Scioto is Missing

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [Out]

Raymond walks into the tavern and sits down, he sighs and looks tried as he looks around.

Ragg is sitting at a table in the middle of the room. He is holding a cup of tea in one paw and in the other he holds a piece of paper, which he seems to be reading.

Raymond looks over at Ragg and walks over to him, "Hey" he says softly.

Ragg turns quickly, shoving the paper under the table as he does so. He gives Raymond a rather on edge smile as he says in a voice that is just a /tiny/ bit too happy: "Hello!"

Raymond blinks, "What’s the paper? Why hid it? If you’re trying to start problems I don’t need a new one, already have one"

Ragg glances at the paper and shakes his head quickly. "I'm not starting problems!" He does not bother to expand on what he means and his voice sounds slightly annoyed at the accusation, though it drops as he goes on. "What kind of 'one problem'?"

Raymond sighs, well worth a try, "You seen Scioto?"

Ragg raises an eyebrow and shakes his head slowly, seeming a bit confused. "No....why? Should have I seen him?"

Raymond frowns, "Well he told me he be back in couple hours, that was more than a day ago"

Ragg eyes widen with recollection. "I was talking with Scioto a few days ago and he said he wanted to go find someone...." He frowns a thinks for a minute, then shakes his head. "But I can't seem to remember whom."

Raymond says, "He didn’t tell me, just that he be back if didn’t find them in couple hours and he has yet to come back"

Ragg frowns. "Do you have any search parties out looking?"

Raymond says, "I have thought of forming one, even was going to ask at the abbey, Scioto could be in trouble"

Ragg nods "The Abbey is a good idea. Do you have any idea where he went?"

Raymond shakes his head, "I spoke briefly with a brother of the order, mentioned a Zork may know Something as Scioto spoke to him briefly, I have yet to talk to him"

Ragg nods quickly then stands, gulping down the rest of his tea. "If I can be of any help, let me know and if you find Scioto, well, let me know of that too." He smiles briefly and slips out of the tavern, the paper still in his paw.

--hour later--

Raymond is on duty but has decided to have an ale anyways, he sighs and only drank 1/3 of it slowly over the past hour, a rat speaks with him and he sighs more, "You and your buddy need ta get along better." The rat snorts and walks off, Raymond rolls his eyes, same two rats always fighting/ arguing over the same thing every other day.

"Raymond," comes a soft voice from behind the guard.

Raymond turns about to get upset when he is face to face with Nightbreath and quickly gets a bit less annoyed as this is not just anyone speaking to him, he nods "Hello sir" He says.

"Scioto is missing," Nightbreath states.

Raymond nods "I know, and it’s been a little over a day now and he has yet to return"

"I sense the paw of Mudfur in this," Nightbreath murmurs. "I am going to search for him. I will bring Ragg, my Apprentice, with me."

Raymond listens as he nods "May be a good idea, Scioto could be in some sort of trouble of some sort."

"No--He /is/ in trouble," Nightbreath corrects. "I know it for certain."

Raymond frowns, "Think he is hurt or captive somewhere? The only thing I know is he said he be back in couple hours and, well clearly was not"

"I know that he is in danger. I know that his time is running out. I know that Mudfur is involved in this," Nightbreath says, counting on his paws, "And I know that he is in Mossflower--With another being."

Raymond is curious now, "Someone with him? Did he take a guard with him or someone to help somehow?..Should I form a search party or stay here?"

"Do what you think is best. And no...It was not a guard or resident of Ferravale...I know nothing more than that," Nightbreath says, sighing.

Raymond nods as he thinks, "Alright,..have heard the name Mudfur, he attacked a badger named Zork couple nights ago, maybe the badger as an idea where that Mudfur was. May be clue, even small as to where Scioto may be"

Oakenpaw comes bounding in doing a "bunny hop" sing songing to himself quietly "ya put yer right foot paw put yer right foot paw out, ya put yer right foot paw in and ya shake it all about" he pirouettes with his paws in the air "you do the hokey pokey and ya turn yourself about...THATS what it's all about" *Hop hop*

"Zork, if the spirits spoke truly, is ill, and may not be able to join us. However, you are right, perhaps he knows..." Nightbreath sighs.

Raymond looks at Oakenpaw and blinks and looks back to Nightbreath, "I think the sooner we find Scioto, or Mudfur if needed first, the better"

Oakenpaw is still doing his Hokey Pokey

"Right." Nightbreath nods. "But Mudfur will be expecting such an act."

Oakenpaw looks over "You 2 are slow, Flicky fox already be closing in on them

"Alone?" Nightbreath inquires. "Nay, I am cautious."

Raymond looks at Oakenpaw, "That wouldn’t be that easy, snow would of covered any tracks"

Oakenpaw says, "oh I am sure Flicky will have a GUSIM or a Hare or 2....Flick is an ARCTIC fox suh...them hunts in snow alla time"

Oakenpaw says, "but if you see him he will welcome yer help"

"We are going in force," Nightbreath says grimly. "Count myself and my Apprentice in."

Oakenpaw says, "that will Delight Flicky"

Oakenpaw says, "you know he once told me he admired you"

Raymond asks, "I will most likely stay here, I am needed more here and may be possible Mudfur may show up or is that unlikely?"

Oakenpaw says, "nothing is unlikely with a vermin...that may be wise Raymond hare friend"

"I am honored," Nightbreath says to Oakenpaw. To Raymond: "That is...possible, as are all things...It may be, it may not be. But it would be best indeed for you to remain."

Raymond nods, "Then here I remain, you may be needed too Oakenpaw, just in case a healer is needed"

Oakenpaw says, "Oh Not that I wouldn't LOVE to give the Blighter a smack upside the muzzle with Matilda..but maybe a fight with you in the fight pit will have to do Raymond"

Nightbreath laughs quietly.

Raymond says, "I am not in the mood for a fight in fight pit, need to be serious right now"

Oakenpaw raises one ear "you do not find a fight with a master Long Patrol hare serious?

Nightbreath shakes his head. "There is no time now."

Oakenpaw says, "Aye I know, I know..but you need substance on such a cold gotta eat wot?"

Raymond asks, "What does food have ta do with fight pit?""

Oakenpaw says, "I was talking to the breath o night..for you and me, We have to be well fed to fight well and be strong wot?"

"Indeed," Nightbreath agrees. "I myself prefer to allow Gild'ernur to strengthen me, however."

Raymond shrugs, "I am staying here in the village, Nightbreath and Ragg are heading out soon"

Oakenpaw asks, "wot in the Firemoutian is a Gild'ernur?"

"Gild'ernur is the Great Light--Starcaster--The one who began this universe," Nightbreath answers.

Oakenpaw narrows his eyes "do he make a good cranberry and walnut salad?

Raymond rolls his eyes and watches the going ons in the tavern quietly

"He created the cranberries, and the walnuts, and the one who made the salad," Nightbreath trumps Oakenpaw.

Oakenpaw says, "well then I'd like to meet the chap..see if he can do it right wot?"

"To meet him would require some extraordinary abilities," Nightbreath murmurs.

Oakenpaw asks, "well am a hare so that should pose no problem wot?"

Raymond half listens as he watches the doorway.

Nightbreath chuckles but does not speak.

Oakenpaw taps Raymond on the shoulder gently with matilda "he isn't coming thru the door

Raymond says, "Never know who might come in the door, a friend or foe"

Oakenpaw says, "wot are ya worried about..I’m ere"

Raymond says, "Sort of looking for someone else, but they left Ferravale and didn’t even say bye""

"Who?" Nightbreath suddenly asks.

Raymond says, "Wildcat named Viveca, someone I big deal, just miss her"

"Ah." Nightbreath nods.

Oakenpaw says, "Aye she is quite the good looker, I was going to ask her on a date"

Oakenpaw asks, "you think a Hare and a feline could get along?"

Raymond says, "Oakenpaw, You are odd besides don't think you would want to know her now""

Oakenpaw asks, "Wots that mean Suh?"

Nightbreath remains silent. He has no input.

Raymond says, "someone at the tavern told me she left to..cause sort of leaned more towards evilish ways""

Oakenpaw says, "well she can be that not True Breath of night?"

"Yes. All can be saved. Even if one walks in shadow, that shadow need not be evil," Nightbreath states

Oakenpaw room-pages, "yer pose if you like".

Raymond shrugs, "My main concern is making sure Scioto gets back to Ferravale"

Oakenpaw says, "Raymond...Is Flicky your friend?"

Raymond asks, "Yes, why do you ask?"

Oakenpaw says, "because Hiring the best beast for the job..and keeping the village safe...IS making sure Scioto get's back...Flicky will come thru for ya"

Raymond says, "And Nightbreath and Ragg as well"

Oakenpaw says, "So yer covered do you like the town these days?"

Raymond says, "The village..grows, there is a candle shop now""

Oakenpaw says, "Aye I helped with the candles"

Raymond asks, "You help with everything in village?"

Oakenpaw says, "I try to...makes for good friends"

Raymond nods "I just hope the chieftain is ok"

Oakenpaw says, "he's too ornery not to be"

Raymond chuckles a little

Oakenpaw says, "come sit down Raymond, that flicking tail o yours makes me nervous"

Raymond has been sitting and does notice the pacing and sits, "Sorry"

Oakenpaw says, "you cats an yer tails...way too long ya know"

Rayond says, "Tails come in handy, balance"

Oakenpaw says, "never needed it that much m'self..more for good looks"