Setting Sail - By The Light of the Moon

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Aikuen, Robin, Syla, William, Ella, Venei, Garnet

Location: Golden Pike (ship) at sea once again.

The Golden Pike

Its a lovely warm night over the blank sea. The moon shines heavily over the ship as he cuts through the waves like a hot knife. Seeming. Motionless. But with great speed. There is not much going on, on deck. Just those who need to be. And of course. Aikuen. He always seems to be everywhere, doesn't he. He sits against the side of the railing. Playing with his small accordion. He is getting quite good at it. Just homing. And playing. Most. Ignoring.

And no one better to join the otter but Robin, and Syla. Since its much cooler tonight than it has been for the past few days, Robin's tunic has been restored. But his shorts still remain. "Hey Aik." Syla greets quietly, in quite a calm mood.

Aikuen smiles at the approaching stoats, "Hey guys. Come to enjoy the moon i see. Cause i know you're not here, to hear me play!" he lets the bellows fall open and it makes a funny noise. Aik grins, "What can this fine captain do for you? On this fine evening."

The stoats shrug a little bit. "Oh, just the moon, yeah." they chuckle quietly. "Not that your playing is going to be a bad thing." Rob chuckles. "You could play us something romantic!" he grins.

Aikuen chuckles a bit as he picks up the bellows and hums, "Bet i could..." he puts on a real heavy accent and pretends to twiddle his mustache, "Oh! What iz zess! Two Looove birds wish to hear zi lovely and tantalizzzzing sounds of zis. Me acccordian!" he grins.

Syla bursts into laughter and Robin just shakes his head. "Don't...don't ever do that again." he laughs with a smirk, shaking his head and sighing. "Why can't we live with any normal beasts?" he laughs.

Aik continues as he starts to play something that he heard when he was younger, "Whats iz ziss... Normality. Thatz you speak of?" he grins, "And Fracois doez not play for freea" He chuckles a bit. )

The two nod and chuckle. "Alright, Fracois, we'll pay you when you're done for the evening." the two chuckle before starting to dance together slowly with the music. Awww. They look like they could be on the cover of a book about how to be all in love and stuff.

Fracois smiles and nods as he continues on with his song. Its nice. Like something that might be heard at a cafe. Or in a square. Just nice music. No fancy solos. And not even any words. It doesn't need any words. Sides. NOONE Wants to hear Aik. There is only one who likes to hear Aik sing. AND SHE IS DEAF! He grins at the pair as the dance about. Tapping his foot to the waltz like beat. He is pretty good.

The two continue about their waltz sort of as they hum to each other quietly. "He's pretty good." Rob whispers into the other stoat's ear. "Yeah...maybe we should pay him." she chuckles quietly

Aikuen, AKA Fracois smiles at the pair. AS he finishes he says, "Ahhh... I rememer zis when i was knee high to me faja." he chuckles a bit, "Now. Ze next pieze. Was when i on za ship. Za Marian!" he grins big as he starts another one. This one a bit more... Festive. Faster. More of a jig piece.

The stoats weren't quite in the mood for a jig but after a few moments, the mood strikes them and thats just what they start doing. And they're...actually quite good at it as they laugh and dance about.

A sharp pointed face peers up at the stoats dancing in the moonlight and the accordion playing otter. The rat smiles before disappearing back into the darker area below deck.

Aikuen grins. Its always time for Jigging. The otter taps his paws quickly. Gah! Now he wants to dance as well! Oh well. There might be time for it later. He laughs, "Thataway mateys! Pick up them toes!" he forgets his accent for a second, "Oi! Zee toez needz to be picked upz!" he reinstates.

The stoats laugh and start to spin around each other once each, the stoats smiling and bouncing a bit. Robin slowly runs out of breath but he doesn't stop and Syla is just having too much fun to lose her breath. Neither of them notice Will.

The rat is back with otters. Yes the twins are up and wide awake giggling wanting very much to go above deck to join the fun. Will is having a hard time keeping them quiet. "Not yet," he whispers to them trying to keep them from joining the dancing too soon. His efforts may be in vain as the twins aren't in the mood to wait very long. It's too exciting!

So much for the alone, romantic evening they had planned! The stoats figured that when Aik was there but it doesn't much matter now. "Hey!" Robin smiles, not stopping his jig. "Join in guys, if you want!" The two stoats smile brightly.

IT IS TOO EXCITING! HOLY CRAP! The twins bounce on their paws as they peek over the deck smiling at the stoats. OH LOOK! Look at what they are doing! What is that? Looks awesome! When they are spotted. they both take that as an immediate invitation. Even before the stoats says it is. The twins drag Will to the deck as they said, "Teach us!" Aik stops his accordion when he sees the twins. But only for a second. As he starts it up again.

William laughs as he's dragged onto the top deck. Better to go along with them than fight them. Safer too. "Alroight, alroight. We'll see what we can do." He does try to dance but he's far from talented. Oh well. At least he's trying.

The stoats grin and then laugh at the rat, dancing their way over to him before each stoat tries to slide an arm around Will's arm and drag him around, still jigging. "Come on will!" he laughs.

The twins watch the rat for a bit then try to mimic him. Its not... Quite what a jig should be. But its so darn cute! How can you call it wrong! Aik laughs at the twins before looking over to the stoats. Oh no!" he grins evilly, "Yez! Teachz zat rat. What it meanz to jigz!" he laughs.

"Hey!" the rat exclaims as the stoats grab him. He should have known he wouldn't get away with trying to dance anybeast that knew how. "You're not helping," he adds hearing the old otter's comment.

The stoats laugh and spins around with the rat between them before letting go for him to dance like he wants. "Hehe, you're just too fun, Will!" Syla smiles before locking arms with Rob, spinning around.

Aikuen grins and winks at the rat, "Im not trying too!" he chuckles as he speeds up the music, "All right... Try this one on for size!" he laughs. The twins are now just going crazy. Screw looking proper! They dance. They jump. They hit. Its just everything! Giggling up a storm. Even going to dance around the stoats and rat thing.

The rat thing is going to sit this one out if he can. Let the twins enjoy themselves.

Rob watches Will and lets go of Syla, flying his way over before stopping next to Will. "Come on, Will! Dance away!" he laughs with a smile.

William shakes his head, "Nah. I'm good. I'm not that good at it anyway."

Aikuen continues tp play the accordion. Until the song finishes. He grins and wipes the sweat off his brow, "Good golly Miss Molly. That be a hot one!" he laughs. Forgetting his accent, "So. What will it be next mates?" he laughs at the twins. As they are still dancing. Making it into somesort of game.

William shrugs, "Let th one of th twins pick."

"Sy and I were hoping for something slowish." Robin and Syla nod slowly. "Yeah. But that won't be fun for the twins." they smile. "ROBIN! SYLA! Can you two come help for a sec!?" Garnet's voice calls from the stairs before vanishing down into the galley. "Coming, mum!" Robin says as they head off. "We'll be back.

Aikuen smiles at the stoats and was about to start about another slow one. When the stoats are then pulled away. He chuckles a bit and takes the rats advice, "So little mates. What do you want? Fast? Slow? And awesome song?" he asks with a chuckle. The twins chrugs a bit as they both say, "A fun one!" they both giggle. Aik nods a bit, "One Funz songz... Eh'comingz right up!" he laughs as he starts a crazy song. Not much to dance too. But still awesome. He laughs quietly as they still try, "Now thats dedication!" he winks at the rat.
