Safely back at Redwall yet again

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This happened immediately after this log:

Redwall Abbey Infirmary

DoraRose and Angela the mice. Leon the mouse. Various wounded peoples.

Leon walks into the infirm and sighs, he looks back to make sure others followed and to make sure the injured are tended to.

DoraRose comes in and sits on a stool. She had left her armour and sword in the training yard, and now her brown tunic, green leggings and black boots are clearly visible. She is looking at the wound in her arm, ignoring her grandmother Angela's rantings about how crummy armour is nowadays.

Leon has the squirrel lay Taran down on a cot and lets a novice tend to him with orders to tell him at once any changes, he then goes over to check on the mouse with the arrow in his knee and a ferret with a head wound and frowns as he starts tending to them.

The warriors make little fuss, letting the healers do their thing

Angela gets a Novice to start tending to the tiny wound on DoraRose's arm, then shakes her staff at the Master Healer as she goes to help him tend to the wounded. "An' ye! Why do ye keep goin' missin', eh? Are ye tryin' to kill me afore my time, ye little scalawag?!" DoraRose stands when the healer finish helping her wound and goes over to her husband's side, helping him as she murmurs, "She has a point. You're scaring me to death. But I'm so, so glad that you're home safe."

Leon frowns as he tends to the head wound the ferret has, "It was not my fault..Patchfur grabbed me by the throat and tried to use me as a shield to get out of the abbey, the guards were afraid to even try to attack him"

DoraRose twitches angrily, then sighs as her grandmother huffs. "Ye could've stomped on 'is foot! Why, back in the old days, healers were taught to fight with their staffs! We..." Dorarose covers Angela's mouth and glares ta her. "The rules are a little different here at Redwall, Nana. Would you please get me some tea to make me feel better?" The 2 mice glare at each-other for a few minutes, then the old healer stumps off, grumbling. DoraRose shakes her head and goes back to helping the Master Healer.

Thanks for reading!
