Short Chat 1

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

            • Scioto got a note(oocly page mail) from short chat where note and other things discussed***********

FV:Town Hall:Chieftain's Office(#226082R)

This is an office where the Chieftain does some of his work. A large desk sits in the room and has varies important papers on it. A chair is by the desk and a window looks outside.

Exits: [H]olding [C]ell, [B]ack

Scioto is working on some papers or at least he was, he is looking over a letter that was given to him.

Raymond steps in and nods to Scioto "Sir...did you need me for something, I didn’t see you at the tavern today, where were you?"

Scioto looks up :Just relaxing, been busy all day Raymond finishing up Oakenpaw and Willowheart's home, it’s done now so came in here, took a nap and read a letter I missed a couple days ago, guess she left shortly after Oakenpaw and Willowheart's wedding"

Raymond blinks, "Who left sir?"

Scioto speaks softly "Astra, but it’s alright and maybe best I didn’t see the note right away, her tribe or what was left of it, needed her" He looks at the note, "She will be leader and guess it’s a fair distance from Mossflower but she is with family and that’s important, one’s family"

Raymond listens and frowns "This doesn’t mean like depressed again does it?"

Scioto smiles " does not, I am glad she found family alive still and a tribe beast had come so she was not alone, she helped me a lot...others helped me too even after I pushed the away, if I pushed your help away before I am sorry Raymond"

Raymond smiles at this, "It’s alright sir you, were not fully ya self for a while and that’s understandable, you went through a lot sir"

Scioto stands as he speaks "Yes, Yes I did and deep down the pain is still there, it will never go totally away but life must go on and life will always have ups and downs. "

Raymond says, "True sir, hopefully more ups than anything else happening?"

Scioto says, "We have another healer, a rat Seth and crops are being planted now for later harvest in the fall, even an herb garden for healing herbs and cooking herbs, the old spice merchant had seeds, so we started an herb garden inn his memory. A section for healing and one for cooking herbs"

Raymond says, "Sounds nice sir we should do very well when fall comes"

Scioto says, "Yes I think we will, walls have been fixed and guard patrol better now, even may have a way to get like dried fish so we have that put away in fall too"

Raymond nods "We will do very well in fall sir, I am sure of it and I am glad you seem to be in a lot better mood than last season"

Scioto smiles "Yes I am as well, still have a few issues to deal with but nothing I cannot handle"

Raymond asks, "What issues are those?"

Scioto says, "The rat maid in the cell, think it’s best to banish her from the village and have her escorted out of Mossflower, if she returns..simple she dies on site, seems our last talk she wished to stay a slaver, all her weapons were destroyed as well as her small campsite, her little bad of 4 beasts broke up and also is no more"

Raymond says, "Sounds like good news sir"