Ruingate Overrun!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

It was minutes before dawn. Verahgo Venhashshashin's eyes drank in the mountains.

They dwarfed the great city they surrounded; a small reminder that even the grandest accomplishments made by paws were minor in comparison to nature's handiwork. He wondered what the view was like from up there. Not just on an ordinary day, but today with what was about to happen. Their dark shadows were just beginning to warm, a pinkish orange glow creeping out from the east.

His attention turned to the current task. He reviewed the measures he'd taken over the past two days. It had almost been too easy; and easy made Verahgo cautious. He didn't like easy. Chancing upon the Regent's young wife in the local tavern had been too perfect. She was such a talker. She'd told him about the invasion of Redwall Abbey and her husband's obligation to meet with the new leadership. She'd told him that they'd be leaving the city in the care of his younger siblings. She'd told him that regretfully, they would have to leave their darling children behind.


Taking advantage of the city's open gate policy to all beasts vermin, Verahgo put his plan into motion. In one's, two's, and three's visitors began to arrive in Ruingate. Some were looking for work, some were just passing through on their way north. Some were hoping to settle down and start a family, some were just loafers and vagrants. Their excuses and their appearances were deliberately varied. They dressed in plain clothes, smuggling weapons in under robes and cloaks. They drew no more attention to themselves than necessary, just settling into the background of a bustling city.

But not all of Verahgo's forces were assigned to infiltrate the city. His eyes gravitated back towards the mountains. Somewhere in the dark forests that carpeted those mountainsides, five score huddled in wait. Both those inside and outside the city anxiously awaited the signal, but Verahgo was patient. He was always patient. He'd once laid siege to a city for three months. He'd built a massive dam across a nearby river, patiently waiting for the water to back up and flood the city's sewers. Poisoning the city's springs had also taken a calm and unhurried mind. That city fell, as this one was about to.

He didn't need months this time. The timing had been too perfect. This city was in the midst of a prosperous but peaceful era. Without enemies, their city was stagnant. Their defenses were understandably lax. With their leaders absent, it was an opportunity Verahgo couldn't afford to miss. He calmly drank in the last few seconds of tranquility. The next few hours would be chaos, alive with the sound of ringing steel and screaming children. As much as Verahgo would savor that, he would treasure this moment. So quiet.

Breaking from the city's graveyard, Verahgo began down Via Narsalis towards the Regency. Slowly, others began to trickle out from hiding. They joined him, flanking him. Their pace was almost leisurely. He didn't even need to say anything. When the sun broke through over the treetops to the east, Verahgo's horde acted. He didn't bat an ear when the first whistling wave of arrows arced from the mountainsides over the city's walls. He was out of range; the guards on duty weren't. He knew now there were only a few more fragile seconds of peace. By the time the guards' brains registered pain, there would be immediate panic.

He heard the strangled cries, the frenzied shouts, the blaring horns. He just kept walking, unconcerned. All around him, chaos was born. The city's militia stormed towards the walltops to reinforce their fallen friends. He guessed the great city gates were already being sealed and bolted. But it was too late. If the guards expected an army to be waiting on their doorstep, they would be disappointed. The rocky pass was empty. Another volley of arrows screamed down upon the baffled guards. This was the signal for the rest of Verahgo's forces.

A pair of guards rushed right past the polecat, who continued towards the Regency without being harassed. How could attackers already be inside? They were obviously in the mountains. And if Verahgo and his escorts were the enemy, why were they so calm and composed? That deception wouldn't last much longer. By now, there was a new surge of confusion and outrage as Verahgo's horde stormed the guards on the walltops; but from within the city, not without. Now Ruingate would understand. Their enemy was already inside. Those friendly strangers who shared drinks and traded stories in The Skull and Candle for the past few days were now ruthless, bloodthirsty invaders. There would be heavy losses on both sides, Verahgo knew. But it was already too late for Ruingate.

He stepped onto the stone porch with purpose. On a whim, Verahgo reached for the door's knocker. He smartly rapped the door twice; a polite warning. Pushing the door open, Verahgo didn't even reach for the mace swinging from his belt.

"Honey, I'm hoooome!"

OOC notice!

First, I know the "I Love Lucy" reference isn't appropriate but that's just my sense of humor! :)

This is a preview of a new MP taking place in Ruingate. I've been talking with Jessy, Jirael, Bree and Violet about stirring up some RP for Ruingate and this is what we've come up with!

Basically, Ruingate will be taken over by Verahgo and the Horde of a Thousand Eyes. Who knows what's going to happen next but there are TONS of opportunity for RP on both sides! Whether you're with Ruingate or with Verahgo I'm positive there's a place for you!

This MP isn't about me or my character. I really want it to be about you. I'm always up to brainstorm. If you want to discuss how your character might fit into the MP just page me. Or you can skip the OOC part and just dive right in! :)

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Pass them by me or any of the Ruingate characters!

Oh and always remember: have fun. :)