Setting Sail - Thats a Badger.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Sebastian, Aikuen, William

Location: Great South Stream

Its dusk now, and the sun is setting, its reflection in the river while a camp fire burns next to it. sitting with his back to the path, stirring some soup that boils in a pot over the flames, is a badger. A big one actually. His sword lays by a bedroll but his dagger is still on his belt as he hums a quiet tune to himself, not paying any attention to anything else quite yet. Seb leans over and tastes it and thinks. "Needs more salt..." he mutters to himself with a nod.

A light rolling sounds come from east of the path. Its the party. Going to try and make it as far as they can before crashing for the night. The otters and stoat pull the cart before Aik spots the fire off in the distance. He stops pulling and points. Nudging to Kentar.

William is sleeping in the back of the cart, worn out from helping watch his sisters and the Christopher. The rat is snoring and rolls over in his sleep. He groans as the cart has stopped moving. He was used to it moving and now it's not moving. He lays on his back now awake. He opens his one eye just a little and seeing it's night he closes it again. He doesn't hear any commotion outside so they likely aren't under attack. The rat decided that as nothing seems wrong he'll try to go back to sleep til somebeast announces they're there or something.

The stoats are chuckling to each other and smiling before Kentar's nudged. "Hm?" he looks off to the distance, spotting the fire and humming. "Maybe we should check it out before we continue?" he asks, tilting his head.

Aikuen nods at the stoat, putting his claw over his mouth. Quieting anymore chatter. He puts down the stick as he points off toward the right side of the path. Then at Kentar. As he moves over to the left side. Crouching down and slowly going ahead.

Sebastian is unaware of everyone around him right now as he seasons his soup some more, stirring a bit and tasting it with a nod. "Perfect." the badger smiles before letting the ladle into the pot, looking around for a bowl.

Kentar nods slowly and follows slowly, getting as close to the ground as he can, peering off into the distance. "A badger." he whispers quietly. "Looks nice enough." he smiles with a nod.

Aikuen nods a long. Confused. But okay with it. He whispers, "It does... Well... Lets see if he is friendly enough..." he says getting up and approaching through the bushes. Slowly. But Surely.

William has fallen into a light doze in the less guarded cart still unaware of what the otter and stoat are up to. If he did know he'd have a few words for them both.

Sebastian ahs and takes the bowl for him self, ladling some of the soup into the bowl before taking a spoon and sitting down, blowing away the steam as he spoons a little into his mouth with a hum. "Very nice." he chuckles to himself. He still is unaware of anyone else.

Aikuen approaches slowly his arms crossed, "Mmmm. Smells very nice." He tries not to show any aggressions at all, "Hello. My name is Aikuen..." he says, "HI! How are you?" why not.

Sebastian arches an eyebrow and looks around, setting his eye on Aik. "Evening." he greets with a nod. "Your welcome to join me if you'd like." he smiles a little bit.

Aikuen smiles back at the badger, "Why thank you...." he looks around, "There is actually a lot more of us. If you don't mind... Well. A bit of company. we can share a bit of food with you, if you don't sharing i mean." Glad that the Badger is not being. Well. A Badger.

Sebastian hms and looks around, seeing if he can spot anyone else, but right now he can't so he just chuckles. "I don't. I've been traveling alone for a little while." he nods. "Feel free. Not sure how much I've got to offer though." he chuckles a little bit.

Aikuen nods, "Well. We have a good amount of food. I'm sure it will be alright. Thank you" he chuckles and bows a bit. As he heads back into the bush, "We will be right back..." He whispers to Kentar for a minute before they go back to the cart. Going to move it toward the little camp. Leaving it a bit away though. Aik says, "This... Is my family and friends... uh...Im sorry i didn't get your name" he chuckles.

Sebastian hums and arches his eyebrow at the sight of stoats. And a rat and a weasel. He takes a few moments and blinks and when he sees that they're not drawing weapons, he just smiles a little, not seeming nervous or anything, but a tad confused. "Ah. Well, provided I wont have to tear any of you apart, you're more then welcome to join me." he nods with a smile before standing up. "Sebastian." he nods. " said you were...Aikuen, right?" he asks, tilting his head a little, looking as if he remembers the name. He pauses and then shakes it off. "Well. Make yourself at home. I only set up a few hours ago." he smiles.

If Will wasn't awake before he sure is now. He stands with the others as the badger talks to Aik. The doesn't draw his sword because the badger isn't attacking them and the rat isn't suicidal. "... he didn't mention he was stupid but that's obvious isn't it." the rat mutters not too happy with Aikuen being so at ease with some badger he'd just met. It's a badger for Martin's sake! Doesn't the otter know what badgers generally do to 'vermin'?! Will is not happy.

Aikuen can obviously get why the badger is confused. But he is equally happy that it seems like he is okay with it for now. Aikuen nods, "Sebastian? Got it. And Aye. The name is Aikuen. And the only one you might have to tear up is my wife" Fira shoves him before going to unload a bit from the cart. Aik bows at the badger, "Thank you... Let me introduce my family." he points to everyone as they get to work, "This is my wife, Fira. My twin daughters Ella and Venei." let the others introduce themselves. As he goes to be useful.

Sebastian nods a little and smiles slightly. "Yeah, sure." he nods to each of them and smiles before blinking. "Oh! I know where I know the name is from." he says. "Uh. Someone a few seasons ago was looking for you at Redwall." he nods. "I don't remember the name, but it had a J at the front." He hums, shrugging as the stoats introduce themselves, Seb nodding slowly to each, smiling still. "Anyways...I've got soup. I think I made enough. Grab a bowl if you want some." He nods.

William starting to find it odd that Aik is quick to introduce his wife and daughters and not his adoptive son. Sure the rat is grown and married and can talk for himself but Kentar still introduces Robin to other beasts at times even though he's grown. Will doesn't have much time to dwell on this thankfully for all as the badger has become more intersting than just frightening. "Some beast was asking about Aik?" he asks, "You recall anything about him, what he looked like maybe?"

Aikuen blinks at the badger, "A beast... With a name that starts with a j?" he gulps and growls. Going to guess, "Jericken?... How did you meet him?" he grunts, "Well. He is dead...All the same..." he says flatly, Before going to plop down near the fire, going to make himself brighter, "Thank you again. We have fish and bread. Mostly, If you want some... Its always nice to have company. We've been traveling a lot. What about you?" he asks. As his family gets comfortable with Bedrolls. Their woodlanders. So its okay.

The badger snaps his fingers and nods. "Yeah! That was him." he then binks and ohs. "Oh. I he found you after." he frowns a little. "Sorry." Seb nods and then smiles. "Ah! Fish. Haven't had fish in a while." he hums and then nods. "Oh, I've been traveling for a while." he nods. "Don't think anyone at the abbey, including Flick, would recognize me." he hehs and hums before looking to Will. "Sorry, I didn't get your name..."

"You know Flicktail?" the rat asks his opinion of the badger just went up. If he's a friend of Flicky's he can't be that bad. "I'm William," he adds.

Aikuen narrows his eyes at the ground, "Aye. He found me. And tried to kill me..." he hrms before nodding toward Fira. Who gets up and gets a couple of leftover fish chunks from the cart. Aik then grabs a bowl and dips of bit of it in the stew pot. He adds onto Wills comment, "We Know Flicky as well. And i never seen you before. And ive been to the abbey multiple times." he chuckles. Fira soon returns and places a dock leaf with a whole gutted fish next to the fire to be shared.

Sebastian hums and nods. "Yeah. I do." he chuckles. "I went to the western shores a couple of seasons ago with a fox called Bottlebrush." he nods. "He got escorted to the abbey by the patrol and I stayed behind." he hums. "I should send a letter or something." sipping at his soup and sitting back. "Mm..."

William asks, "Bottlebrush? I think I saw him at the Abbey. He's a fox right?"

Aikuen hums and nods at the badger, "Hey. I know Bottlebrush as well. Im hope he is doing well." he smiles, "You should. Im sure he would love it." he sips at the soup. And makes a weird face. Before taking another sip and nodding, "Hrm. It grows on yeah...Its pretty good stuff. Here" Points at the fish, "Get your fangs around that. Its ottery fresh!" he chuckles, "So. Why are you still out here then?"

Sebastian chuckles a little bit and nods slowly with a smile, the badger thinking. "Yeah. I will. Just. Not sure what to say." he hums. "OH, no thank you. I'm good with my soup." which he sips again. "Mm...I don't know. I have friends at the abbey but I just don't think I could stand to stay in one place." he nods. "I'm too much of a traveler." he hums.

William nods, "No shame in that. Redwall's not a bad place to visit now and then though. I stayed there a season once. That was too long."

Aikuen nods, "How about... hey!" he grins, "Well Okay. More for us then..." he goes to grab some of the fish then, "Im getting a little on fin age for too much traveling anymore. I just going places!" he laughs then hrms, "I like the abbey good enough..."

Sebastian chuckles a little bit and smiles slowly, nodding. "Well. I want to go back maybe when I'm done traveling." he thinks for a few moments. "So!" he thinks for a few moments. "Where are you beasts heading?" he asks, drinking down the last of his soup.

"West," Will says taking some of the fish the badger didn't want, "He's thinkin' bout gettin a ship," he points to Aik. "Do some sailing and see what's out there."

Aikuen nods to Will, "Oh aye! We are headed to Alcadia. Maybe you heard of it?" he asks, "Thats where i plan to get a ship. And some more sight seeing!" he laughs.

Sebastian ohs and then shakes his head. "I haven't no." he hums a little then smiles as he sits back. "A boat, eh?" he chuckles. "I haven't been sailing in ages." he thinks. "Well. Actually, ever." he chuckles, looking to the now dark sky, the only light being the fire. "What's it like?" he asks.

William says, "I don't know. You should asks Aik he's the one that's been on ships th most in our group."

Aikuen chuckles, "Well. It will be me And Wills second time there. Alcadia... And i was last on a ship. Six or seven seasons ago. Just as a passenger. Then before that i was stationed on one... For about a season..." he then hrms as he tries to remember, "Its... Awesome. Well. Im an otter so i automatically count the water and the fishing. But. The ship... Gah. Its amazing. Like a moving abbey. That you can take wherever you want to go!" he smiles.

Sebastian smiles as he gets himself another bowl of the soup. "Sounds nice." he hums a little, sitting back again. "So. Do you already have a ship or are you planning on buying one, or..." he pauses to drink some of the soup which he rather seems to like.

Aikuen eyes the badger, not sure what to say to the new stranger. Even if he is friendly as all get out, "Umm... We already have a ship..." he nods, "... We just need a crew really..." he nods. That will keep the fact that he is carrying so much gold a bit quieter as a secret.

Sebastian chuckles a little and nods. "Ah. Well." He hums. "I'm sure you'll find the best crew you can get." he smiles as he continues drink down at his soup. "Mm...I wish I had more of this." he chuckles quietly. He'd love to go with them, but he wont just invite himself, even more so since he hardly knows them.

Aikuen eyes the badger still. He is just not just going to invite him. But, "Me too. Its surprisingly good soup... Do. Do you cook much?" he asks.

Sebastian chuckles a little bit and nods slowly. "Yeah. I do. I do the best with what I've got but that's not entirely too much." he says as he finishes off his soup, setting the bowl aside to be washed before he breaks camp whenever he does.

Aikuen pulls at his chin, "And... Are you going anywhere... Anytime soon?" he asks again. Staring to like the idea that is forming in his head.

Sebastian shakes his head before shrugging. "Dunno. Don't think so. No where set anyways. I don't usually go anywhere intentionally." he chuckles. "Why?"

William sits quietly. Well as quietly as a rat eating fish can. It's very good fish. He listens to the badger and otter talk, keeping his eye on the badger and his ears on both.

Aikuen ponders, "Oh... Just saying... Well." he hrms, "I was wondering if you would like... a job." he says. Fira looks at him weirdly.

Sebastian blinks and huhs. "A job?" he asks, tilting his head. "Doing what?" the badger looks completely and utterly surprised as he tilts his head a little bit.

Aikuen hrms and nods, "Aye. A job..." he thinks about for a second, "We will be feeding a large crew on this ship... I want to hire you for it... I want you to help in the galley... And... Of course... Be a badger" So. The muscle.

Sebastian blinks. "You want me on your crew?" he asks, tilting his head. "Hah...I'd to, but are you sure? We only met a short time ago, and for all you know, the soup might have been poison..." he pauses. "Okay, that was a bad example since I ate the soup myself..." he shrugs. "But you know what I mean."

Aikuen nods, "I know. Ive been watching you for a past few hours. And. I need someone very strong. And lets face it..." he puts down the bowl, "Where else can i find a badger. That is okay with..." he points to the others, "Umm... Well. You know."

William is not giving Aik weird looks and approves of this idea very much. "Badger's are usually good beasts so it would be very strange if you had poisoned the soup," Will says, "And what he said."

Sebastian chuckles a little bit. "Yeah...well. I wouldn't have ate poisoned soup." he hehs a little bit, thinking for a few moments. " don't mind someone bigger then you on the crew?" he asks, tilting his head. He's the biggest in this group so far. But that's cause he's a badger...a big one too...

Aikuen shakes his head, "You may be bigger and stronger. But there is more of us then you. So im not to worried about you a bit." he then laughs, "And then ill stop paying you!" he grins.

William says, "And throw you overboard."

Sebastian chuckles a little and smiles. "Sure! I mean...sure." he nods. "Thanks. I think. Uh..." he looks to Will and smirks. "Please don't. I sink." he nods with a laugh. "But uh. Are you sure?"

Aikuen smiles, "Good! Now Like Will said. If you do cross us. We will toss you overboard. Then stop paying you" he nods with a lughs, sticking out his paw, "Sure im sure. Right KEntar?" since he will be his second. And knows ships better than he does.

Kentar huhs and laughs a little, nodding. "Sure!" he smiles. "Seems fine to me. And if you're Flicktail's friend, I don't see why not!" he nods. "But don't be surprised if the kids start asking for rides on your shoulders since your so huge." he smirks.

William nods, "And watch out for any little otters that might want to tackle you." The rat nudges Aik, "If he's going t work in th galley he'll be under Garent wont he? She does do most of th cooking."

Sebastian huhs and laughs a little bit, shaking his head. "I won't mind. As long as they're not scared of heights." he smirks before thinking. "Tackle me? I'd love to see them try." he grins almost evilly, looking to the twins, and then Christopher. "Haha..." he bursts into laughter. "Thank you for the offer, so much." he nods. "Travel is my favorite thing ever. I don't get to go off land so much."

Aikuen looks toward Will and nods, "Aye. He will work under her. As a helper and what not. There is alot more mouths to feed then just us so... She will need all the help we can get!" he nods before looking back at Seb, "Good. Cause they've been itching. They have never seen a badger before" he chuckles, "Well good. Welcome to the crew then!" he laughs.

Sebastian smiles and nods. "Thanks." he nods before looking to the cart. "I might even be able to help pull that thing." he smirks with a nod and then a yawn.

William nods, "Mum would like that. So would Garnet. Then Those two could stay in the cart part of the time," he waves a paw at Aik and Kentar.

Aikuen snorts, "Really? I mean. Its pretty light. And we have been managing so far. But i mean. If you want too!" he grins, "You might be able to pull the whole thing yourself!" winkwink nudgenudge. Get the idea.

Sebastian laughs and smirks. "Might be able to carry it on my shoulder too!" he laughs then yawns again. "Heh, I'll have to try in the morning." he nods. "As for now, I think I'm going to head off to bed." he says, standing up. He really does TOWER over everyone. Kentar especially. "So I take it I'll see you in the morning." he nods.

William waves at the badger. "So are we setting up camp for the night too?" he asks Aik.

Sebastian pauses as he lays on his bedroll. Which is big. Could fit probably two otters and a stoat on it. "Oh, also...feel free to finish the rest of the soup." he smiles before yawning. "And there's a stack of firewood near the river if you need to restock the fire." he says before rolling over and drifting off.

Aikuen goes a bit wide eyed at the badger, "Damn." he mumbles with a chuckle. Bowing his head a bit, "Night then Seb. Can i call you Seb?" he nods, "See you in the morning" He then looks to William, "Aye. Its getting dark anyway. And this will be the place for now..." There is soup, "So. We will make camp here." the Otters have already beat them to the punch.

William stands up having finished his fish and walks over to the cart to finish up unpacking and help get a fire started unless they're going to use the badger's fire.

Aikuen was going to use the Badgers fire. Sides. He is not hungry anymore. Had his fill of fish and soup. So he nods toward the rat, "Hey. Nighto Willmaboy. Sleep well" as he goes over to his roll with Fira. As he kids flop around them. Robin stay up. Ontop of the cart. He starts the nightly watch for them.