SPLORF! Very ooc story...and sci fi...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


"Welcome to the moons of Glorx!" Read the sign at the edge of the solar system. The planetary system was small, mostly with gas giants. Most of the inhabitants planted their flag on the astroid belt between Glorx 3 and glorx 4, both gas planets.

Each asteroid was about a mile long at most, covered in grass with a weaker gravity. It was a splorf raising community and each asteroid had a small number of six limbed white and black lizard creatures grazing on them. Each heard of Splorf were herded by a handful of GLorxians, small, tentacled purple aliens with one giant eye. There were more herders these days darting to and from the asteroids with their jet packs for there was a predator on the loose. No one exactly knew what it was, only that the heard of Splorf's had begun to dwindle, one each night, disappearing into the maws of an unseen beast...

( A fighter drifts by, with the word 1CF STARSCREAM inscribed on the nose.  It's silver and red, and it pulls up to an asteroid at the edge of the system.  A spacesuit-wearing being gets out and gazes around, his visor glowing green. )

(One of the many glorxians shields his single eye from the glare off of the red space ship. He slanters forward, many tentacles disturbing the grass of the asteroid as he moves. It's like...watching a large purple gourd plant dressed in rustic farmer overalls walk up to you. A purple gourd plant with a jet pack on his back and a metal sheep herder cain in one hand, "Well howdy doody thar stranger. Somethin we kin help ya with?" He says nervously. The two glorx behind him gulp and huddle together, keeping the herd of splorf protected behind them.

"Yes," the suited being, male by the sound of the voice, says. "I understand you called for an exterminator/animal control officer?" As he speaks, a fine mist drifts out of his mouthpiece.

The rancher gulps at the sight. "Y-yes we did. I take it that...that is you then?" He takes off his hat and sighs, "It's been terrible, the herd is in chaos all across the Belt. We lost more splorf than we can count. It doesn't matter where we lock them up, the /Beast/ just keeps getting into all our pens..."

The self-appointed exterminator nods. "Yeah, that'll happen. Has anyone actually seen this...Beast you speak of?" As he speaks, he turns and rifles through the cockpit of the fighter, pulling out various tools and implements, and a belt with things magnetically clamped to it.

The rancher shakes his head...or rather long eye stock. "Just a glimpse here or there. A big shadowy beasty. Filled with razor sharp teeth and claws! Claws! And it had hands, HANDS! It's unnatural I tells ya! Unnatural!" The alien waves his tentacles about in the air.

The pilot looks down at his own limbs and flexes his hands briefly without realizing it. "Indeed," he muses absently. "Well...has anyone tried tracking this thing?" He has a photon discharger in a holster at his hip now, and a sort of cattle-prod like implement on his other hip.

This comment receives a laugh, "Us? Track the beasty? Are you mad? That's why we hired YOU! Speaking of which." He tosses the stranger a credit stick. "Half for takin the job, ye get the rest after ya bring proof the monster is dead."

The pilot takes the stick deftly and tucks it in the cockpit of his ship. "Very well then. Let's get down to it. Can you direct me to the most frequently attacked splorf pens?"

And so the hunt began...

Rioko would have been delighted to know just how fearfull the locals were of her. She giggles as she picks her teeth clean using the rib bone of a splorf. Tasty things they were. Like earth cattle and more tender. The wolf leans her back against the moss covered cave of the astroid she lived in, her upper paws folded behind her head, her middle paws rubbing her upper and lower stomach, and her hind paws crossed in front of her. The centarian creature was wolfish, with a thin brown coat of fur with dark brown spots running down her back.

( A vest made from various leathers and lined with tan fur wrapped tightly around her upper torso. Rioko sighs a little at seeing how much flesh has been added to her rounded tummy, but its the price of finding such wonderfull hunting grounds she guesses. )

Beggar's Pass, a collection of fertil and grassy asteroids (some even with trees!) were the prime location to let the splorf feed on...meaning it was the prime location to hunt! The asteroids were many, letting the space wolf easily slip in and out of her hunting grounds.

Speaking of which, RIo thinks as she stretches and yawns, it's about lunch time...

A clank echoes through the asteroid as something touches down, and there's a hiss of pressurization. The unnamed exterminator is on the top of the cave, scanning with something that looks like a metal detector, but it seems to make a chicken's clucking sound when it finds something.

The wolf let's out a soft yelp as the asteroid vibrates. "What in tarnation?" The wolf scurries on all fours, pulling herself halfway out of the small cave entrance. She peers to the left, to the right, down at the asteroid, then up, banging her head on the bottom of the ship. "Ah." She says, rubbing her head, Still half in, half out of the hole the wolf turns to the intruder. "Well Hai!" She greets him warmly, leaning to one side and supporting her self on her elbow, "Mind me asking why you parked on mai home?" She says just as warmly.

"Top of the morning," the intruder says. "I understand that there's been missing splorfs in abundance in this region of asteroids. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?" he inquires.

The wolf subconsciously rubs at her fat midriff spilling out and around the hole. "Missing splorfs? Ya don say? Any idea why they went missing?" Sucking in her guts, both of them, Rioko pulls herself out of the hole with a loud 'pop'. Keeping low so as not to bang her head against the ship again, she walks up to the stranger, upper and middle arms folded behind her back, "Oh! That looks shiny." She strides up to circle around the stranger and look over his shoulder, "What's that?" She points to the device he is using.

"Gluttony Detector Mark III, Model 623.43." The helmeted man swipes it up and the sound of a rooster crowing plays when it goes over Rioko's form.

"Well, guilty as charged there." The wolf grins as if this is an accomplishment. She sniffs at the stranger for a bried moment, "I'm Rioko by the way. So what happens after you find out that someone is a glutton? Tell them they need to go on a diet or...something?"

"Well, it's usually up to the glutton, but in this case, when there's crime committed..." The stranger lets the words hang ominously.

"I see." The wolf rubs at her furry chin as she sits on her haunches. She doesn't like where this conversation is going. "Let's say that, hypothetically mind you, that said gluttonous creature is guilty of say, an act that may or may not constitute as a crime across several star systems. What heppens then?"

"The space police usually intervene." Suddenly the ceiling explodes and a flying cop car is in its place. "SPEHSS POLICE, TODAY THE CRIMINALS ARE AT OAUH DOOAH!" comes a voice from above.

The wolf takes this turn of events rather well, given the flaming debris falling around her and the soot now covering her muzzle. She coughs up ash and dust. "Well, that's good ta know..." Then come the sabers. She grabs a hilt in each of her upper and middle paws, flicks a switch, and a transparent energy blade appears in each paw. She kick at the stranger to push him away and make a break for it.

The stranger rolls out of the way, while a cartoony-looking bald guy gets out of the cop car. "Ah'm Officah Indrick Boreale and youah unda ahrest." The stranger facepalms and draws his cattle prod thingy.

"I ain't going back to the zoo! You will never take me alive!" The wolf tries to get lift off with her own jet back...wait, she doesn't have a jet pack...why doesn't she have a jet pack? Blast! She left it in the cave!

Coming to a skidding halt the wolf turns and charges for the officer and the stranger, swinging her energy sabers at them with deadly accuracy!

The exterminator parries the strike easily, activating his cattle prod, sending a wave of lightning along its length. Officer Boreale ducks and raps the wolf sharply with his baton.

The wolf yelps as the baton is struck over her back. She turns with dexterity that would rival weasels, lashing out with one blade to the officers head, another to his midriff while trying to parry against the exterminator with her other blades.

Boreale decides now would be a good time to avail himself of some donuts and dashes back to his space car. The exterminator holds the prod horizontally, and whips it around at the wolf's nose, activated.

Rioko would be the first to admit that her skills are getting soft from feasting on such easy prey. She however had no idea they were this sluggish. The cattle prod makes its mark and the beast stretches out as the electricity flows through her body. She drops her weapons, landing on her face with her rump sticking awkwardly in the air, smoke drifting from her fuzzy body. "Ow-w-w-w..."

Behind the visor, a look of pity passes over the exterminator's face. He glances up to the cops, and tosses a grenade on impulse. Smoke is emitted. When it's gone, there's only a starship with two beings in it blasting off to the edge of the cops' vision. Rioko and the exterminator are both gone.