really know much healing...probably should learn least some basic me self"

Zork says, "Yes it would be wise ta learn healin' “

Silverstorm asks, "I suppose I could ask Brother Leon when I see him again, anything else that’s good to know or do?"

Zork nods "I think he and Dorarose went somewhere and not sure when they will be back, but sure when he be back tis a good idea ta ask I am sure he be happy ta help ya "

Silverstorm lays the barrel rings aside and sits down on the ground Indian style, "Why does life hav de be so, I don’t know..confusing and sometimes unfair?"

Zork tilts his head "Meaning?"

Silverstorm frowns "I have told...little of me past life, yeah that father was a blacksmith but that’s all. The whole village hated me and him, my mother had died of childbirth fever days after I was born and think she was ill before that" She sighs "I am not normal, I can’t swim or do anything like normal otters, my rutter is so short and my paws don’t even have normal webbing on em'" She looks at the badger, "You probably had both your parents growin' up, didn’t you?"

Zork shakes his head "No, mother and father died during a bad winter when I was bout 5 seasons or..5.5 seasons old...or was I almost 6 seasons...either way, father had went out and mother grew worried and went out and found him near death, he died before he got back to our den and mother was ill, she had been off and on fer a couple seasons..some left over bout of something at de time and never stayed in good health since"

Silverstorm listens, "So..what happen?"

Zork goes on, "Like said..she was ill. I was fine..well maybe starting to not feel so well but she made sure me and me little brother ate good and got any needed herbs and father knew this clan of wolfs he had befriended and so she told me ta get me brother and we were going there ta this clan ground place."

Silverstorm nods "The little brother...that was Oz right?"

Zork nods" Ozzy...yeah, he were a couple seasons old at de time...we made it barely ta de clan and I meet me and Ozzy's future father, Silverfangs as he adopted us after...after mom died, she was very bad off and they couldn’t help her, Ozzy was a little ill but they helped him and made sure I was I know how it’s like ta not haf a parent around. Even when Silverfangs adopted us it were not de same"

Silverstorm frowns and nods "Whats it got ta do with me?"

Zork says, "Well..ya mentioned me having parents fer a while, I didn’t...just Silverfangs and Ozzy were more attached ta him than me, course I was some but I was training ta be a blacksmith under de forge owner in Send at de time and learning ta be a warrior as well, me father has taught me some and a hare took over me training, as well as one of the clan beasts. Silverfangs taught me ta use a staff...still he were much better still at it than me, hee hee"

Silverstorm asks, "So you know how to use a staff and a sword?"

Zork nods "Aye, and a dagger, a war hammer, and short and long sword and a two pawed sword ..and a few other blades too and learned ta make weapons and armor and repair it too"

Silverstorm says, "so..why ya come to Redwall? You seemed to like it up way north"

Zork says, "Well, that be a long story..Ozzy came ere' first and then me after a few seasons"

Silverstorm says, "Well long stories are ok...sometimes, but yeah its getting close to dinner. Need help inside?"

Zork smiles “Thanks lass”

Silverstorm help[s the badger to his room and heads on back out into the abbey grounds.

RW Abbey: Entry

You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages. To the south you see a small, calm pond. To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky. The main building is completed with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall.

The blanket of snow is replaced with the vibrant greens of spring. Newly sprung flowers and young shoots dot the path. They hold a promise of color and enhancement. The earth is relatively dry here, and the soil rich for growing, but muddy patches of dirt still can be found. Many Abbeybeasts can be seen tending to the gardens, though some are content with just being out and about, enjoying the warmth of the virgin sun and the pleasent weather. Dirt pawprints are tracked upon the clearing's surface, serving as witness to the fact that the majority of Abbeybeasts are caught up in the "spring fever." Most will will do just about anything, or make any excuse to be outside, eager to watch as spring colors emerge in scraggly clumps.

     [G]reat [H]all      [C]limb to the [R]amparts      [A]bbey [P]ond
     [Ga]te [H]ouse      [Leave] through the gates      [Open] Ground
                         [C]hampion's [C]ottage

Silverstorm walks along the abbey grounds and rubs her shoulder.

Flicktail calls out for the gate to open and comes in looking disheveled, "S...Silverstorm...Help me please?" The fox has his sword and has a branch he seems to be dragging his left foot paw and trying to use the branch as a crutch.

Silverstorm looks over at the fox and frowns, "W..What? Why?" She asks and walks over slowly.

Flicktail says, "My foot paw" He says panting. "I..I don't think I can make it to the infirmary...myself...please...."

Silverstorm looks uncertain, like it’s a trick and walks over to him, "What ya do to it?" She then goes to place his arm over her shoulder, "You should let that guard place your sword in your cabin...right?"

Flicktail says, "There was a fire...inna hut....I was helping get out a dibbun, and the floor gave way, not a big drop but O think I broke me foot paw"

Silverstorm frowns "Fire?..It got out right?"

Flicktail nod nods "everyone out safe....." He stumbles and whimpers when his foot paw is jostled.

Silverstorm nods and helps him to the infirm, "Hopefully a healer be awake. I don’t know first aid, ya friend seemed ta think I should learn, he is most likely right"

Flicktail puts his arm around the otter and smiles "Thank ye...there is no more loyal and true friend then an otter" He smiles. The guard places his sword in the cabin and locks it up

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

Flicktail grunts up the stairs "Oh it hurts...”

Silverstorm helps him to a cot and looks around

Flicktail smiles as a novice begins to wash the foot paw. But sill it hurts a LOT and Flicktail gently squeezes the otter’s paw

Silverstorm tenses up and grumbles, "The foot paw could be broke, he doesn’t know." She sighs "Guess Leon is still away...well there is always novices"

Flicktail nods "Well if it is broke it will likely still be broke when Leon comes back" He releases Silverstorm’ s paw, "Thank you for the help..I know you don't like foxes”

Silverstorm shrugs "Well..most foxes" She watches the healers examine the ankle and then start look for bandages for wrapping it tightly, "If it's broke your off your footpaws and.." She sits down "And your welcome for the, the help..I suppose"

Flicktail nod nods "I know I really do like you Silverstorm, your wot the Sparras call a 'good egg'”

Silverstorm tilts her head, "The sparrows?. I seen them from a distance up on the rooftops...chattering about worms"

Rayen pokes her head in the infirm to see if anything needs done before she heads to cavern hole to relax before dinner.

Flicktail looks up whimpering, "Rayen love..I think I broke me foot paw..Silverstorm ere helped me

He looks to Silverstorm  "To a Sparra everything without feathers be a worm, they do not mean it ta insult though”

Silverstorm says, "Odd"

Rayen frowns, "What happen?" She goes to examine his foot paw and ankle, as well as check for other wounds.

Flicktail's ankle is very swollen and hot "I was helping there was a Hut fire...the floor gave way and I twisted me foot paw. I heard a hurts..a LOT" He looks to the Otter "Rayen and I would be honored, Silverstorm, if you would attend our wedding in the spring”

Silverstorm shrugs "I would have ta think on it, I don’t know..either of you that well"

Rayen frowns, she pushes on it a couple places and asks "The fire is out I am guessing, anyone else hurt?" She feels in a couple places and pushes in another, "And I think it is broken...maybe not all the way through, it will need bandaged tightly and your have to keep off it for a while"

Flicktail YIPS!!!!! " it were a small fire.”

Flicktail looks to Silverstorm "You You have a couple months to know us better”

Silverstorm watches and nods "I...ok, I will make no promises yet, alright" She looks at the door as if thinking on leaving but stays.

Flicktail says, "Let me tell ya Silverstorm, when your wife to be says ya gotta do something, a beast BETTER do it"

Rayen says "Sorry" And finishes tightly bandageing the ankle and foot paw and gets a little willow bark tea made, a weak one for the pain and offers it to Flicktail with a little mint in it, “This will help the pain some dear"

Flicktail says, "Meaning staying off me foot paw"

Silverstorm blinks "Well in my case it be husband and I don’t plan to ever marry...sides no one would have me as a mate, trust me"

Rayen listens and speaks "Try the tea and Brother Leon can further make sure all is well and give a better idea on how long to stay off the footpaw"

Flicktail nuzzles Rayen affectionately "Please sit and stay a bit Silverstorm...this is my Vixen, Rayen..Rayen, this is Silverstorm, my friend..she is trusting of foxes”

Silverstorm blinks "Friend?"

Flicktail says, "Friend"

Rayen nods "Hello, and then let her gain our trust then Flicktail."

Silverstorm looks between them, "Well I know..Flicktail hasn’t tried to harm me so, that’s good"

Flicktail smiles, "And I never will”

Silverstorm still seems unsure as she stands “I need to rest..I made some rings for a couple barrels for the cellar hog, had ta resize a couple but otherwise, they are night and hope your footpaw is better soon" She quietly exits and heads into the open ground.